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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hmm, old members returning. Game clans land scape changing a lot. Something is cooking. Wish the best to HTK and to all clans for sure. OKI
  2. Cool, OD. FARM moving again to R1 with the junk yard phys mech assembled parts to max and use it to cover in temp way till can build something for real combat is doing it again. For now will keep using mech for R3 base but it is been doing OK in all seasons as R2 as I predicted.
  3. Forgot to add too R1. Forgot to add before even almost forgetting again. Anyway, for just a mech just assembled to make parts not mech for combat and get R1and use it just to cover till can get something functional is not been that bad.
  4. Hamza it is a clan member for long. I am happy to see the progress with him. Sure lose core members but that not mean he can't rebuild and become strong again. I am looking forward to see the progress step by step. Will like to see core members back. Well sure I respect them and they do what need to do and get some medals as players in other clans. Good luck rebuilding.
  5. In this case seems it is cheating. The tier glitch happen to me few weeks ago and last week it is a different matter and happen to others. I hope Alex fix that as he said it will do before 3v3 seasson start.
  6. If you are suddenly solo player out of clan or in a clan just you might happen you won't have to get tickets for it. If you ad a second person it might get tickets to collect. As solo you can fight titan without collect.
  7. Muchas gracias por recomendarnos. In this moment we are currently full. We are very active clan with goals in place indicated in CANDELA INC thread. We are a clan to have stable members who do their job and friendly. About your personal goal I get you. I was a solo player till recently. If YOU need to understand about war everyone in the forum or me can help you out. There are different clans to recommend and one of them is WLGANG 3.0 with Aditya as leader and a really cool guy. It is a strong clan. They are a family of clans and you fit with them. Aditya can give you nice advice. I recommend the clan according your rank and goal. Take a look in the clan threads available and some others also can fit for you. Good luck in the search. OKI
  8. Yes, I will say she was one of the forum members making the forum active and interesting no like me boring stuff in my game progress.
  9. Well, according what was posted due to the covid. She was very young
  10. I miss besty. Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment Ivar is Cadbony. Yes, HAPPY move recently to RR. There are things I miss sometimes for sure and it is to see that flag around and the spot. LLYL also it is something sometimes missing getting into that constant fight spot. I am a recent player but as my start in the game are things I get used to it and good memories. It is nice to see LLYL is back and healthy. LLYL also won't be LLYL without you. I can't imagine you not there. I will get nut.
  11. HTK decided to let die the clan after few things in mind. Some members still there and play and I get into pvp with them time to time. There is an HTK fan who wants to create the new HTK to revive the clan in the picture below. I know that because I have been invited in multiple occasions to join and to rebuild HTK. I do not know about Ivar but I think if not wrong I had pvp with him in 3v3 or 2v2. I might be wrong but I think I had the pvp and I lose.
  12. Play gor your entertaiment It is one if the rank that you will get stuck for a while. You can do different things during that period of time and normally is farm Nd level up and get modules for next stage of r9. R8 takes a bit more All depend of luck and account. I got many legends in the past at those ranks but later will reduce. Sad moments. R10 is possible a stepping stone and place of frustration to those who wants to move fast up. Place to make your mech stranger. The issue you will already confront with many mythical mechs of all kind.
  13. Many players save the energy bars day by day.NOthing wrong and can be used in the portal and it is very helpful for those moments. Now, if the player is talking about progress moving forward it is the wrong way. Regeneration is the base to real progress and maxing you arena shop energy items. I progressed in that way faster and level up 2 acc faster than the rest of players around simultaneously to L250 one in 8 months and the other in 10 months. Now, I am talking to level up and growing in parts but not mean that can strike lucky account and get goodies fast and be a good pilot and move to R1 in 4-5 months. Now, in general that it is not common to happen and of course we end up in the basic that it is farming draining bars maximizing the bar usege and get more. Sure people can buy energy clicking for 30 tokens if they have them. Sure I get your point and many use that method and it is fine plus sure the developers can make changes by surprise.
  14. Whats up awesome pilots. I bit of more record keeping for Mr.OKI DOKI For now I am crafting parts in both accounts so the gold will shrink but it is a need to do to be able to make some more myth and max them out. My gold still in place, I want to get 200 mythed parts before 2yrs a nd I am on track ahead. I think I will reach 150 myths in few weeks. The first picture it is showing I started to craft parts in 3 factories making power kits and right now each factory have 135 kits ready but I will increase till reach 1500 or so then will increase gold and might max some parts around. Will take some time from. This point. Sure some changes might happen due to possible offers around that might be attractive or to hate them. The next 2 picturs are showing current box inventory of course not much there like in FARM acc. I had a bulldog in the L22 so I decided to myth the part. I had in mind long ago to do something but then changed of mind and changed again. Next picture it is my war S box and getting decent reward again thx to the clan again for th es or support. Last picture it is my R3 box with and Archimonde. I already have one and this is the second. I remember I us e d one in my 3er account briefly. CHEERS
  15. Hi cool ladies and gentlements pilots Let see what I got here. Tobe honest not much to say but keeping some record IWad not keeping in the past to know the acc growth. Hmm, The 2 first pictures are the boxes inventory. The 3er picture it us the S war box giving me a good deal. Love it. I am surprised that the weekly premium box gave to me a Fractured monkey and I am cool with that since it is my second in this acc. My R3 box I got one of my favorite colors parts, purple ⚛🕉☦✡☸☮⚕️️ CHEERS
  16. Hy pilots, Sad news, my body SHABBA left the clan till he can fix the internet connection issue. As a great leader has been he let us know he does not want to be a load to the clan not been able to help and entrusting the leadership to another cool guy Scorpion. For me it is a bit sad moment because he is the reason of me been in the clan on first place and been buddies in the chat from starting the game with my niece. We are hopping the internet connectivity back in his country c a n be resolved and re-integrate him to the clan but in mean time there is an spot in the clan. If someone it is interested to join us as permanent member let us know. The rule above still in place. Adding that we always do war, collect titan ticket, fight 7 star titan without missing them. We are really active in wins and we always reach those goals with clan freedom to do what we can do helping each other. We are a cool clan but of course we check members are doing their job . Drop a line if you are interested but not a clan hopper jumping from left to right. Sincerely OKI
  17. Yeah Thx Atusiff Nice to see those fights. cool video. he kill you hard Poor Tyro, you masacraste the little Dyno. You should get an extra reward for it. cool, someday when I grew up will have 4 magmas but in mean time I will keep dreaming. Nice video. Next step R1 SAD. OH, COOL FIGHT. NICE ARSENAL. YEP, I STILL ENJOY THOSE INTROS INTERESTING FIGHT Hey dude, I have done same set to fight that titan in the past. Was funny to see. Great video, how you can be so good when in reality you are a pilot in training? Hmmm
  18. Interesting, I think I saw an old video showing it was different as is now. When I started to farm I had no clue how to do it but started to analyze and started to control the use of the energy bars. For example, if I was too close to change level let say I was in OD6 insane and level 199 you can see that the maximum of percentage change it was around 0.3 change per 7 bars. If I had let say 21 bars available it will change or not in one shot but still have another to lose if refill losing a t list 7 bars. In my case I use to lower the grinding position to lesser xp grant and gold but allowing me to take advantage draining to zero.bars so I ripped extra gold and xp plus level. I had table in the past but deleted by mistake at home from level 30 to 250. Sad moment. Anyway, when the player it is in let say level 10 or so it can be controlled to no lose bars and gold plus xp moving down to some spots like first boss starting the game. After some levels changes I started to learn the way reason I maxed levels so fast. It wasn't buying bars with tokens, just pure logic to use properly bars. Also, my main arena shop was full capacity and full regeneration not the others to farm more.
  19. Oh, I have been missing too many videos due to no much time but let see. Awesome intro like always. I like the style. Normal collection but fine. Another awesome clan intro at final giving nice prestige to the clan and impact image of greatness. Really cool. Hope you get a commission from the tubers.
  20. at list something doesn't change, click and shoot.
  21. Correct. When you try to level up you need to time properly your energy bars consumption in order that you can maximize the potential to get a full regen of bars. I always timed and ripped the benefit double dip. You need to farm in a smart way. Check the percentage you are at an monitor for the level change according how fast your energy and level percentage is consumed.
  22. Hi pilots Good news, I am back again. JUST kidding. Well, with the extra epics parts some legends in reserve made from epics and a few legends for meat granted yesterday trying to get the matrix plus crafted parts in reserve I decided to make some epics to legend and some legends to myth again. Let see what the cheft is cooking today. Reducing the crafted parts it forced me to start to craft more parts affecting the gold accumulation wich is going down not up but it is ok since was in my plan. Anyway enjoy the MOJO at work.
  23. He did not left the clan. Sadly in his country region is having wifi issues and he can't do nothing about it so his connectivity has been affected so need to pass command in order the clan can keep funtionning properly.
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