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Everything posted by Spam

  1. wtf THE SKY IS BLUE - Discussions - SuperMechs Community.mp4
  2. Because you'll need this later in life (at least it what they say, also it been forever sense I did such easy math)
  3. oh, nice, I once broke the daily like page.
  4. Spam


    Lol, commander abuse XD
  5. It's the rain and uv lights floor Because floor gang
  6. I think you mean the ceiling is made out of floor.
  7. Yes, hydrogen the element that turned into helium at the beginning of the universe (at least I think it was then)
  8. Spam

    Please Help

    XD, don't worry downvotes mean nothing.
  9. No, that's because of space, the sky transparent.
  10. Yeah, same the fanart thread used to be the most active in the old forum, sadly now there's barely anyone on the fanart thread(s). But more 3d fanart, now that much cooler.
  11. Spam

    Please Help

    Don't worry I was peer pressured into doing it. Also, you can go for some record with this.
  12. Spam

    Please Help

    Why do you get so many downvotes?
  13. Try this link, is still doesn't work then I don't know why. Link to puffin
  14. If anymore people wanna join then dm I'm sure we can make room.
  15. We have 1 day left until the month is over, just 65 more reactions and I hit 600, lets see if I can hit 65 reactions in 1 day (lol I sound like a youtuber)

    1. Dragon Slayer

      Dragon Slayer

      The real question is if our like limits are big enough lol.

    2. OKI DOKI

      OKI DOKI

      will like to give you now but i am empty. have to wait till get some back

    3. Spam


      Same, I'm empty too. soon I will not even care about likes I just wanna make it harder of anyone to get more likes in a month than me, after that I'll just be vibing.

  16. The sky is not actually blue, but because the ocean reflects in to the sky and because blue light has the shortest wave length in keeps bouncing around in the atmosphere making it look blue, but the sky is not actually blue. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk
  17. You can't make me, I've already been made about 2 years ago.
  18. Just got on and now I'm gonna wright my book.

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