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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. clevername if you could shape SM at your will(as in, you owned it) what would the first thing you do be?
  2. no shade, but i asked clevername and not u :V
  3. clevername if you had to start over, how long do u think it would take to get to r1
  4. idk, but i have 2 max myth nightfalls(one of them being divine) and now i have my first night eagle on my main acct. nice, i got r8 too lol
  5. everything except for heronmark and vandal rage i have.(and some of the modules i dont have but can easily get) im currently working on maxing my secondaryś drone(level 47 currently) and then working on mything my night eagle
  6. no, it was just an item i really want/need, and if i can just get my hands on a few, i will be good to go
  7. send a PM to @SawzAll for access bro everyone in there should be recruiting
  8. FCKING FINALLY ITS BEEN OVER A FCKING YEAR AND I FINALLY GOT IT i... im going to get to r8 with this build.........
  9. ay yo why aint i pictured there? also, what about the chivalry part?
  10. new york? damn he must have a good job if he can pay for that AND supermechs
  11. clevername i think he means like, region or the planet, not a specific city/state
  12. sweet. i have 2.4 *2.4k
  13. use puffin. its(one of) the only other alternatives rn.... https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/?hideall
  14. because its 250 tokens for 10 wins...
  15. yeah everyone must be trying to do their arena lol
  16. this happens every single time i attempt to go to the arena. i litteraly need 3 more wins :V
  17. actually, there have been some really good daily quests. today, the 250 tokens for 10 wins, and last week, a 200% arena gold increase(3x the gold)
  18. yeah i was honestly SUPER surprised but now ima have almost 400 tokens now lol
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