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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I do farm normally OD6 because lack of time working long hours and 6-7 days a week but I switch to 2v2 normal to get some FB or do the boss as well as the other option.
  2. nice, I drained my 800 mix today. Sadly I am unlucky with FB's even farm for them.
  3. Well, I will say that what you say it is true in some ways and it does affect the game with the cheaters inflating AP and that it is not as much at lower side just few clans. In the other hands, there are people with multiple accounts playing with family using same IP. That doesn't mean they inflate AP but instead they play with family using same network and same phone or comp etc. I am one example, I do have multiple accounts but play with family. I have members are minors so I do not allow them to have e-mails accounts and ensure they use same equipment to have control. In my opinion the game should not restrict multiple accounts at all. Some people also play for fun and create different to see results and enjoy a game with multiples accounts like me. I have been solo player from start never in clan just till recently and of course there are millions of clans here and their members asking to let then win for their ranks or clans need and that goes toward all clans including the top. I give free to many top clans asking so AP inflate not just only by having multiple accounts but by players asking and some granting like me during my constant test that sometimes I take 40 losses on the road for my data collection. No matter what, cheaters and inflating etc always will be there and locking IP will say it is not proper and as example I have 2 accounts that I p2w even my family use the account next to me so I let them play and test and learn. Sure I get you but this game it is been like that according my family member player since 2012. Play one account or more it is fine. What you do as clan member or clan direction internally it is clan matter. All clans have different views how to make the clan a top or what more matter as team but inflate I will say it is wrong using accounts in that way. Some use frantics because nothing else, some are p2w unlucky having parts at FB's some are lucky with FB's and are f2p etc. Just focus in your own play and enjoy. I know that harm the clan I am but we are not focus in AP instead fights titan, tickets and war. Do not take me wrong, yes I get you and you have a lot of reason and I agree but sadly not all play in that way so will lose accounts that with honest hard work build like me to be screw in that way it is wrong. Do you know how much work took me to L250 my accounts farming in an insane way 24/7 to make them in less than 10 months at that level and pay for some items not even in use but for future when I can accumulate gold farming and crafting taking an eternity to make it happen? OKI
  4. I still consistent with my OKI and OD.FARM next to each other
  5. keep it as it is. It is powerful and it is a must for energy mech. I do not have them and help for game balance.
  6. cool. are you under a bridge? Welcome to the forum and have fun.
  7. Welcome to the new forum Wep. Have fun and hope you can help the f2p players. Nice picture
  8. Love that dog smile. Happy dog mean cool owner. Welcome Carlos to the forum, now I can say to some old players hi welcome to the forum.
  9. Cool. Welcome. Eh, let say hi I see you again in this forum. Hmm, c'mon. Really, no more likes allowed today.
  10. Love the intro my bro . Always checking your spot at top 10. Get that medal
  11. Hi bro. it is good to have you here. Do not feel alone. You have people here to have some fun.
  12. Ah, cool. Damn. I had no idea the clan suffered and I mean 3.0. Last time I checked was doing ok. Nice, no matter what it is moving forward with you at the helmet.
  13. Thank you bro. I saw you move from WL 2.0 cool team to WL 1.0 to another cool. Excellent clan and leader. Yes, it is fun to have pvp with you too. You were leader in 2.0 if not wrong. Me one of the fav forum member! Holy moly guacamole. Thx man. I though I am like a plastic can see trough and not been noticed here not been important or famous. Just an old guy playing a video game hiding from my boss to do it. I really like to have fun with the pilots doesn't matter from where they are from but to learn from them about culture, cool ideas, have something in common like this game and else. My old team mates from MECHWARRIOS we had met in person of course some of them are from places I used to live and some others I traveled to have the fun in person. Yes, I just saw that. How that happen? I though I have been in training all of this time. Finally not a full rookie player. Yeah, pilot in training for first time.
  14. Uh, you are a certified mech pilot. I am a rookie.
  15. Ah, thx bro. It is good to be back and keep friendly friends around.
  16. Hi fellows' pilots, this is OKI DOKI I started this game back in 10/3/2019 not long ago during a sad moment in my life and my family member original 2012 player asked me to create an account OKI DOKI and play with him so I created this account with my niece and played together next to each other then she wanted to play alone then can't play due to work and education, so I took the account back and keep playing alone since then. OKI has been played from day one without missing a single day so far. OKI DOKI acc it is currently member of CANDELA INC CLAN for the last 3 weeks and it is the first time I joined to a clan. The clan it is a hard-working clan with goals to achieve podium at some point improving day by day. I play for entertainment to have fun and my focus is to develop the account step by step farming to play with everyone for fun not for medals or for the glory of something just pure fun. I am not interested to be the #1 player or recognized by achievements but as friendly pilot who can interact with anyone in good terms as solo player or any clan member. I have also OKI DOKI FARM account as solo player also called now O.D. FARM clan MECH CHUNKS FARM currently under development. Both accounts I have been able to level up to L250 really fast and I am fun of them even are currently weak accounts but improving week after week. I work as Engineer in real life working 6-7 days a week and having limited time does not allow me to do lots of pvp but I do the basics when I can sneak myself and avoid my boss eyes looking at me. I am an old timer electronic game player with more than 40 years in my belt and long term MECHWARRIOR player for 30 years on the road. My favorites games are STRAGATE, ROBOTRON 2084 and MECHWARRIOR but used to compete for first place in countless of games hard to be mentioned and get real prices. I have been involved with clan things from teenage time, so it is an old stuff for me and be the best in many but here it is my chill relaxed time game. Let's be friends and have fun together and keep it cool and respectful to each other. Thx OKI DOKI
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