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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hmm, I do remember my first account and actually allowed me to play as guest and used to save information without e-mail and or username. That was old stuff before the recent change but at some point if you power off or have an upgrade on software you might had to start all over again losing info so I am guessing you decided to use guest option but the save it is not permanent. In that case sorry for you since data is gone and will have to start all over again and that happened to me when I open my first acc just to test game before log in for first time. The guess data I lost it 2 times. I am not sure if that is what you did but I guess it was that option. In any other case you should have info saved in a permanent way.
  2. I will say that it is getting too much about 4k all over. I will say it is ok offer for the one who need the item and the boxes. Due to the game changed to premium parts and to be able to move forward with them it is a need there has been many offers for it. I think it is ok the offers but for free to play it is a bit too much and bad luck on fortune boxes. Even with premium parts the game is changing again in the arena from 2 months ago. I have the parts but some not developed. I will wait for different offer if something comes out good for my accounts.
  3. Guessing that you have limited gold reserves no need to change your leg. Keep using current so can be focus on modules. I can see you are doing a great job balancing modules and weapons on level up and that is the way I use. I do not max out one part instead I give steady power growth and by level 20 will be more powerful than to have one weapon maxed. Because the first 20 levels are easy to reach and cost is possible to be manage is bester in that way. Hmm, changes..... The Vandal it is a weapon used even at top rank. It can work but it is a range 4-5 and for your current set up is not the best. Sure starting the game can be positioned at range and shot then use space invader to jump forward. In that case the vandal shot it is let say wasted because you want to use that one when is more overheated your opponent. If you are at close range at start you will activate drone or use leg according what it is at front of you. In that case you can use side weapons but not space invader. At the moment you have opportunity for space invader you have to chose between space and vandal or use both. Vandal push back same as vandal giving you range for side weapons. I get your point with parts limitations and few others options might use in the combo. Now, due to it is a low hp mech and not as best energy available and depend of energy to fight will put you in energy crises all the time against energy mech. Sure you can for get about it and skip some of those players and just to be focus into maximize modules and weapons. With limited gold and parts sometimes is best to stick in current design than to get crazy making changes. Knowing your mech will be R10-9 generally speaking you will know where to stand and then develop something else in the side when get other parts. If you want to improve just a bit knowing will stay almost the same then add some energy removing vandal. No have too. Remember, it is your mech and you feel your mech as you designed and know best on your play ways. Without vandal weight it is 961. The space can be use it for more energy or heat or maybe a plating for more protection maybe a drainer or maybe another side weapon or a weapon that can be use more than one time. With extra energy module no vandal. It give you better chance to survive with 313 regen and 571 of energy. Since the change without vandal allow you to add energy module no using premiums it give you an extra 14 in space and can use a drain weapon you might have as epic. Maybe can change drone if have firefly and still have space. Firefly will damage a lot more and it is suitable for your mech design but will have to invest in another heat drone and will have to consider expenses. Let say you removed vandal, added the extra energy module , change drone and change to lava leg it will give more space with another 24. Maybe can use a super charge if have one just as example. or change back to original drone and add another side weapon. Changing the vandal for another plating can be ok even epic plating at L30. THE ONE IN DISPLAY IT IS PREMIUM and add a lot of resist and it is good to use. All depend if you do not care to play close as a counter mech skipping many energy mechs and some to fight them. The regeneration is too low but against phys mech can hold a bit better. Just you have to decide the direction you want to go. Phys resistance or energy and regen in need against energy mechs. Follow your intuition and heart as you want to play and feel cool for you. Just do not get crazy doing stuff with limited gold and parts. Stick to basic just to enhance a bit with little investment for now like removing vandal and adding energy module and maybe add the heat drain just for starting point or removing vandal adding resist. It won't improve on power but yes will give more stability till in the future can make changes and will fight normally to same ranks but you will know your gold average per week or per day and can plan better. Below comment it is based in order that you have to think a bit when invest in a weapon for hard earned gold and parts to level up for today game environment but not the direction to go because every player is different and get different parts at different moment. What weapons can be use as top player in today environment not meaning will be like that forever. Currently weapons like space invader it is in use often. The other weapons are less in use. The heat recoil it is the less recoil in use. Energy and phys recoil are use daily. The heat recoil do not affect a lot on heat generally speaking and I was user of the weapon. Flaminator it is not use all the time but still in use on top when they do not have the L-M version. Still a decent weapon in some ways and I was user. Corrupt light it is a weapon that normally I do not see in the top ranks. It is a decent weapon might say but do not fit that much at those levels but I have seen some using the weapon, I was user of that weapon. Nemo drone it is strange to see a weapon of low power been use on tops. It is not that uncommon to see it since they use the weapon due to weight issues in some cases. Dynamite Boots it is very strange to see one in the game unless lower rank or mid rank even so not a lot in use. I was user too. Showing my old free to play mechs original mechs of my 2 accounts. Those mechs were R10-8 with no resist or plating modules never use it due to weight limitations and no resources so I had to compensate with mixed power and designed to play 2v2. Yes, you see more rank on display but were balanced against counters because used all 3 kinds and helped me to go beyond real limit but when played against balanced mech showed the real power of R10-8 mechs and even less as single more like R10-R9. I do not use those weapons except night fall and the others maybe more in raid or titan. SO BE CAREFUL wasting money but in the beginning you use what you have to progress. You do not have to follow others people comments. Play your game as you feel and according what you have as free player. To rate your mech not mean you have to change. Max out parts as they are if you feel fine with that. Now you know rank possibilities for the future using combination parts showed. Oki.
  4. ah, sweet 80's. I miss those days and the 70's too.
  5. power cycle your phone to see what happen. Your account it should work in any other device if you remember your password and username. Try pc/other phone and down load the app. I use different devices to play the game with android or windows base. sometimes have a glitch issue to log in. You can try later and see what happen.
  6. Hi ladies and gentlemen. How are you? I am glad to know you are doing awesome and chilling killing. In my side of the equation, well...ehhh I am a bit sad again losing 2 cool clan members to take it a bit slower in the game and or game retirement. I already miss them. Sad to me every time I see this happen. Thank you so much for your support to the clan and be great pals. As a side note; We have 2 spots open for any interested player who will like to join the clan We haven't change any basic requirement. We are a Top 10 Clan aiming for rewards and we always achieve those goals. We do in 1v1 110wins , 2V2 90wins and 3v3 75wins as the low end requirement. During 1V1 season we go for 5K wins and 2K for 2V2 and 3V3. We collect Titan tickets and fight TITAN 7 stars We do WAR for S+ and S Box Our basic entry requirement it is R4 in all season---Any other condition can be talked with the boss. Don't be afraid to ask. We will like to add people with integrity, good manners, committed for long term membership if possible. What make us apart from others top clans? Hmm, I love too many clans and love to see lots of great players on their respective clans and their long term friendships and stability and great goals to reach and obtain a medal earned with hard work and the goodies that come with them. For us it is friendship and stability as any other clan and our basic difference it is the way we play as team to get rewards. Our clan it is based for rewards through wins and no focus on AP allowing us to do others things in the game and no worries of losing an spot or been remove for lack of rank. We support the clan direction focus on basic rank position for war as best we can and to ensure the daily work it is completed as tickets, titan fight and basic wins. We are a friendly clan generally speaking and of course everyone have personal opinion from former or current members but the reality is that we are a clan with integrity and friendly ways and of course I won't be in the clan if anything of that change to a not that positive way and will move back to play as solo player since I am not a clan hopper. Few things has been addressed if out of line. We offer no a lot of differences of what you can have with your current mates or if you are around as lone wolf solo player you might like to be with us. Also, it is a great place for top players tired of to much pressure about rank but do wins and rewards will be there as best come if do not think about a possible medal and feel with comfort with that. We are looking for players with some power not worries about sustain an R1 everyday but consistent on doing the basics and it is a respectful with decent values. No need to be an R1 player but good enough to support if possible war with 3 decent mechs. Yes, as any other clan we everyday check players progress and if there is any difficulty for the player it can be addressed with proper communication so we are aware and will understand and support as best we can like vacations or sick days or internet issues like happens before many times. We just looks for that integrity and honesty so we can avoid miss understanding and lose a player. We do not have secrets as clan. We just do our work in an honest way and play as we want to play during the season individually speaking and communicate to let others know about our intentions as example me testing weapons at low rank for possible development and things like that. If you like what the clan it is made off, go ahead and do not be shy because I won't bite you unless you are a too cute lady pilot. You can contact any team member and request to join if you are interested or PM me, @Bunboy, @18-016, @40985204, @Pink555 and @Scourge at this forum. I will add a discord number later when I get the proper one in mean time go ahead and join a cool clan with nice rewards. Thx you for your attention OKI DOKI Discord Tirregregas#5135
  7. All depend your rank direction. As it is I will say 5 based for R10 a bit higher. The use of your heat weapons are energy dependable having very low energy stat and too low regen. It will improve when max item but will stay too low for current environment in the game. Legs are decent and I was an user but with purpose and in this case not that good since you have recoil. The idea for it I get it but will be better a Lava leg in this case due to recoil in use. If you use leg cant use recoil and you want dual action but ok to push and use corrupt. Your cooling it is too low but will improve a bit and weapons usage will overheat your mech if not careful. Health it is very low and to pass or reach rank 8 will be hard. If you are a free player no other parts around is a good set up. You might get 2100HP If your account it is max out on arena then you will get something like this. In this case your energy stat is too low including regen but for that rank it is ok till can improve with new modules. Heat stats are ok. Your mech is designed to reduce health of your opponent not resist and no necessarily to overheat. wrong hook on first image.
  8. those are cool video from old time. WOW, Playing since then. I play for one year something. nice account. lot of goodies. I guess it is worse from 19-21 my era. cool to have pvp with friends from RF. Nice fight against titan with that mech set up. Interesting
  9. I think it is a good point. I had mention the same thing in the previous forum more than once. This is my max out current inventory This will be my next cost to get another 5 slots My acc it is a L250 acc completed just in months farming hard. My focus from start the game 10/19 was to go for fuel increase and fuel regen and increase inventory space to progress in the game regardless low power to advance in the free way using campaign tokens for it. The key to move fast was 24/7 grinding and I am close enough till today doing the same and adding space. I do have over 300 myth-legend and the rest are epics saved to make future parts out of them and others to make legends to meat them making myth parts. Eating parts because lack of space it wasn't and it is not that appealing so I keep adding space for control and not to dump parts that might take time to get them back because the game sometimes give a lot and then stops and no more of same part and having reserves of them it is crucial in my case as fast myth and legend maker. Right now if I want o add more space it is very costly. For a sustainable company income it does makes sense since it is a business and need to force the players to spend tokens fast so can spend more money to get more buying because people wants to advance fast if is possible. For free to play to get enough space and to progress will have to eat the few tokens saved for long or lose a possible offer that can use those tokens for it. Even the game provide space till reach L250 it is very low with some 10 slots and others at 5 slots but it is very limited and buying at lower moment it is not that costly and can be managed but still cost too much for free player on tokens even it is not much the first 25 adds by tokens. Sure the game need to give more slots passing level and cost to buy need to go down to make it more attractive for those paying. Not having space normally eat too much good parts that might need later or for different test for possibilities making mechs. Even 1000 of room if you check Clever what had to do with his account it does tell you that space it is in need for a long term player dedicated in full. He had to eat divined parts tons of them to have more room. We need space and price to be cut down for sure but people need to understand that the owner need to make some money too. Some good ideas already mentioned can be put in place in a way that GATO can profit in some way and we can get the room less costly. Well put Elcent
  10. Yes, people can get crazy farming. I do everyday and never missed a single day since I started to play back in 10/19 and I do not farm one time a day instead all day long calculated when. In order to progress base without use tokens it does require to farm a lot or do tons of pvp at high rank to get enough gold for it. If do lots of wins it is nice but when is low rank pvp gold grant it is really low so farming is best combined with wins. You can level up parts, do base and save gold properly if farm as I did and still doing but if not been at low rank you need to think what area to focus as Jam indicated. Farming it is sustainable but I agree with what you mean. It is true that it is crazy thing to do. You can time the farming knowing how long takes to reach the top of current fuel in the account then connect and farm before reach the top but people sleep, deal with school, work, family etc and maybe do have limitations of electronics to work with. If those limitations are present so money is the best way to go without base and buy tokens and gold to enhance fast or use tokens to max gold mines and base till get all of them but if is a free to play player farming 1 time a day and few pvp will takes years to get this done. Even farming as I do and limited pvp my progress it is very slow and frustrating.
  11. SPAM is the CEO and he already was master but then owner made some changes. So officially he was the first No, he keeps playing the game and getting medals. He is less active in forum and discord because the game with cheaters and no new parts around and hopping INMAX implode something like that. He made a comment in his thread some weeks ago if I am not wrong
  12. Buen progreso. La espada es buena cuando tengas mas partes pues puedes maximizarla luego. El frantic ayuda subir rango cuando esta maximizado. Cuando esta bajo nivel no es bueno. buen escudo recivistes.
  13. Jam gave the answer to use OD6 insane. It is the best to use for fast grinding. If you have enough power then use that one. The cost of fuel 7 vs gold 9,600 and XP 19,000 is the best of course as fast. The amount of mechs and structures to destroy are minimal making auto process really good. Also, if you are trying to level up your account also it is the best on XP with gold granted and fuel usage. Few others options are harder but can give some fortune boxes but if is about gold-level up fast at low cost this is the holy grail.
  14. you can use this option every day if you like till get one.
  15. you are welcome. Cool videos. nice fight and decent damage.
  16. 1- The coca-cola mech looks cool. Few weapons never seen Nice fight. Like the intro with the fans. 2- Seems like 161 myth and almost all in L50. So many divine parts. Dang. Oh well, it will takes years for me to get divined parts like you. Nice portal. 3- Nice fight with titan. I am currently making few energy parts. 1- Nice torso. I remember that fight. Cool one to fight to test with hugger and see response jumping toward. 2- I am not sure but I guess I saw this video. Nice test face shocker and heat point with Mechzilla. 3- Nice intro with the dual color on monster smile Excellent fight with titan using heat and energy. 1- cool test damaging the titan shield in different ways. 2- Interesting song. Interesting conversation with Maverick. I have seen that player around since I play. Nice fight against the titan. I will try that one for fun.
  17. cool. good job too much hugs kills me. I need to brief.
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