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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 5 hours ago, Sparks said:




    ...Eh, I want to be a noob again. Such a great memories...

    I never played the game but sounds ok to me. 🙂

    Just for those purple rewards lowers at high ranks. 🤣


    3 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I never played the game but sounds ok to me. 🙂

    Just for those purple rewards lowers at high ranks. 🤣


    correction: Just for those purple rewards lovers at high ranks. 🤣🥇


  2. 25 minutes ago, AudiGodzilla111 said:

    Yep, that is right. SM's matchmaking is sure hell sometimes but you can always find new trick to stay in the ranks you love.

    Like me a F2P want to get to rank 5 but don't have enough mechs power to stay for at least 2 days (bruh). I've decided to stay in rank 7 to gather more resources. In case you don't know that rank 7 boxes are the best rank boxes in the game, because they can be found easier for everyone than the rank 5-1 boxes and they also have everything we need: E-M, L-M, even epic and legendary relics sometimes!

    So i'm gonna stay here for a while to become stronger slowly but surely and maybe somedays i will ram open the gate to the higher rank and defeat CleverNameSM (LOL).

    yes, in the transition does happen so to high to compete at lower and too weak to move to the next stage so need to get a bit more stranger in modules to have a regular combat

  3. His mech set are not bad. They have a purpose and are fine and he reach R1 with them. All depend of the starting position and who start first to shoot. Sometimes the game set players and their accounts in an abusing position to lose against some builds even have the capacity to win against. In the 3v3 it is selected and can't change mech so we have to deal as it is win or lose or change mech set order but the game compensate to harm in that way too. I won all 3v3 against him but I got into a 2v2 and lose. Sure, player fighting style does affect the outcome in many. 

    I will say that every build have possibilities but the game set accounts in the losing start with repeated players against in a particular cycle to keep balance of winners and losers if I might say improperly but many times repeat the type of mech against you not to have possibility to win but not a sorting instead a matching to keep you normally down setting some accounts in that way.

    I started to play today for 5 wins in my break at work and look at this. It is not about lose or win here it is about the set up against you regardless amount of people playing and this happen to me every time I start with this heat hugger mech.



    There are more in line but the game set me up against the same weapon style one after an other. Then I get a bunch of energy mechs with valiant and EMP. I understand that the players connected and rank affect a bit and the game search against your mech part level but why repeat against same style to make you lose with bigger possibilities. 

    I do not care to lose against anyone and play for fun but it is about analyzing what is happening to players accounts like my previous comment. Sure can build something different but game keep compensating against my hp, type of build and supporting modules at that moment and disadvantage starting point. Sure the game it is like that in some ways but since I play the game and I increase hp the game keeps me fighting with players above me. If I was 600 the game set me up wit 800-900 then move to 700 and I get into 1000-1100 players etc etc etc now I am at 2.9K generally speaking so I get into 3.1-5k players and very rare to be almost equal in power and health capacity. 

    I test all the time changing to see what the game do regardless I lose. I test in high rank or low rank and the game keep me in the losing side 70-80%. Sure I manage to win many but just saying that the game it is a bit off in the matching regardless people active at the moment. 



  4. A person with imagination and creativity and try the best I do not criticize in reality. I will say you have talent in something I do not have and can be admired in many ways. I will say it does look cool to me. I wish I can do something like that on my own. 👍😉 I only can farm in the game🧑‍🌾 and do not qualify as talent. 😋🤣

    Just now, OKI DOKI said:

    A person with imagination and creativity and try the best I do not criticize in reality. I will say you have talent in something I do not have and can be admired in many ways. I will say it does look cool to me. I wish I can do something like that on my own. 👍😉 I only can farm in the game🧑‍🌾 and do not qualify as talent. 😋🤣

    yes why not? you can make an SM comic. It is all about if you enjoy what do you want to do for you and will make you happy. Take the positive energy not the negative from others. Maybe some can't see beyond of their own talents 👈🤭

  5. All depend against his build. I used claw phys, huger heat claw and a jumper sniper. In 3v3 I won all the fights against him and were many.

    Now, few things here also gets annoying in the game and it is about repeating same players against your mech or set mech analyzed by the system. In my case the game have the tendency to repeat over and over. Then when I switch mech to start with the other so game compensate exactly with the mechs will kill me. If I use the heat huger then I get like a million of them on the road like today I got like 6 of them one after another.

    If use claw phys then all is phys dual spartan or spartan nightfall then at position range 5 and starting having advantage over me. If not spartan then valiant range with EMP so in the majority of the time I am at disadvantage not neutral for both. When use free energy with low energy game change to energy mech affecting my semi-energy build right on the spot etc and before with my 3 phys the game yamed me with frantics. spartan and valiant one after another and to complete 85-90%  with more HP than me per build. The only one with less are energy full build but compensate with weapons power. Now some similar hp but with high resist against my monkey so I might lose. 

    When I am moving from R5 to R4 it does jump R1 in series from TF or RR one after another to push me down again like a baby trying to walk for first time. 

    That is one of the reason I make lots of test with modules and switching mechs and it does compensate to keep me down. It is not because amount of people connected since it does have chances to match me with others as I can see the ladder to collect information for my own program to see percentage comparation per build, level, people connected etc. 

    The game it is not right in the matching and should be more impartial with variation. Sometimes it does work but sadly very rare but today I have more changes than normal because I was changing modules to force the change to be matched against. 

    I do not care to lose but just saying that the game sometimes gets boring and when I have the opportunity to go for a match in my daily it repeat over and over again so I get bored fast and do not play just farm. Well, I do not have much time to do lots of pvp but you know. 

    So my entertainment in the game is base in farming making parts and see the acc get bigger step by step making myth parts for fun all of this time and in this way I do not get annoyed with the game messy condition. Yes, need to improve to be more fun so I look the way to make it fun in my own ways and not complain and get angry just looks my way and I am fine. I do not look others to feel less because their progress or achievement instead I enjoy they reached what they reached in their ways and I get my own progress in my way and happy with my accomplishment in the game how fast I do progress making parts farming in the way I do. 

    I enjoy to play with different players of all ranks when is possible and have a chat here and there  with them and have some chat here in this forum. 

    So I have fun reading from all of you when I have the change to sneak my eyes. 🙃


  6. On 2/6/2021 at 3:12 AM, Burn Baby Burn said:


    Holy guacamole. So good. 👍

    12 hours ago, Fordekash said:


    I love those guys from young

    8 hours ago, WarrMachine said:


    sure I like. It is a question? 😉

    7 hours ago, Electrick010 said:

    Today I am drawing, and what does that have to do with it? Well, whenever I draw I listen to music, here I pass you a little of my abnormal activity.

    1._ I use this when drawing a fighting character, (or fighting scenes).

    2._ This is when I get very stressed or when I feel sad, (also to bring out my most innocent fantasies that I have to draw).

    That's right! I'm a phenomenon and I'm happy about it!.

    sounds interesting. 

    On 2/6/2021 at 5:05 AM, montelemon said:

    Rush for Liam) My favourite song



    well yeah who don't. 😋

  7. 43 minutes ago, epicspeedster said:

    I have to barf at your mech lol, its energy is good, but its heat is complete shit for phys, and also that spare weight

    Well, yes will over heat but to be fair it is about what he have in his storage. It might be saving some weight for heat improvement for his current rank to enhance stability. Is best to know his arsenal in modules then help him to improve. 🙃

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