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    epicspeedster reacted to WarrMachine in Increasing Rewards for Top Players   
    This thread is a copy paste of a reply I made back on the old forum, on a thread about helping SuperMechs improve. You can find the original post here, at least until the old forum dies. I've gone back through the post and believe all the ideas have stood the test of time, so I'm reposting it here. Thanks in advance for reading.
    In my opinion, one of the best ways to improve the player experience while increasing retention and revenue is to greatly increase the reward for top clans and players. Below I’ll elaborate a list of changes that will provide incentive for everyone to keep playing and paying. First off and most importantly, provide the top 6 clans with rewards instead of the top 3. It’s always baffled me that the top 6 clans get recognized in game but only the top 3 get rewarded. Increased reward range to top 6 offer huge incentive for a wide variety of clans (which encapsulate a larger margin of the p2w playerbase) to play and spend more to get better at the game.

    Top 3 clan rewards changed to the following:
    1st - 3 Epic Power kits and 5 Premium boxes ( + Gold Clan Medal) 2nd - 3 Epic Power kits and 4 Premium boxes ( + Silver Clan Medal) 3rd - 3 Epic Power kits and 3 Premium boxes ( + Bronze Clan Medal) 4th, 5th, and 6th placed clan rewards get added as follows:
    4th - 2 Epic Power kits and 2 Premium boxes 5th - 2 Epic Power kits and 1 Premium box 6th - 1 Epic Power kit and 1 Premium box This offers at least some incentive for lower ranked clans to grind their way up and have a chance at some rewards, as opposed to getting top 6 for nothing. I’d also like to see increased rewards for the top 3 players, as the gold rewards seem a little low given how much gold it actually takes to upgrade items. Top 10 players rewards are also added as follows.

    Top 3 player rewards changed to the following:
    1st - 5,000,000 Gold ( + Gold Solo Medal) 2nd - 2,500,000 Gold ( + Silver Solo Medal) 3rd - 1,500,000 Gold ( + Bronze Solo Medal) 4th through 10th player rewards get added as follows:
    4th and 5th - 1,000,000 Gold 6th through 10th - 500,000 Gold It’s really that simple. I’ve come across a lot of players who are in this position of ‘good, but not great’ and have diminishing incentive to play the game. It’s somewhat depressing watching their efforts go to waste without any reward, and no chance to break into the top 3 clans/players. You don’t even have to increase the drop rates for these rewards to provide a huge incentive, although I’m sure we’d all appreciate it if a ‘% chance of a L-M item not currently in inventory’ feature was added. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Hauer Horatio in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    not bad . I maxed it
  3. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Ozen in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    From the 15 pack offer 
  4. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to W.P.O.T.W in Supermechs is full of bullshit   
    is filling out a form and waiting few days so infuriating?
  5. Haha
    epicspeedster reacted to Matias153 in The silver box does not appear in the store   
    Yes, I have the base activated
  6. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Yuki_20 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my drops from todays offer

    also made r9 by outplaying this guy

  7. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from rc in F2P Mech Module Configs   
    on a heat torso, en stats are kinda bad, on a en torso its meh, it works but no space for res or plate
  8. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Well three of these now but still no mighty protecter 

  9. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from rc in Where are the other admins like sarah darkstares and others except alex what happened to others   
    darkstare quit, fryestare still plays
  10. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from SawzAll in F2P Mech Module Configs   
    on MPV and Fractured, cooling can be a bit annoying against good boilers, especially before you myth mods, I like having res and 3 cooling boosters
  11. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to WinzKay in Book of SuperMechs' World Records   
    Welcome to the SuperMechs Book of World Records!

    Here, in the list below, we have a list of records held currently by ...
    -  a player / clan of the game
    -  a member of the forum
    It can be broken or is being attempted.


    Most Medals (players): bestplayeroftheworld  (267)

    Most Medals (clans): HardToKill (255)

    Most Gold Medals (single): bestplayeroftheworld (32)

    Most Gold Medals (clan): DaddyTx (110)

    Most Gold Medals (clans): Reign Reforged (112)

    Most Silver Medals (single): CANOPY (17)

    Most Silver Medals (clan): bestplayeroftheworld (73)

    Most Silver Medals (clans): *HardToKill (91)

    Most Bronze Medals (single): CANOPY (12)

    Most Bronze Medals (clan): bestplayeroftheworld (92)

    Most Bronze Medals (clans): Littlelost your lost (101)


    Most Arena Points (players): CleverName (505)

    Most Arena Points (clans):Trolls fast (5645)

    First +200 Arena Points (players):Lord Gorgon

    First +300 Arena Points (players):CleverName

    First +400 Arena Points (players):CleverName

    First +500 Arena Points (players): CleverName

    First +5000 Arena Points (clans): Reign Reforged

    Most Arena Wins (players / Reloaded): Made in Vietnam (3600)

    Most Arena Wins (players / pre-Reloaded): bestplayeroftheworld (2500)

    Most Arena Wins (clans): A TOP BR OFC (10881)


    Most Gold: GameSmasher (309,497,740)

    Most Tokens: CleverName (120,006)

    Most Clan Coins: bestplayeroftheworld  (36633)

    Most Clan Coins (one round): druss (33252)

    Most Titan Tickets (one round):epicspeedster (557)

    Most Inventory Slots: CleverName (1000)

    Most Legendary/Mythical/Divine Items: CleverName (657)

    Most Arena Coins: DarkJailu (12959)


    Most Damage Titan (3 battles): druss33 (639,890)

    Most Damage Titan (single shot): Ricemech88 (3135)

    Most Turns (battle): Atusiff / liam36287 (1767)

    Most Premium Packs/Boxes Opening In a Row: CleverName (50 Packs / 250 Boxes)

    Most Premium Packs/Boxes Opened Total:CleverName (3250 Packs / 16250 Boxes)

    Most Platinum Platings: CleverName (25)

    Highest Score Clan War: Invicktus (5183)

    List of GOAT Winners:
    Z Particle
    [SG] Black Goat Killer
    List of FOAT Winners
    CleverName (3v3)
    REVERZE (1v1)

    Forum (Old)

    Most Likes Received: WinzKay (24,797)

    Most Likes Given: rc1 (35,226)

    Most Votes in One Poll: Nemesis9 (323)

    Unfortunately, the function that enabled other users to edit the topic in the old forum does not exist in this forum, thus temporarily pausing the continuation of this project. If I am just blind and unable to locate the buttons that lead me to open up the topic for others to edit, then please let me know. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the update that allows this function to exist appears in the meantime.
    This was last edited on 28/02/2021. All records are of times before this date so please do not be offended if your new record is not showing up on this list.
    Thanks once again, WinzKay.

  12. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Jiyoon in Book of SuperMechs' World Records   
    I might have the most arena coins 😁
    Also, I got the highest like-to-post ratio, just like the old forum 😋
    (If I have not spent money for the backfire heatbomb, I also would like to nominate for the best f2p in the game, now kinda regret that lol)


  13. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to MasterChief in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    finally mythed this bad boi 😄

  14. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Androphonia in Isn't zarkares a litte op?   
    Very much the opposite, needs buff
    Honestly some of these make me shake my head so hard that im scared my neck will snap and my head will fall off
  15. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Benja07 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Lvl 200 gift
  16. Haha
    epicspeedster reacted to CleverName in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Finally switched to base. From new to max in 30 min xD

  17. Like
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    epicspeedster reacted to HeIIfire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    This was from a few days ago, but big flex that I never shared here I think 

  19. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Sparks in Isn't zarkares a litte op?   
    I'm facepalming so hard my dude...

    What rank are you?
  20. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Typhon4273 in Isn't zarkares a litte op?   
    Actually it needs a buff
  21. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to danger in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Flexing my axe trios

  22. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to bumbum in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Good bye monkey

  23. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Burn Baby Burn in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my 3rd max prot !!! base is good 🥳

  24. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Norman in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  25. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from MasterChief in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
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