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Everything posted by Spam

  1. Spam

    new updape

    Nice you hide it.
  2. Reckless beam, night fall, annihilation, backbreaker, sacrifice cannon, night eagle, and rock recoiler.
  3. It an old thing, older torsos had legs of their respective elements res while more of the other elements res. Like vests, c-m torsos(nightmare and others), wendigo, brutality, avenger, naga and grim reaper these are only some though.
  4. True, but even then people can still just walk out of range. Nice though, it's hard to get items to myth.
  5. You called him a noob yet he's just another f2p that can't get into high rank because of heat bombs, What do you have on your heat mech?
  6. True, make it a better version of rapid destruction but worse than brute.
  7. Spam

    new updape

    You got down voted 3 times and this might be the first time lol. But I think a balance update or something was going to come out.
  8. complaining about anything isn't going to help so if you think it's dying then give us some good proof, I've also been playing since legacy, and I don't think it's dying so saying that it's dying because of how much it's different from legacy won't help you. Also the game in legacy had no campaign only arena, and saying that base is slowing down progress and killing the game is even more unsupported and opinionistic, as I have used base and silver boxes and base is currently better and makes it easier to develop as a new player using base as long as you upgrade everything in base not just one thing and then struggling to do the rest when they finally need to. The game is the same as before the only difference is that it's harder to get bored ino and harder to get higher rank using heat mechs unlike legacy, In legacy it was easier to gain progress than reloaded but took less time and got boring faster. The game is not growing and is probably not going to become the next big thing anytime soon, but that's doesn't mean it's dying either in fact it's just stagnating from what I've seen last.
  9. So your saying after your first mechs, "dies" and your second mech comes out you lose a turn? I don't have that problem and I don't think that many other people do either, maybe report the bug.
  10. I see you decided to make them have some variety by adding different paints. Nice mechs though, a lot like the old zarkares meta(at least I think it was once the meta, only it has annihilation instead of mercy), what drone?
  11. True, unless you can out dmg them which is hard.
  12. Nice, I find it good on my phys mech too.
  13. You need superb charge then, to bad it's an l-m
  14. Tbh, playing a physical mech is pretty easy and huggers are even easier, not trying to be toxic or anything but using a phys hugger imo is just easy.
  15. Don't ever go down to rank 12 even if you aren't trying it's where all the full divine smurf guys are, I got dropped down there and almost dropped to rank 13, like wtf

    1. OKI DOKI
    2. Spam


      I can never figure out smurfs, why bully rank 12's and make the game harder? 

  16. 490 rep. only 10 away!

  17. Good? Bad? I'll make the other variants and types after seeing the replies, I feel like it's lacking something anyone know what it is? Apparently, I can't make top weapons that aren't scope like XD
  18. I can't deal with heat bombs that good and I'm rank 10-11, so the difference is not dealing with it but seeing how it is later, also mid ranks take forever to get out of and heat bomb is good there so getting good wouldn't help unless you spend around $1000 or something crazy like that.
  19. Not getting robbed, your using it, I have been playing for a very long time and I can tell you its been this way for a very long time, at least that I remember.
  20. The game is not dying or doing that good, the game is fine but could be better. From a higher rank pov you don't have much to do other than arena, sadly that's sm is, as a new to mid rank player campaign and upgrading items is very hard, takes time and keeps them around. Most people have only quit because flash died, but that doesn't mean sm died to, there are so many other ways to play sm that don't use flash, not many people at lower ranks which make up a good amount of sm are even on the forum so you don't know what they're doing, if you only look at the forum then the game is dying, but if you look at all the other parts of the game the the game is doing fine.
  21. I like the idea, but clicking for crafting cards means I can flex my cps, and for people with high cps and people like to click there's no point, but the majority of player play on mobile so it's probably better is this gets added.
  22. You can't call people a "scrub" when you've probably done the same thing as them, asking for something to be nerfed doesn't mean you're bad, people just have a lower tier weapons and they might even be better than rank 1 players in strategy but have worse stuff, unless you battle them while they use a max mythed mech you'll never know. Low ranks will always be easy to get out of if you have good weapons same with mid ranks, at higher ranks though you need to be smarter about your builds, getting there is hard but staying there is harder.
  23. Charge does a lot of damage and using a legendary lvl 1 charge can do 100 dmg
  24. True, but thats energies handicap and emp does not need a handicap.
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