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Everything posted by Spam

  1. Yes, it still would, for mid and low rank players buffing it would drop most of the rank 10 players to rank 12 or worse. I would have lost so many battles is it had better drain, pair a legendary one of these with a legendary malice or fot flash and they will keep you energy broke for a while, and that's rn, buffing it would be suicide imo.
  2. After I took a nap at 6:00 pm and woke up at 10:44 pm I had only 1 notification, which is 7 less than I expected.

  3. No, it doesn't as on the old forum everyone wanted emp nerfed and buffing it would make a lot of people mad.
  4. Todays most liked people(if you type the date of today for the custom date it works fine) If you use a custom date...
  5. Ik, did you not see the second part? "Campaign Energy" as you call it, is called fuel.
  6. If energy regen was that then energy mech would only be contested by energy free mechs. On a serious note, fuel regen only needs a buff if people don't use it wisely, ex: using OD 8 insane to farm xp instead of using OD 6 insane.
  7. Spam


    No, money won't be made unlimited, why did you even post this? It's never gonna happen and I'm getting sick of seeing threads like this. This shouldn't even be in fanart.
  8. Oh, ok that makes sense. Once every third run maybe like you said.
  9. I'd say that the idea needs more balancing and maybe a daily limit so you can't sell past a certain point.
  10. I meant that at the end of the mission if you watch a video and it doubles the reward for on the run that you just did.
  11. Yes, but are they being sold to other people? Also you forgot the poll.
  12. Yeah, they seem to close a few seconds after they stop.
  13. True, but that costs tokens and not many people want to use tokens on premium accounts.
  14. Spam


    Google necro post and you'll find out the meaning. This topic no longer has a use so posting here is useless, I only posted because this showed up again when it's already been resolved. The original necropost wasn't even stating an opinion so how is this "bullying", or "toxic"? By telling people to report others for simply saying something like this you are saying I can't have an opinion.
  15. Someone joined and then left, I wonder why... I'm going to have to ask for people to join in chat aren't I? Wow it actually worked, I got someone to join and they left
  16. So are you saying that it should triple the rewards is you watch an ad at the end of a campaign mission?
  17. Spam


    Reviving a dead thread, sometimes it's ok but in this case it's not helping the thread and isn't being asked for.
  18. Ik that, but making a double reward feature would make it easier for f2p to progress, also not everyone wants to pay money.
  19. Spam


    Don't necro post.
  20. Campaign ads sometimes play at the end of the mission, meaning you get an ad before you win, why not make it so there is an option to get double the rewards if you watch a video at the end of a campaign mission.
  21. Oh, then I think I read it wrong.
  22. 3 spots open, still need more people...
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