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Posts posted by khan

  1. If you believe a player(s) is cheating or has suspicious behavior please make sure to report them via this form :


    We depend on our community's reports to make the game as enjoyable and cheat-free as possible. 

    The thread will be locked to prevent further hackusations and similar things. 

  2. You may change your supermechs account email in a few simple steps:

    1. Head over to https://forum.supermechs.com/forum/ucp.php and use your supermesupermechs account to log in. 

    2. On the right hand side, click on User Control Panel. Screenshot_20221114_233638_com.huawei.browser_edit_482486163264397.jpg.e4ada61170fa1b072894989eedaa0daf.jpg

    3. After accessing the control panel, click on Edit account settingsScreenshot_20221114_233731_com.huawei.browser_edit_482494758001896.thumb.jpg.5207a26d256ff862a0fd73ed77060c96.jpg

    4. You will be greeted by this menu, to change your email adress all you have to do is fill in your new email into Confirm e-mail addres, enter your supermechs password into Current Password and click submit. 


    5. Check your e-mail that's associated with your supermechs account, make sure to check the spam folder as it usually ends up in there. 

    After you've done all these steps you should have a new e-mail linked to your account 😄

  3. 7 hours ago, knarf said:

    So, this behavior does violate TOS rules: 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2   I would suggest reporting these players.  You can do so through the game settings (gear icon top right of screen -> Support)  The more reports of these actions the greater chance this issue can be fixed.

    It really does not violate, mate. 

    As of the current ToS, 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 go as follows:

    2.2 User Conduct: When using Services, You agree to participate in any conversation, contribution or conduct in a friendly and courteous manner, without inciting hate or maliciously attempt to circumvent any other User's participation. Moreover, You agree not to use Your User Account to:

    2.2.1 Farming: Participate in any activity within Services for the sole purpose of gaining Game Resources, without participating in actual gameplay; and/or acquiring Game Resources in order to sell them to other Users in exchange for cash, payment or other benefits; establishing Users for the sole purpose of transferring Game Resources to Your other accounts. You shall not solicit or endorse any 3rd party to participate in Services in order to convey Game Resources to You.

    2.2.2 Fraud: Participate in any activity meant for fraud or to encourage other Users to convey funds, Game Resources or other assets into Your possession. You shall not use automated processes, scripts or macros during gameplay. You shall not employ any script based on reverse engineering or manipulation of any communication between Yourself and Services.

    While true, 2.2 does menion that the player should be civilized and not make the others react in a hateful manner or influence how others act. But this category goes about what you should not do with your account. 

    2.2.1 Mentions that you should not get their (Gato's) Services through illegitimate means. This also goes over the fact that you are not allowed to sell or buy supermechs accounts, or use 3rd party softwares like a hacked client or an autoclicker. 

    Before i cover what 2.2.2 does I'd like to mention that this is what Services means:

    Services: All content and services supplied by battledawn.com, battlegate.net, supermechs.com including any objects, pages, software and intellectual property stored on said sites, including flash games and any other software downloaded from websites to Your computer. 

    Keep in mind that this section only says you should not get their Services without playing the game, but in our case, smurfing is quite literally deliberately going out of your way to derank, making the player play more. 

    Now, 2.2.2 mentions you should not make another player hand you their resources, and to not use blacklisted modifications. 

    I'm by no means defending smurfing or condoning anyone that does practice it, it just sounds a bit sumb that people are making such a big fuss out of it as you can always just play multiplayer later as you only need to get 5 wins per day for maximum rewards. 

  4. 4 hours ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

    negative using the Base ...
    ❌ to get items to fuse / for upgrading the cost for these items is 7 (❗) times more expensive (Gold cost)
    ❌ you need +50 Million Gold until all Factories & Gold Mines are on max Level
    ❌ you need some months until all Factories & Gold Mines are on max Level

    I really don't know where you're getting the "7 times more expensive" from.

    As it currently is a 5x silver box that contains 15 items costs 32,500.image.png.47e11fe316701a0237d5ae798607aa2b.png

    With that same ammount of gold you can get 32 common items from base.

    Sure it takes 6 months to max out base and the ammounts of gold it takes is high, but if you play atleast semi-actively the gold part of won't be much of an issue.

    Base is simply more practical, as it gives passive gold, with a capacity of 75k per mine at level 20, which basically generate free 300k gold every 2 days (51 hours if you want the exact time necessary). Can silver boxes generate free gold? Don't think so.image.png.6251486843af22563427f378e9c3c003.png

    On top of that, gold allows you to mass produce power kits which are more efficient to upgrade as they give extra power, for example a level 20 power kit takes 38k power to max but it gives 50k power when fused into another item.

    Let's not even mention the epic cards that can drop legendaries, i myself have crafted over 350 of them since i maxed base, and gotten a little over 80~ legendaries, including several useful premiums such as valiant, platinum plating, quad core etc.
    You can find almost all these drops in my spreadsheet here base drops.xlsx

    Besides, eventually the option to disable base will be removed completely and everyone will be forced into using base, like it was intended, so the sooner you invest into maxing your base the sooner it will pay off 😜

    TL;DR : Base is good.

  5. It depends on what you're aiming to get.

    For late game players i would recommend 3k only cause they gaurantee a premium module, but for newer players or mid ranks I'd recommend the 4k one, as it provides more resources, gold is always good, 24 packs handout more items and the 2000 arena coins will boost your arena shop and arena performance overall. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Zerokayl said:

    Second of all, why didn't I get an option to exchange them for power kits? And would there still be an option to exchange them somewhere? Anywhere?

    Normally there is an option in the inventory menu to transform your legacy items into power kits, but sometimes it just deletes the items. No idea what the cause is either.

  7. Considering you played during 2015/2016 and just came back, there's quite a few things to catch up on.

    Around august 2017 the game had a major update, as we call it Reloaded, and the time before that Legacy, what probably happened is that every legacy item that you had has been removed due to this update, which is weird cause there should be an option to exchange those items into power kits.

    That should explain why your items have been wiped.

    Can we return your items? Unfortunately not, besides, 99% of legacy items aren't useful anymore compared to the updated, reloaded items.

    With that out the way, welcome back to supermechs, Pilot.

  8. Yes, we still do disable bases.

    However, it may take a few weeks or even months for it to be disabled as our community managers disable bases in batches (multiple, usually hundreds of accounts at once). The reason for this is that disabling bases is not a high priority for us, as we even insist for you to use base, as even at level 1 it is way more efficient than silver boxes.

  9. Currently in top ranks (r3+), fortresses are mandatory as they give a huge ammount of resistance and bonus hp, while only taking one module slot.

    The standard module layout is this:

    It maximizes module and stat efficiency.

    Now back to the main question, platinum platings are neglibile for some builds that want more beefier elemental stats, but usually you're going to need at most 1 plate per mech.

  10. 14 minutes ago, VB said:

    - Is the drop rate the same on all three difficulties, or is it more likely that you get a box if you win on a higher difficulty?
    - Is the chance of getting a legendary better on a higher difficulty?

    Box drop rate is more or less the same across all difficulties. 

    I can't say for sure as we don't know the % chance for legendaries on each difficulty. 

  11. Trick or treat, pilots!

    First and foremost, happy halloween to everyone celebrating.

    As for such holiday there is a portal today, and i'm here to respond to some Frequently Asked Questions by the playerbase, be it here or the discord server.

    1. Is the portal farmable?
    It is! You can play the portal on any difficulty and it will still grant boxes with goodies sometimes, be it the Pumpkin Perk or even Legendaries. Not every box contains the goodies though, you have to get lucky!

    2. How do i know this portal is grindable or not?
    It is fairly simple to tell if a portal is farmable or not. If you get ascension relics when you clear a difficulty for the first time, it means that it's a 1 time clear portal. If it does not, and drops perks instead, you can farm it as much as your heart desires.

    3. Is it a good portal?
    It absolutely is. For clearing the normal difficulty, you get 120 tokens, for hard difficulty, 140 tokens and for clearing insane, you get a whopping 160 tokens. All totalling out to 420 whole tokens! On top of all, for your first clear you get a better box, containing a legendary or even two.

    4. Should i buy refills?
    If you want to maximize your profits from the portal, you can use those 420 tokens for refills, with which you may get even more goodies.

    5. Does the portal drop legendaries?
    It does, though you have to put some time into it to get results and items.

    6. Are the boxes better?
    Considering this is a special event, a portal, yes, the boxes are indeed better! They can drop legendaries if you're lucky enough.

    7. Can you drop fortune boxes from this portal?
    Fortune boxes are a possible drop from this portal if you do decide to grind it, although they are rare, and will require a lot of runs.

    8. Is box drop rate the same across all difficulties?
    Box drop rate should be more or less the same across normal, hard and insane difficulties.

    9. Is the legendary chance higher on harder difficulties?
    We aren't informed on the exact percentage of the legendary drop rates, so we can't say for sure. Although generally, the harder difficulty usually yields better results!

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

  12. 21 minutes ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

    surprised this wasnt closed for "witch hunting"

    This isn't really witch hunting as it doesn't harass/go after 1 player in particular. 

    Besides, this behaviour is normal, lowering your rank is not against the ToS in any way, shape or form. On top of that there isn't a set trajectory for the game, so people enjoy it how they can and want.

    While sure it frustrates the newer players, but it also should encourage them to play more and win against these kinds of people. 

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