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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hi pilots I will be posting a bit more frequent around 1 time per week or so the acc progress. I did few parts but I won't include them now only the current work on hand. There is no much to say but will help to trace some off my doing. In the previous post I had a bit more gold than current because I was holding back to craft and enhance parts. I decided to craft a bit and enhance few parts and make few others. Gold dropped to 10mill but I started to recover a bit. I have been creating 1200 power kits to have on reserve and I am holding back again crafting till I can increase gold to 20mill or so. I will be accumulating mix boxes and making epic to L30 to make Legend meat parts for future myths. Mix boxes in reserve are low because I consumed all of them making few parts but I will increase enough and keep balance making the future legends for meat. My tokens dropped a bit because I decided to increase storage space as I like with future increase in mind. I increase space from 520 to 545 since last week. Last week This week Next myth will be this one and starting legend making with first meat The progress will be slower because I need to accumulate gold but will be steady moving to make 200 myth before the 2yr birthday of the account. In another note. This week it is O.D.FARM account 1st birthday so Happy Birthday OKI DOKI FARM. CHEERS
  2. I like this version as well. Both are great
  3. cool. for how long you play the game? I am using different today but the last in use is this one
  4. Hmm, strange see her acc at that gold level. She is always have over 75mil but she can recover in few weeks since she have all L50 and no need to enhance new parts if want. Someday when I grew up I want to be like you. Oh damn, too late, I forgot I am an old man.
  5. Hi pilots; I know you were waiting exited for my boring O.D.FARM updates so let see what it is cooking. I has been short in gold but still managing the inventory as parts comes around. Hard to get into L50 parts been limited on gold but progressing steady bit by bit. Back in 1/5/21 I decided to open and continue my acc progress and added few previous forum screen captures to no lose all and keep some records. Now I am back to continue the progress for now on with new stuff. Let see what it is been happening in the recent weeks. From 1/5/21 making the myth number 100 I have move to 106 myths. Not a lot of progress trying to increase gold and make parts at the same time. Limited the amount so it is been limited the progress. I have been doing a bit less farm due to real life work but I still trying to keep up as much I can looking for opportunities to do so. I was able to max weapons for this heat mech for R3 plays and of course I made 6 new myths and few others has been L50. Current inventory. Lots of parts need to L50. Will take time. The base still the same. No changes and not planning to enhance base for now. Good enough as it is according gold availability. Arena shop moving forward to be completed. Just 3 remaining items to be max out. Next week will be 1 year acc birthday and I think it is not that bad acc for just barely a year from been born. As side note, O.D FARM joined CANDELA INC CLAN as his older brother OKI DOKI 2 days ago. It still too weak but can do some basics and hopping to get few parts I would like to have to enhance mechs. Cheers
  6. Vajayjay Now you called me "snow flake girl". Hmm, if I were a female I will be a really hot girl. In my family run the foxy girls. I mean, my family girls are hot beautiful ladies. Since I am a male it does run that blood in me and of course I am let say "Q" boy no issues with ladies ever. I play for test and fun. Now, today I started with test positions to get destroy with some players I like to get beaten and see what happen to my mech with particular configuration. Sometimes I play for a win or two. I tested losing then switched to get few wins to comply clan requirement. I lose with your energy mech that I can win without much issues because needed to get hit with valiant at long range attack checking my no resist to be drained in that way so I lose and no issues like I do every day. Sometimes I like 1 win between or go straight to R5 no stars because I get bored. If you are a player for wins my recommendation to you is to build something capable to beat rookies like me in serious fights if get into them but remember some rookies who do not have time or not interested in to rank up sometimes do for fun and are capable to go against you. If you want to say hi etc no issues and lets be friend. If the trending keep going then will be consequences. Just a friendly advise.
  7. That sounds good. It might help those guys trying to move up. Can be all kind of old metas way back and can help lower rankers to get some ideas with their limited inventory and can't figure out even having some basic parts for it. Kudos.
  8. just curious, when you update the meta builds in this best current meta builds, what happen to the previous meta? Maybe you should have a thread of former meta since new parts change often the layout of the game. Maybe players with limited parts can look after and help them to do some not having enough to make current. Maybe here all is there but just wondering if you have something already in place that I do not know in this new forum.
  9. Hmm, I have been giving less wins to others in the games this week but I still testing my mechs against some builds to check in different ways getting the losses for future adjustments but still doing decent and can get some wins against the real pro players of this game. I can't be a pro no having real time to play pvp but the progress as planned slowly but steady it is catching up without rushing farming. It is been fun to play with the best players of this game and get beaten one time after another and see my mechs blows in pieces. Lot of work to do in set ups and parts to build but all it is fine. Will takes time.... For now I will be playing few wins here and there and keep test as I like. As side note. I want to thank CANDELA INC for trusting in me regardless my low pvp but keeping my words as I compromise been responsible in the basics. They really work hard. Thank you guys for your support. I have joined O.D.FARM for now to the clan so I will be less win giver to the others clans asking for wins but I still testing for fun since my accounts are weak and lot of work in front of me to improve them so you might get some because my idiotic tests. Just flexing a bit my OKI DOKI and OD. FARM at R2 keeping them close to each other on rank when I can for fun. I want to thank to the other clan players for been cool playing with me and having chat with me during pvp. I still wish the best for your clans and see them doing fine. Nothing has change and lets have cool fun.
  10. finally the Plating you needed. You have lucky account.
  11. brute is better now. No doubts. Even I am not a current user it was my first real primary weapon but instead to use as primary, reckless was better and I trust it but with BRUTE no way Jose. Now, I can jump in to BRUTE for different mech sets. I still have that brutis. Hmm, I might try something. Maybe I will make more with my reserves as always do.
  12. No, I haven't. I have seen and checked a while ago.
  13. for me will be fine to give it to you. I meat rock very frequent because I get them often. About Hollow I do not have many or often but I think I can spare one or two in OD.FARM account but can't from OKI DOKI been limited with them but Rusty I can spare having few extra remaining after meat some.
  14. Interesante la evolucion. mucho antes que yo en el juego 10/19
  15. nice legacy videos and box opening. Music it is cool and intros are fine.
  16. I have seen them in the 500+ but not 600 so far. Average mid 350-500 very uncommon below 300. With FRANTIC and recoil or frantic spartan or frantic nightfall with good drone still destroy 3.1k mechs with decent resist 80-90. The stability is better and can trust more in the output and the confidence in the players increased a lot because before they used to doubt in last shot praying for a good one and tell you " in your face". R5-R3 are common as usual but the heat/energy mechs usage increased a lot in the arena. I think the substitution of frantic with the nerf and the vest resist increase it created same issue. Before too much power 600-850 in frantic now weapons barely can harm vest mechs. I think vest it went too far getting out of balance. I have them too so testing in my accounts to see the damage against them I surely say need a bit nerf not much but a bit. The enhance was a bit too much.
  17. yes, it is better option than crimson you can do something like this.
  18. I think I will max this incomplete test mech used last 3v3 season in OKI DOKI acc. It will be changed a bit but I will just enhance if is possible the weapons, Ni much gold or parts to use but let see. I think I will max this incomplete test mech used last 3v3 season in OKI DOKI acc. It will be changed a bit but I will just enhance if is possible the weapons, Ni much gold or parts to use but let see. Looking better now. I ran out of parts so I will have to grind a lot. Have fun making parts.
  19. not that bad. Not good but fine for what I created as R3 mechs combo. 4 wins, 1 real loss and 1 loss test for position. Future configuration to be change in phys mech and modules to work on. Just ok for R5-R3. I might use this for season fun as they are till later improve them.
  20. Well, I will say no. Maybe with VEST can be better and a swoop to heat up faster post swoop recent enhancement. I will say can be R1 with players that want to be R1 and play for it not like me playing for fun to just make parts bit by bit. With the last game update in few parts the game changed a bit again and the heat and energy mechs are coming back a bit more than the past 5-4 months ago. In the way I have set up as the standard as all knows I think it is just a mech for R3 in my personal opinion. Windigo torso became another option with swoop post parts enhancement of course need modules to support configuration. I am not worry of R1 ways just do things as can according limitations. Will take time to improve them so no worries for an 11 months account. Ok, fun completed. All weapons max out. Now need to increase gold reserve and meat to be able to work on supporting modules for 2v2 basic set. I will test with the incomplete partner. It will change how it is but I will give a test drive both together incomplete and get some losses just to see what can hold.
  21. I am working in this in my O.D. FARM, I think I will max out parts for fun.
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