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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hi, Happy new year. Hmm, not that many L-M. I have maybe 280 or so between them and the rest epics good parts that I use for legend transformation when have extra not in need but with 545 in room space always full. I keep them for the transformation but for test and configuration possibilities plus future weapons to be use and since I do not know how many I will be interested in to use and I do not know when I can get them back so I keep a healthy stash of every kind for a 3 mech set generally speaking. Yes, I farm 24/7 basically. By the time I go to bed and move away of bed it is just 4 hrs so before go to bed I drain all energy and when I am up start to farm to keep energy bars at zero keeping regen without stop. Just the recent month I had to slow down some days losing at list one collection time due to lot of work from job so I have to skip some times unable to farm as before. The pvp of course it is affected but trying to keep up for the team. They work hard so I have to do my part as best I can. Sadly today I wanted to do some more pvp but arena connection wasn't working for me till just recently but ready to go to bed and in few hrs go to work. I have been less in the FORUM. One reason it is been lack of time to read as before and make comments and the other the current format it is not that appealing searching, back and forward etc so gets annoying to try to read and search. It does feel not as much community but more like post and go. No much interaction. Sure less drama . Tones of videos to watch but unable recently. I need some beer, jerky, cheese, crackers, olive or maybe some DAK salami and some time to enjoy the game youtuber and write a few comments.
  2. Hi guys, I will be re-introducing my OKI progress but this time I will make 2 threads independent one for OKI DOKI and one for OKI DOKI FARM. I will start with the current status for OKI just basic intro then will refill with old stuff and keep going with the new changes throughout the time. Just for start, OKI is been part of CANDELA INC clan for a months. The clan it is a hard worker clan and clan members are been good to my person. I want to thank to them for the opportunity and to stablish a good relationship and acceptance. If you like to commit to a clan and you are a serious person not trouble maker, if you like to do pvp-wins, play always without fail the Titan, collect the tickets and WAR, you are welcome. We look for great players as any other top clan but also if you can reach R4+ in all seasons and serious in TITAN, TICKETS, WAR and do enough wins check the clan as one good option. We look for permanent players steady and reliable doing the job not worry to lose an spot due to 200+ AP every season unable to reach. We understand that the game change often with new weapons etc so it is logic it get tuff for always be in first place. Do as best you can committed and honest on it. Me as always been solo player in this game who joined recently the clan I can say it is a good clan and respectful but doing the job it is critical. Those guys are breaking their back literally so an awesome nice person serious to stay will be great to not take advantage of their hard work. They work hard for their rewards committed and really serious about it and they earn those rewards with their hard work. Thanks to them I enjoy relics, clan coins, new friends, tokens etc so respect to them and their hard work goes in line to try to do what I can for them too. Hope you look the clan as an option to stay not to jump to another. We will be happy to have you. Thank you This season I am using a heat hugger mech and still in the test ways changing modules time to time. It is not a Divine mech but it is doing good enough for 1V1 capable of R1 but it is more base in my opinion more like R3 with current changes in the game switching to high HP mechs. For now it is a keep for my current play level limited on time to do pvp in daily bases. Anyway, it is ok for now till can build and get relics to divine parts. I also play the mech with backstabbing guardian drone as optional. Current status in picture below. I am not focus on rank but when I have the opportunity I need to try to get some wins of course writing this takes me few min of pvp away but it is a fun to do for my own interest to see the progress and later look back to see what it was just for fun. I have been progressing recently a bit slower due to lot of work in real life at work and affecting pvp and also farming but that pay my bills so work is first. Now I have 123 myth parts in 14 months moving today to begging the 15 month since acc creation. I will post just myth around for now till make captures for full acc. It is not much for been a new account but I fill fine because my hard work farming it is paying off little by little and for sure in 1 year from now will be a respectful account. I haven't touch the base focus trying to save gold and enhance few parts for test mech. CHEERS Photobucket | cheers.gif (bing.com)
  3. Ah, got it. I understand now. My bad, I think my post it is irrelevant then. It should be deleted. But yes, Vest is doing great.
  4. I will say, nope. Lacking of rest it is normal to have more hp. In the end it does lose against others builds with vest or Zarkares just to say. It is about how to build a mech. I will say the bigger issue is more advantage position when start a pvp. For example, when I use my heat hugger mech it goes from 6-10 straight position at Spartan and Valiant range and barely in a spot to have fair fight without lose a turn to be able to fight. It happen the repetition for others mechs. When I switch to energy free in my mechs stage for it the game compensate against putting energy mechs since is a semi free energy so possibility to lose it is bigger. If the game goes random ok but the re-calculation to set up to lose is big. The other factor it is the 85% of fights having HP way higher than my mechs. When I compensate with more HP gets even worse. Now, there are builds a bit lower and kill. An example it is this one picture below. I lose the fight. Sure I was testing and still testing current configuration to see results against different type of mechs. His mech is better than mine and not mean about how pilot the mech that it is a factor too as start point position and who start to shoot but his mech have a 160 phys resist. My mech drone do not affect directly to the resist mean It won't go down. His Heat resist and cooling are better and me having only one weapon I can directly affect the resist "Heron" against a mobile mech I won't be able to really harm enough the mech. Fight was close but he had the edge regardless my Monkey. Sure lack of divine weapon affected too. When top players play, that gap it is mare nothing. Eh, I am not a top he is So, in the end, nerf the Monkey it is none sense idea. Few weapons needs no nerf instead need a buff to compensate old items due to recent items added to the game. The game no need more weapons at this point. Gato should be focus to rebalance a bit properly but not cutting off any current part just enhance a bit few others left behind at E-M and L-M. For example, I can play with my heat hugger mech, I get into a bunch of 3.5- 4.5k mechs around. They can stay static in a corner or center, can have a middle ground heat and even can shut down one or 2 but the mele/heat power of my mech still no enough to win against till beat me smiling at me like a baby trying to beat a father. So it is not the issue of nerfing, just enhance few for compensation. Monkey changes bad idea. Yes, I am Monkey user but I was primary user of Heat armor and Naga.
  5. Yeah, I am back to the top 10 in my alt OD.FARM. Just kidding.
  6. no, if you play insane doesn't. For FB lovers it is not proper to do OD6 insane. Now, for lack of time guys and want to keep clicking every opportunity not doing pvp that require concentration and be focus impossible at work so OD6 insane do the trick to keep energy bar in the regeneration mode. When I have some time then I do farm FB but even during the farming for them the game give to me lots of empty or if get some FB are just rare. Now, when I do farmOD6 is faster and I can accumulate more mix boxes in average and can do then legends faster. I did 5 legends just few minutes ago plus L30 5 epics for the next legends to be made as soon get crappy epics for transformation.
  7. I do farm normally OD6 because lack of time working long hours and 6-7 days a week but I switch to 2v2 normal to get some FB or do the boss as well as the other option.
  8. nice, I drained my 800 mix today. Sadly I am unlucky with FB's even farm for them.
  9. Well, I will say that what you say it is true in some ways and it does affect the game with the cheaters inflating AP and that it is not as much at lower side just few clans. In the other hands, there are people with multiple accounts playing with family using same IP. That doesn't mean they inflate AP but instead they play with family using same network and same phone or comp etc. I am one example, I do have multiple accounts but play with family. I have members are minors so I do not allow them to have e-mails accounts and ensure they use same equipment to have control. In my opinion the game should not restrict multiple accounts at all. Some people also play for fun and create different to see results and enjoy a game with multiples accounts like me. I have been solo player from start never in clan just till recently and of course there are millions of clans here and their members asking to let then win for their ranks or clans need and that goes toward all clans including the top. I give free to many top clans asking so AP inflate not just only by having multiple accounts but by players asking and some granting like me during my constant test that sometimes I take 40 losses on the road for my data collection. No matter what, cheaters and inflating etc always will be there and locking IP will say it is not proper and as example I have 2 accounts that I p2w even my family use the account next to me so I let them play and test and learn. Sure I get you but this game it is been like that according my family member player since 2012. Play one account or more it is fine. What you do as clan member or clan direction internally it is clan matter. All clans have different views how to make the clan a top or what more matter as team but inflate I will say it is wrong using accounts in that way. Some use frantics because nothing else, some are p2w unlucky having parts at FB's some are lucky with FB's and are f2p etc. Just focus in your own play and enjoy. I know that harm the clan I am but we are not focus in AP instead fights titan, tickets and war. Do not take me wrong, yes I get you and you have a lot of reason and I agree but sadly not all play in that way so will lose accounts that with honest hard work build like me to be screw in that way it is wrong. Do you know how much work took me to L250 my accounts farming in an insane way 24/7 to make them in less than 10 months at that level and pay for some items not even in use but for future when I can accumulate gold farming and crafting taking an eternity to make it happen? OKI
  10. I still consistent with my OKI and OD.FARM next to each other
  11. keep it as it is. It is powerful and it is a must for energy mech. I do not have them and help for game balance.
  12. cool. are you under a bridge? Welcome to the forum and have fun.
  13. Welcome to the new forum Wep. Have fun and hope you can help the f2p players. Nice picture
  14. Love that dog smile. Happy dog mean cool owner. Welcome Carlos to the forum, now I can say to some old players hi welcome to the forum.
  15. Cool. Welcome. Eh, let say hi I see you again in this forum. Hmm, c'mon. Really, no more likes allowed today.
  16. Love the intro my bro . Always checking your spot at top 10. Get that medal
  17. Hi bro. it is good to have you here. Do not feel alone. You have people here to have some fun.
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