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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. 75% off all boxes, items, upgrades, and fuel consumption coolest(but least admittable) idea
  2. no way my mech is so much sexier:(yes im working on my mods, and every weapon except night eagle is divine)
  3. yes. just like a hammer and then a grapple would, but in one move.
  4. and how much damage does a grappling hook do? between 200 and 130, depending on which hook you are using. a hammer would knock you back and then pull you in again.
  5. yep. how many legacy accounts do u think there are? im guessing only about a hundred or so, so a pretty small handfull of people will get the reward.
  6. what about the players who have been playing for years but their accounts got banned or deleted? how can they verify how long they have been playing?
  7. great idea, except for the fact that players will be even better if they have old accounts, legacy players will reign again, and.... idk, its a good idea, but alex will never add it
  8. it does 15 resist damage, right? how about there is an option when you are using it that it does half the damage, but double the resistance damage.
  9. oh most definitely. i always wear goggles and never let any long sleeved clothing get close to the machinery.
  10. noice lol. i also like working in a woodshop. with all the sawdust :V
  11. oh XD i havent had that happen to me yet lol what i really meant, was finishing your bed laundry, and when its still warm, you curl up in it
  12. i am an OG phantom forces player. fight me if you dare.
  13. add in a power kit to the upgrades. 1 maxed common kit+3 common relics, 1 rare. 1 max rare kit+3 rares, epic, and so forth. now it seema a bit fairer *seems
  14. mines curling up in my bedsheets when they're warm and freshly cleaned. dont judge, everyone secretly likes it.
  15. perfect. that drone is very useful when it comes to removing resistance. id recommend maxing all your legendaries before moving to myths. in my early days, id always just make legendaries but never max them, so i often failed in arena/campaign. but now ive learned my lesson although i did get to r8 with only half my mods max legy, 2 ma mythed, and the rest epics so XD anyone calling me a simp better stfu because i already have my own girl.
  16. yep. divine mods should only be used when u absolutely have to/need to. maybe max the cannon since its the main weapon. what drone do you have?
  17. oh yeah a combined engine unit is lit. id recommend max legying all your modules at least before you myth them
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