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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. FALSE next person is almost ready to finish work and go to sleep
  2. after eat a burrito but farted hard and needed
  3. Oh, cool. Progress thread. That it was my first torso to max.
  4. at list few meat parts. Offer for AC in need. I no need but back then yes I will do the same.
  5. Those two bro-bro seriously like to be next to each other OKI-FARM.
  6. offer is good. Like I said before, offers like this can help progress in arena of course later will think back when all is max out and accumulating coins without use but still important at early stage to handle better stability at rank.
  7. Oh yeah. It is been a while but work is work and put food on the table maybe comp desk.
  8. ha ha, interesting music choice. cool fights shorts. excellent ending with the quitting. ah, cool edit with the background and those mechs there.
  9. Wait, are you an R1 player former from USSR clan? For how long you play this? So this is your alt acc progress?
  10. I miss Frantics before the nerf . I am too new in the game so it is one of my nostalgias moments Just kidding
  11. that it is a top clan . what happen then?
  12. no, you need more. you have the goal to become the new CEO. you need more likes. keep going, soon you will be in the top of the world
  13. just think about the mechs diversification. we need all.
  14. hmm, tempting. maybe I should make some. that black baby it is my original frantic from my first mech. Yep. guilty of charge of rookie frantic user not having anything else available so mix was the solution.
  15. OKI DOKI


    let revive all post from the old forum. Oh, too late, it is gone.
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