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Posts posted by khan

  1. 4 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Yeah mine is divine, and my vest, and three platinums, and half the things on my mech. They still get through.

    As ironic as this might sound this is honestly a concerning skill issue, from the replays you're just versing phys counters with frantics varying from ranks 5 to 4, in 2v2.

    I haven't seen anyone that is an actual top rank complain about frantic since it's rework, because they simply do not exist in r3+, dual carnage is far more opressive and reliable. 

    Have to also note that it's 2v2 week so having 2 heat/phys and an energy mech to counter counters is generally a good idea 😄

    There's several people constantly racking r1 that haven't spent a lot (I've spent a little over 100usd) and people that spent nothing to little at all and even got solo medals (Mr Lord/Silver Shadow(?)). So throwing "i spent 1k usd on the game" as your first opening argument is a bit dumb in my opinion. 

    Do take this with a grain of salt as I'm r1 every season but, learn to play better. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, AugustParadise said:

    я немного не понял,при чëм тут видео на ютубе?

    Немного попутал, смотрел ютуб, сейчас всё должно быть нормально. 

  3. Привет, 

    Можно зделать заявку на отключения крепость здесь.

    Зто можно занять несколько недель или месяцев, потому что Gato отключают крепости по тысячам сразу. 

    Но, крепость лучше чем серебряные сундуки, даже на первом уровне.

    Напиши мне если есть другие вопросы 😄



  4. Just now, Redskullhead49 said:

    Buff my Physical Drone drops.

    We can't really do anything about your drops, as it's purely rng and Gato doesn't do favors for particular people.

    My advice to you is to save tokens and buy 2k/3k/4k offers, since they have a bunch of packs they're bound to drop a physical drone 😄

  5. 28 minutes ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

    lol  @Asther you wanted proof on something I sad back then in the update topic right? Here is one thing. So about those milliona of unique logins, dont think there will be "Millions" for long with those smurfs. LOL

    If your "proof" is 5 people on a forum, so be it.

    However much you might say the game is dead and has huge problems, it's doing far better and has fewer issues currently with Gato as opposed to when Tacticsoft did 🙂

    It's normal for newer players to struggle against players that played for a bit  longer, too, goes for any game. 

    I'll be locking the thread before it goes into another flamewar of who's right and who did what, but do PM me if you've questions 😄

  6. 1 hour ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

    tell alex stop banning these USEFUL players from the server and stop letting the NON 13 (game required age) kids in the server and letting them whine all the time while the rest of us hide because arguing with a child is pointless and problematic maybe just maybe some of them will know. I was banned from the server due to "favoritsm"  "hypocrisy" and I am choosing hypocrisy.

    Targetting isnt what he meant, you ever heard of smurfs buddy? the low ranks down therr cant do a damn thing without a dual frantic or OEMP or UPC smurf breathing on them. we get it your r3-1 but think about possibilities of how to smurf, not all of these players are dumb enough to get r5 with mechs they cant win with

    alex and the others said they wont be disabling base and its been proven for a while...months? why should it take months when sarah an old base disable forum admin from tactisoft could do it within 3 days...yeah we need a disable button..

    another thing the player base IS going down. There arent multiple servers anymore, they have been merged and the merge was done by tactisoft a year ago. players experienced this by refreshing the game  chatting via discord with actually different player counts and unsuccessful pairings against players in arena and a big EXAMPLE. people were in english chat in 1 server while other players were not able to see them due to the multi server count, if I can recall it was 2-3 servers....lmao camapign doesnt count as a darn server, who told you this?! theres a reason why when sm "slows down" and arena is inaccessable the only thing available without a problem is campaign

    and from experience....ts had less PROBLEMS than gato has...TS never had arena in x1 gameplay speed...as some players have experienced LAG BY A TON may I say this again...arena being inaccessable has been for the 3rd time within a week and the highest? I get it some of you guys dont play as long as some of us do and for like an hour and hop off. but some of us hop on for 2 hours a day consecutively or more to actually experience this, we dont throw complaints and helpful suggestions from the back of our heads, theres a reason no trade topics exist anymore..

    portals are slow...some of these players dont wanna login to do unbeatable fights against smurfs at r15 when they can barely pass r17 if smurfs are active..base being too slow and AUTOMATICALLY added for new players is a dreadful experience...players are DROPPING FROM LACK OF PROGRESS SPEED, get your head out of the clouds man god dam.

    the reason it takes months to disable a base? because NEW PLAYERS GET THEM AUTOMATICALY we need a choice just like FPS shooter games giving the choice and adjustments of buttons for a new player, or do you only play sm? lol

    so as I was saying....if someones stuck on campaign and can barrly win 5-10 battles a day and arent perma r10 material, chances are they will quit before we do. especially those who finished campaign.

    10 tokens a day is too little for some of those people, people who spam ads...idk how they have so much free time, i barely get 10 minutes before I have to do a random chore or get bored. raid as I said has weapon requirements and has not been fair for new players...not everyone has more than 1-2 strong mechs THIS FORCED way of playing is why sm is losing players, THINK DUDE...THINK



    I want you to give me the source of every bit of info you have sent here, thanks

  7. 5 hours ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

    right back at you, do people like you even care to explain WHY?

    Right, where can i begin to cite what is wrong with this post.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    The global chat is in its 200 player count

    SuperMechs has multiple servers dependant on where you are in the game: campaign, raid, arena, main menu etc.
    In these servers there's also more servers.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    The player base is going down.

    Player base is really not going down at all, quite the opposite, it's been growing and growing ever since Gato bought out SM from Tacticsoft.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    New players are targeted by players that are dropping to rank 15 and farming them.

    "Targeting" doesn't really exist in lower ranks, people that play for longer will, naturally, have the upper hand in having more playtime which leads to better upgraded weapons.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    There has not been new weapon add. No nerfs or buffs.

    Gato's been busy with the development of BattleDawn 2, and an ene buff/revamp is planned after it's release.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    Remaster God mode.

    God Mode has been the biggest balancing problem in legacy, despite being nerfed SIX times, was still meta all throughout legacy until reloaded.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    Bring back boxes for doing mission, achievements. Add new stuff like and battle pass.

    Achievements are a 1 time claim. And the battle pass already kind of exists in the form of the token pass for 4.99$.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    Change the shop. Add drops and items that people can buy.

    Even if buying specific items WAS added to the game, you wouldn't be able to buy legendary-mythic items, the equivalent of mythics in legacy, which you weren't able to buy. 🙂


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    Make it easier to gain xp, sm coin, and tokens.

    All of these are really accessible resources.
    Coins through OD8, xp through OD6, and tokens through all of these : Ads, daily quests, special quests, raid, portals.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    Give people the choice to have or not have the base.

    People can choose to disable base via the forum application, which will take a few weeks/months since the staff team disables bases in batches, not one at a time.


    On 8/16/2022 at 11:57 PM, STODA said:

    The game will become successful. If the community help the devs out. Alot of people have ideas.

    Game is already very successfull with it having dozens of investors, on the financial company site. The community does help the developer (Alex is the only one working on SM, mind you), take for example Raul, Marija or even Elcent who were just like everyone normal SM players, and become administrators on SM.

    You see, you would know all of these things if you would be in the discord server where everyone chats and helps, but instead there's tons and tons and tons of the same old "HURRR DURR GAME DEAD XDDDDDD DEVELOPER BAD". Alexander also participates and chats a ton.

    The game is constantly being updated server-side and back end, during TS era there were dozens of maintenances and server outages, with gato these became very rare.
    And as i previously stated, BD2 is pretty much complete and is in beta from what i heard, so in a few months SM will get more attention.

    TL;DR : game not dead lol it has over a million unique monthly logins

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