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Everything posted by SawzAll

  1. Thanks everyone but please remember that this is not a flex thread. I'm basically doing a public experiment on 40 premium pack openings. When I get to 40, I'll release the results.
  2. In terms of staying rank 5, I'm definitely killing it! lol Some of those were overdue. But a lot of my items were on the verge of being max'd. Which is why I tell people that if I didn't like painting my mechs on my main, they'd be surprised at how many of my items were not max-myth black. Basically, I made rank 5 with only these items max'd: torsos and legs, distance shredder, mercy, and superb charge. Everything else was between 30 and 40 level myth when I made rank 5 the first time.
  3. 1) Who has it doesn't matter. 2) Not very remote to me: I got one on the day the defense matrix deal came out, and then in premium packs on the same day i got two more. Maybe it's a fluke, but without any scientific evidence (i.e. you interviewed 40 different players and asked them if they have a defense matrix), I can't agree.
  4. I would like to say, though, I appreciate you following the poll format. Good job posting!
  5. SawzAll: after the reciprocating saw. TableSaw: after another type of carpentry saw.
  6. That was directly from a rank 1 player on the balance team in a discussion we had on discord. Don't like it? Go on there and argue it with them, not me. And besides which, using methods to keep them from firing both frantics in one turn still cuts down on the damage and still works for me. (The other idea they suggested was have 170+ phys res.) Maybe, but it's the best we have for that. What, do you think everyone has two divine frantics and a divine claw lying around? WU isn't perfect, but it's a lot better than just a random opinion. What does that have to do with frantic brute? I haven't thought that Frantic > Spartan for a while now. I thought that Frantic was far too powerful for a non-premium compared to a premium like spartan carnage. But you seem oddly quick to discount the many users who have complained about frantic, which does include some rank 1-2's (if you read through the history on this forum I'm sure you'll find them). So let me ask you: what does all of your reply, where you try to make this more about me than about the actual subject, have to do with Frantic? Really nothing. The balance team has been mostly rank 1's since it was created. Do you seriously think the opinion of a rank 5 is going to override like five rank 1 players? Heck no. Which is what makes this attempt of ad hominem even more funny: I could be the most charismatic rank 5 in the universe and my opinion would never override that of the rank 1 players on the balance team. I'm on the team not just for experience, but perspective. But if you disagree with me being on the team, shoot an email to Alexander. Otherwise I'm just assuming this is jealousy or something. I don't think I'm someone special just because I'm on the balance team. So back to the topic: how does any of that change how Frantic is rather OP for a non-premium?
  7. I can agree with you: people shouldn't be insulting. However, at the same time, people shouldn't think that because they don't like a weapon, it must be nerfed. That's a very self-centered and selfish way to think. Insults aside, he's right. If you're scared of heat bomb, I'd be willing to wager it's because your heat stats need to be upgraded.
  8. The way to improve it is to replace Sith torso with a better torso.
  9. To those who can't understand how Spartan wins over Frantic, the explanation is RNG. Depending on RNG is like gambling (if gambling wasn't a parasite on society). You have about the same odds to roll high as low. If RNG is truly random (over time it is) then your odds of low and high shots are equal. Which is why dual frantic builds depend on hitting high. If you don't, you're just done. Which is why the less random a weapon is, the more consistent results you get.
  10. Because you don't like them. With all due respect, you might need to realize that just because you don't like something doesn't mean it needs to be removed from the game. I hate Frantic Brute but you don't see me saying it needs to be removed. Well technically physical mechs are still #1 in this game. But yes, Heat Bombs and EMPs help level the playing field.
  11. Tell that to the top rank players using The Claw that I can't beat yet The Claw is totally viable even after the Massive Feet came out. In my opinion it just depends on build. It's not in the current META list that I know of, sure, but it still makes an appearance often.
  12. Please fill out a base delete request above. But keep in mind Alexander has lowered the cost of building common items, so the base is actually a lot better now (in my opinion).
  13. Pretty solid. And seems to be more or less an adaptation of the old claw-scope monkey meta: But why are you using heat hook?
  14. I'm interested in helping to moderate this club. And all 3 of the build clubs.
  15. I would like to start off by thanks Vassago from the discord. He ran 40 tests on a dual frantic brute versus a dual spartan carnage mech and came up with the results. SHORT STORY: Dual Spartan Carnage wins 29 out of 40 matches in WU (72% roughly) against Dual Frantic Brute. LONG STORY: In WU, two identical mechs were created, each with either dual Frantic or dual Spartan. In these 40 matches, Vassago made sure they both started out with two shots by moving the mechs around and/or shutting down. Below are the configurations he used. ANALYSIS: First, this probably means that my constant complaint about Frantic Brute not being weaker than Spartan Carnage may be wrong. Maybe Spartan Carnage is actually premium. However, Second, this means it may be the effects of RNG + additional shots. Frantic Brute's average damage is 360 versus Spartan Carnage's 323 (without arena buffs). But it also may reflect the fact that the amount of variance in Frantic (310 range of damage at divine) is inferior to Spartan Carnage's 170 damage range. Meaning RNG has less of a powerful effect on Spartan Carnage's damage output, but a much stronger effect on Frantic Brute's damage output. Third, however, if I might theorize, if people are hacking SM using tools intended to increase the damage output by injecting higher random numbers into the game artificially, that Frantic Brute is the preferred weapon of the hacker, as you stand to gain more by injecting random number hacks with Frantic. I'm not suggesting that people hack, or saying that this is possible, just that my unscientific opinion is that your hackers are more likely to be wielding dual frantics, if they're performing RNG hacks. Finally, because this is a test in WU, i.e. an artificial sandbox, it's not possible to assume fights like this would go the same way in SuperMechs. But it's about as close as we're going to get without literally building two identical divine mechs in SM and then fighting them with two accounts. (But if you're interested in doing that, please contact me.) CONCLUSION: I'd like to thank Vassago for the raw output of his tests. I've been really busy with school, and he helped me quite a bit. If you'd like to help me test various things in WU, contact me please.
  16. Hopefully this isn't sarcasm. Hopefully what I said helped. Because that's really my goal: to help, not to harass. It's human nature, when we're not in a good place, to attack things. SM has buggy apps. It's not perfect. But I think it's actually a half way decent game.
  17. No, as in non-premium as in 2 shots instead of 3. What I'm saying is make Frantic Brute identical in stats to Spartan (which would nerf it) but keep it 2 shots. Because as is, Frantic gets too close to outperforming Spartan Carnage for a non-premium. Not really. I have discovered some information provided by one of our players running a more or less scientific WU test on this concept. I will release this test info in a few minutes.
  18. Prove it. Give me the testimonies of 40 people. (It's generally understood in behavioral scientific research that you need about 40 data points before you can generalize from a data study). True. But given that I have a direct statement from the CEO of the company, I think if there's a "winner", it's me. Or really, the winner is Alexander. But I digress.
  19. So you read what Alex said and still didn't get it? Seriously, you're only proving the joke from the movie Team America: some people are only interested in krapping on everything. It was written to everyone who says SM is dying. If you're replying, what does that say about your conscience? My reply was an open and general statement to everyone. If it causes you guilt, it's up to you what to make of that. I'm not digging through this dumpster fire thread to find your reply. And I wasn't pointing my reply at you specifically (again). If you have ideas please put them in the Suggestions area of the forum. Plenty of people have already posted some really good ideas there.
  20. Today on discord Alexander officially said the game is nowhere close to dying. Now you have evidence in right. So maybe instead of telling us it's dying, which is BS, instead tell us how we can improve the game, because we want to make things better.
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