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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. 10 minutes ago, Raphmach said:

    the stupid thing i did is 

    buy white paints, and then the next day i remove it 

    bought pink paints and then next week its removed 

    bought green paints and then not even a week old its already gone 

    (on repeat) 

    moral : never buy paint 


    Me too i had does a bad thing :

    on a old account ( i remove it now after the "accident" ) , i decided to do a challenge with a friend : to fight and the one lose had to spin the wheels and buy that mech from the shop .

    Imagine what happen... i don't that not hard to guess... yes i lose, and so i should buy the fierce plasma ( it cost 1350-1400 tokens) 

    It still stupid to be the organizer of challenge and lose ..

  2. 4 minutes ago, Kanigo29 said:

    What mechs do you like more? Heat Mechs or Hybrid Mehcs?

    is only heat mech or hybrid or is just some example ?


    If is only heat of hybrid :

    hard to say mmh.. maybe hybrid for destroy one thing i hate : Counter mech 

    also i don't like explosive mech, the heat mech are more "defensive" so battle last longer what i don't really like .


    If is just some example :

    without hesistation the electric mech ( my name, that not for nothing my pseudo is "Electro" , _ , ), the energy mech is also a mix of heat and physical mech, 2 element in 1, interessant.. and for that :


    My favorite torso..

  3. 15 minutes ago, AftoKrator said:

    don't. self-killing snipers are no good. maybe usefull if you got 6k hp. 

    That didn't effecient, i suggest only use it if you have mmh.. maybe 768.000 hp so only titan can use this weapon and again that not always effecient !

    ( is ironic, i don't if is funny or not..)


    Remark : the mech with the best hp stats possible is this :


  4. 19 minutes ago, Kanigo29 said:

    I thought you only needed 100% xp to pass a level But i guess i was wrong


    That just a visual bug, the game count the xp into a whole number ( for example 99.8% is not a whole number) for display only, not in the data what creat this result if your amount of xp is close to 100% without exceeding it .

  5. 1 hour ago, SawzAll said:

    No because Nightmare is better than Brutality (in my opinion).

    I'm aggree with that 



    - nighmare is lighter ( - 26 weight )

    - it have better hp ( + 166 )

    - it have better cooling ( + 9 )

    - and it have more physical resist ( +11 )


    lower energy cap ( - 30 )


    The nightmare seems better than the brutality except in energy cap but with other advantages i think nightmare would better.

    ( i could be wrong, i am just rank 11 )

  6. 3 hours ago, Legendary Mech SM said:

    upgrade leges 50 mythical

    The legs is maybe one mistake to maxed it, it don't give so many stats ( only a few of hp and resist didn't increase with level for massive ) maybe only claw is a possibility for max it .

  7. 45 minutes ago, Energy Boi said:

    easy way so people can't go out of range is dual night eagle with backstabber pulls people so much :)) can't say much though because I have none of those items

    we can just camping the 7-8 range .

    but if you want a top weapon for hugger , distance shreeder is generally better ; it was lightest and is more effecient for gets closer to the opponent even it have less use .

    ( also don't necroposting, i do the same error me too but i know now )

  8. 44 minutes ago, Energy Boi said:

    Ok so I have a heat mech and I need advice on what to do I think adding sorrow to it would be good if I had a sorrow share anything you think would be good for my mech and I already know about modules and don't expect much because I'm rank 12 from them. This Mech Is Not Finished so don't be expecting a lot from it ok here it is:


    Screenshot 2022-03-01 8.02.29 AM.png

    Screenshot 2022-03-01 8.02.26 AM.png

    I reccomended to add a magma recoiler for preventing the opponent to camping at the first range .

    Of course the module are isn't finished, maybe solve this problem as soon as possible, it is very handicapping.

    Othewize i don't see another problem .

  9. I build not very decent but i love use it .


    Is a mix of melee mech with Rock poiliser + the stomp and Scope , if you noticed yes no range was ranged by 2 weapons and it play especially with some combo :

    Ejection blast + scope ( range 4-5 )

    Rock polisher + stomp ( range 1-2 ) 

    Superb charge + rock polisher ( range 3/6 )

    Cockpit piercer + falcon ( range 7 )

    Or even 

    Teleporter + scope

    Yes i did a analyse on a mech not very strong, don't tell me why, i don't know what i do that .. 

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