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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 1- First off, that torso is hard to use and not that good. I have not even seen a top ranker with it unless for show or fun but not actual real combat. OK for low rank fun nothing else. Sure, looks cool. Keep it for now due to your limitations on your account. 2- I re-created the same mech, weird I have 4 more in weight. Anyway, the mech will not progress because modules deficiency and to many weapons. The tendency when lack on modules and HP is to compensate in weapons something I did when I started. Now, you have some modules available to use. 1- You need to max the modules and improve the set up. 2- You have 3 weapons doing the same. You need to cut back on some of them to improve your modules. With current inventory and same parts installed, you have this without the hammer Still not good but you will have more energy and heat caps and regen and colling reason you are killed in just a second. You need to focus on farm for the modules. Forget the weapons for now. Do not spread-out resources if no more around. The excess on weight is 4 more I do not know why having same parts but will be 2 on your side. That will give you more stability on fights. Now, it is not a good combo set due to will be better to have a nightfall but it is ok to try like that even it is not optimums. Also, your drone will eat health, so it is another factor against you because low HP. I kept same other parts to give your idea what will happen with that small change. Your heat and energy base will be different because you have a torso maxed and will be more with all modules maxed. Those will be in the 500 just to barely manage basic but still bad even for R10 because many already have even more on energy/heat base. you can make other changes. Practice with or without hammer with hook or without hook as example. Practice will give you better idea how the opponent will kill you. Do test at chat against any type of mech with the changes. Learn to use it.
  2. 1- Limited inventory focus in your primary mech to be use. Do not spread-out resources in the module side. 2- Due to torsos limitations, you should not max . In the long even short run, sadly the torso will fail for your progression. Sure, can use according to current inventory till get something else but I will use WINDIGO the one with the CLAW leg. WINDIGO will take you to top rank in a better way. 3- Farm a lot and use epics parts to make legends properly eating those epics that wont be able to be converted to legend and use those can be transformed into legend as meat as no need part and some are in no need so can be used properly for it. You can ask questions for more understanding about it. 4- Max the few parts you have available on modules that are actually good parts for the long run. Due to the lack of modules, you need to get focus in one mech for now. Do not invest in a second. You need to merge those parts circulated in one mech and work on max. You have to pick what mech you prefer for now. Do not focus on weapons power right now. As more power more energy and heat consumption it will require to use draining you and overheating you and plus the opponent attack.
  3. Actually, I have not purchased anything in long time except the bunny day 10 boxes because my kids wanted to click with current tokens at dispositions. Actually, there was 800 packs in the account at some point. You are one of the few real grinders with 2 accounts even better than my own maybe the only one at that level on both as creator and owner from start. Also, you have luck on fortune boxes, and I have no luck. It can pass weeks and no grants farming for it, so I do not farm them. Also, you play at top on both, and I play little kid test low rank so no even relics. WARRMACHINE also was or still a real grinder. I keep also balance on the upgrades when farmed keeping those unclaimed boxes controlled because working gets hard to drain them not having enough storage room to unlock the boxes. This is the other account post kids opening boxes for their fun. Sadly, they got nothing in the 250 opening or so. Sad history for the kids. I will start to farm soon. My kids are giving up for their other activities. I will push for 300m as baseline, and I will keep them at that number for long making parts then to divine some epic level parts due to epic relic accumulation, so I need to increase gold for it. I let them to deal with pvp and raid. They miss them often, but something is something until I can play a bit on my own but hard for now due to work. I connect to forum often but to play it is dangerous. I had stopped to play several times in the past because work and reduced farming as well. As you know, from my start I have been low win player due to lack of time to play basically 5 wins a day but in CANDELA I was playing the base of the clan rule on both accounts but was really hard on me. I wanted to play for the gold in need but always has been impossible so my basic has been just farming easy to do on OD6. I want the kids to join a clan at least that they can play 5 wins and do WAR yes or no TITAN but they still in the no side. I might get the account to a clan can be available for it and not necessarily high rank requirement. I do not know their mood so I can't compromise. Totally sad reason the accounts are back to origin of longtime solo player.
  4. why there is no trade? Of course, there is trade. give me your credit or debit card and I will prove to you that I can trade your money for tokens, and I can trade tokens for boxes or gold and extras.
  5. Yes, the only one in flesh and bones. Senor Maxx.
  6. is she saying bow bow or "PAPI that's all". Hmmm...
  7. They used to fight against each other on clan war. I played as should. Fight to win. My first time joining a clan was CANDELA INC. I was in the clan till my vacation by end of the last year. TOP 10 CLAN normally between 3-10 depending on our desires how to play as team in our ways to get wins titan war no focused-on medals but was capable on power to get many if wished. OKI DOKI joined to help then later O.D.FARM. Below you can see OKI and O.D. together. but later due to work, I had to move out O. DFARM to solo and then looked for a clan that can accept me with little play and rank but doing the basic and moved from solo O.D.FARM to Reign Forever till last year vacation. Due to changes at work in the last 3 years by bosses and responsibilities assignments, play time decreased and can't play every day or none at all in the sense of PVP or even titan or raid just farm but also in the last 6 months not even farming. It is all about time availability in real life having family and job to deal with and few other things around. So, I had to fight my clans against each other often and I tried to fight the opponents to win. As a note of curiosity, I never attacked my own person. I attacked always the opponents that my teammates were unable to get enough damage and I used to make the shot to win the war very often. I can say that in WAR, I was very decent player.
  8. Don't know. I will let the kids to decide. There is no room to open. I have too many legends to meat in something but not a weapon in need.
  9. Oh Yeah. O.D. FARM ACCOUNT I decided to play TITAN to change the coins numbers getting bored to see the same number for the last 6 months of no play. CHEERS
  10. No, but is a player well known.
  11. I am confused. So Stefix, Riot, Socol and Scarlet are the same person?
  12. Nice. I totally forgot about it. Someone mentioned in the old forum. My bad, I am a reloaded ignorant player. correction- retired
  13. Actually, that circulated weapon, it can be use on top rank. It will be useful till R3. Do not meat any of those parts. Keep all of them. keep all of them. do not meat any. Make your own legends farming with epics. Red Rain it is a TOP Premium weapon. You will need that one at some point.
  14. try that test. check results.
  15. I will do it some day when I grew up playing the game instead to fooling around.
  16. Looking at my accounts, they love to be always close to one another at top or low ranks or even gold or else. My kids seem like the same.
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