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Everything posted by Spam

  1. Just reported a raid bug abuser, feeling good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spam


      Go to profile<edit profile<enable status updates

    3. W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T


      Oh- Many thanks for the help.


    4. Spam
  2. XD. But this idea is an option not something you have to use, just saying... Also caught in 4k (people need to stop giving me an excuse to do this)
  3. Drone, with no name rn comment a name pls...(still need a better one for the energy one, should include "shot" in it) Names suggestions by @SonnY-ku(heat one is modified and energy one is by @Kenmawasfound) Dead shot Head shot Plasm shot
  4. Same, I thought someone was trying to revive this thread that I've said so many times is dead.
  5. This is in the wrong area, please try to figure it out by yourself and only ask if you can't this is the 5th or 6th thread made by people who don't look around to find the answer. Click create<Request in base disable. You must have seen this when creating this thread.
  6. Neither, both are good at your current level and void might get a buff.
  7. Just increase your dmg output and low rank nrg mechs don't stand a chance.
  8. Just need to do some long villager commands and then I'll only have to figure out the respawn mechanics. After that I'll be done with my minigame. 

  9. True, but they do a lot more dmg on hard and insane mode.
  10. Well, I'm a f2p so I've never paid for anything... (Lucky)
  11. I made my most of my 3rd and 2nd mech in a week.
  12. Try starting with a heat mech(it's harder imo)...
  13. Redeemer Mark l Redeemer Mark ll Redeemer Mark lll With torso and legs I feel like somethings missing, anyone know what it is?
  14. Rank 10-11 took a month of actually trying or 1 year of being lazy, I play a heat mech for my 1st mech and have been playing since around the begining of sm
  15. Fan art community needs to expand rn not many people even know about doing fan art and the old forums fan art community was huge. It takes time to make a sprite so I'll show you guys what I've started working on today.
  16. did this with massive lava feet Ant mech titan was about to kill me so sry for the bad screenshot.
  17. Farm 1v1 Overlords Den mission 6, because it takes less time and fuel and is easier ro beat. No, if you focus on upgrading every aspect of base then it will actually boost your growth.
  18. That's true, I only farm when there is 50% fuel 100% xp or 50% gold and it increasing gold in campaign would make base even better.
  19. Was that at the beginning? On a side note congratulations on the 702 reactions.
  20. Buffed in damage not heat or energy stats, but buffed nonetheless
  21. Could, that word makes this sentence contradict itself because you could use all your fuel to grind or not.
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