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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. did u download it or are you using puffin?
  2. yeah that's actually the case about most mechs i fight :V except for energy.... energy mechs are usually pretty good.
  3. while i happen to have 2 full max mythed mechs,(mods not included) nothing gets on my nerves more than seeing a dude with 3 max myth mechs, one of each type, and then he uses the energy and the phys mech, because my main is weak to energy, and my second to phys because i just cant seem to overheat people quick enough
  4. and yet why dont i see him in r10-9 arena?
  5. people who do that are the best. i have encountered 2 such people
  6. smurfing is always wrong.... dealing with people that have r5 or better builds in r10 arena... it messes me up bro... i mean, who wants to deal with a person who has three max mythed mechs that have well over 2.5k hp and over 500 heat, 250 cooling, 600 energy, and 300 regen on each mech?
  7. lol they probably should be considering they can easily get items and gold lol
  8. yep.... last i noticed a r15 in 1st place on day 3.... with no myths at all :V
  9. random connection reset while i was dragging the grappling hook :V
  10. lol. speedster, 1v1 and flex winner? @epicspeedster
  11. clevername...how long does it take for you to make a mythical from a brand new legendary? *max
  12. did the exact same thing but with a grappling hook
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