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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. nice! i have 1 maxed mythical heat engine, but if you ask me, divine isnt worth it
  2. ... so like a hammer & flail? (@SawzAll) am i saying it right
  3. welcome back persian! 1 question tho, what rank are you? that mech looks like it could make r10-9, and with a good heat secondary, maybe r8
  4. seven hours of grinding from rank 9 finally got me to here: littteraly seven hours of my life to get to rank 8 for the third time ever
  5. hey i got the same thing, just from a fortune box right after i got mine lol
  6. same ehre, i didnt get anything from my past like, 30 fortune boxes but i got a max prot from one today
  7. honestly, max rare kits are the way to go max common isnt really worth the..... 20k... but max legy/epic are too expensive
  8. @CleverName are you going show us your easter egg drops?
  10. ye, on the 3rd try i got it on one of mine. ill try the rest. thank you!
  11. on pc, click the link i just posted. ye np
  12. on puffin, or u download it heres a link for puffin: https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/?hideall
  13. same thing here, but i got it on one acct and not the rest im on pc, btw
  14. MasterChief


    several of my accounts have not gotten the free pack as in, only one got it
  15. you wouldnt for example, i want a spartan carnage. my friend wants a nightfall. they're both maxed myth. we can trade! but they ahve to be the same tier, type, and level.
  16. Trading within reason. the item must be the same level and tier as the one being traded, and must also be the same type of item(modules,weapons, drones, etc) not to mention it would be 20,000 per item trade.. does that sound fair?
  17. couldnt have said it better
  18. send a request.....
  19. idk, i only do it because otherwise letting myself die would waste more time, and, as SM players go, time is money @Nefertary Meriten-Mut
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