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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I think have come around maybe two times as far I remember in special offers. Creo que salieron un par de veces en offertas hace tiempo. No salen en las cajas oro. Son virtualmente las mismas que el torso mono solo apariencia.
  2. Do not know. I can say too many. Just few on my head Robotron 2084 MechWarrior all versions but some special memories for MW3.I stopped to play few years ago online. No time to be with my old friends playing with me since university time on our old and expensive PC's then moved to online for many years as old buddies. 30 years. Stargate Sorry, the list is too big because I was fan of too many to call best because all were cool to play. I played online also almost all games coming around so I will say in the thousands. Like to try all can see but of course are too many so many have never been played. Now none. About Super Mech, hmm... won't be in the list of top 10. Now, I can say that SM it is a great game with cool graphics easy to play and interesting to advance in the way has been made. Looks nice, reloaded version. I will say I like the game more than many others I have played. It is likable game. I think it is a game with great potential if can be administrated and promoted properly. My kids like the game but play others as normal at that age. The game has all in place will say and it is not a confusing game. Good chat items, good forum, cool pvp direct chat with the other player, tons of parts, raid, titan, etc and it is a strategy game and will say a good one. This game can have a lot of players and can be better if players do not talk that bad of the game when it is a good one. About repetitive, mostly all games are repetitive. I can tell since the 70's.
  3. Old posting. It is not like OKI DOKI fresh comments.
  4. Sounds logic to me. As you mentioned, the lack of updates for this game also discourages old players or some players playing for 3 years like my own self. Sure, they needed time to check program, learn, make changes, learn laws applicable according to international rules, game programing advances and new codes to keep up, etc. Now, even no new parts, bans etc, some items to keep some fun like portals with relics, portals with tokens often enough let say every 3 weeks will be nicer to keep players happy and bring more to the game. Even the recent offers have been trimmed if you compare the recent month in the wrong direction. As you know, I do not like to complain and I get into my normal farming stuff or used too till last year, but now I think it is time to get some love to this game because I think it is time for it giving some bandwidth of space to make corrections, learn and with limited personal, work on both games enhancement even they might feel too stretched. Coding takes a long time I know that. Anyway, I am retired due to work but not quitting the game looking forward to advancing my accounts and to see some portals very often, free space for parts, account level change to 500 instead of 250 boring things for over 2 years with some great parts to collect maybe selectable, if possible, every 50-75 levels, solo players enhancement on relics because they do not have time to play on clans and their rules crating a limiter to them and few others. I know the game need to generate money but those are basic and that support players and buyers. I am a free to play and for fun buyer not a pay to win when I can be there all the time at top. There is no clan competition. Just BS right now people moving around jumping like goat's clan to clan. Top players not even try to move ranks. Many retiring or lack of interest. When I started, the game still vibrant not at level you might see on past time before me starting this game, but the reality is that people connected dropped a lot of the numbers I used to see. SAD been a decent game if compare with many others around and I am a video game player since the 70's so I can tell a bit. Oh well, will see..... Keep going with your advice. Players like you are good to have around.
  5. It is true that some hours before changing season they rank up making the room to move up of those at lower. Now, the issue not all can move up because time sensitive according to time zone respective a country where they live making things hard for them to move up because can't play to recover on time. Also, some move naturally, some looks like are smurfs but they are not. I have been testing and some are just purely trapped. Some for example are in R7 just to say. Because the game normally selects to combat 2 ranks up or 2 ranks down, those on R7 face top gunners keeping then down unable to cross. That happens to me all the time in the past when I was under development. Crossing to rank6 is a hell because will match you up with full flesh powerful players from R3 including R2 very often even should be R5-r4 even so, r4 it is a full flesh top. That created a bubble down the road affecting the rest of the ranks naturally. There are natural places where the game will hold you hostage. R23 is a limiter like R20. Then will have an R18 making hard things to push because will match you up with R15 time to time. The problem there is that the player already had developed some weapons even lack of modules but hurt to move up and the hp is a bit higher to overcome the difficulty. R15 is a problem to cross looking the way to have 2 mechs and will get stuck bouncing for long. The people on R14 are in a hell because the R13 is already too powerful on weapons wise. The boxes are natural game stopper against players making things harder and will take time to overcome those barriers but between them, are semi barriers due to mechs getting power on weapons levels. Sure, some smurfs hurt badly and I know some of them that keep the natural flow unnatural on pvp progress and was the same when I started having those smurfs hurting me to push up. Do not get angry. Focus on farming if you can. Develop some parts, if possible, out of mech to avoid match maker to set you up with even more difficulty. Don't waste gold on BASE factory beyond L2 sure the main base increase till can get 4 gold mines. No factories because limited gold to make parts. The L2 is like to have silver account close to the same cost. People do not understand that. I developed my mechs using simple factory L2 and when I was stronger making more gold on pvp I increase to get L15 for power kits but that require a lot of farming to make them because cost gold to make but also to level up. Do titan if you can, join a clan for war maybe luck of a epic relic that will help a lot on epic weapons. play raid, watch the commercials because if you do and you are free, you can get 2k of tokens in a month and that it is juicy for free to play and that will provide epics and luck of a decent legend to work on. All complain about smurfs, I had to deal with the same thing, but I pushed hard farming and in 4 months I was somewhat developed to higher rank. I know it is hard to do according to schools or work etc but farming was my approach and I moved fast. Some followed what I explained and are top for free making even solo medals. Do not forget to play 5 wins every day. If limited time, do not get into pvp for hours, go basic to 5 wins but farm because it is easy at any time to do depending your personal condition on internet, digital devices etc. Those 5 wins are very important to enhance your account level. When you are in lover rank, the coins granted are less so when you are in the low side, you cannot afford to miss a day. Titan can take long to get clan coins but can help for a free player a lot after getting 2k and getting a free pack and some epics from there will be glorious to push up if luck. For example, I do not play in long time, but I might have already been part on a clan 100,000 clan coins equivalent to 50 premium packs. or my other account By the way, if you are not part of a clan, you still can play TITAN. I advanced as solo player never in clans as top player. Later I joined for some time then again out of clan. A steady player in a clan, will progress much faster on titan coins, war relics and epics parts if you are under development. Look for people that want to play 5 wins, do titan and war and farm like a hell. In 4 months if farm 3-4 times a day, if possible, you will see the power of your mech push up rank really fast. Don't get focus into the smurs, just focus on development. Do not quit the fight, that cost you gold stay even lose but collect something in particular at lower rank that every piece of gold it is real gold to enhance mechs. Again, do not level up factories beyond L2 till ready on power and gold availability. That will be a waste of gold at that level. I can have my BASE finished years ago. There is no point for now. Mines is key to progress. This is the equivalent of silver box accounts close to grant and cost and that appear on L2 factory. If you want ultra cheap but will take forever to get parts and will have to level up more the factory. I tried this options and I really heated because slow on my fast development but good for slower farmers.
  6. He retired. He got his 50 gold solo medals then bye bye.
  7. He retired around September 2021. Can't recall well but around that time. He handed over his account to TF members and the account is around maybe with Warmachine. I have not seen the account in use.
  8. Hard to work around. I know some tops are around. Some not intentionally because they do not play as before, and their accounts drop when go to arena. Those are momentarily trying to get out back to where they are belonged. Some others are at low ranks at all levels. Now, some others are matching maker messing around way passing common sense on match with over 3-4 or even more ranks above. This is an example. I was R7 testing and Dang a powerful mech. Sometimes the game love to match with the smurfs but sometimes is about how many people are playing. I have been Rank 7 vs R1. Some are just getting the parts and finished to developed. Some do have weapons but not modules to overcome limitations. Sometimes the match wants to match you with the worse type of mechs against yours one after another. Sure, some are abusing.
  9. Yes. I have 2. One girl and one boy. Both are the players and used to play R1. They are 10 and 12. They play basically since I started so they are better players than me, but they just fool around like their father. They are not serious players in the game. They play others with their friends. I used to play with my nice who is actually the co-owner of OKI DOKI because her and I we make the account together to play with her nephew. The account was created under me, but I handed over to her then she quitted after some months been too busy at university and a job. I am a real older man passing my 50's. There is no more space in the cake There are few others older than me.
  10. The leader was already tired and decided to disband the clan. Some players as well hated the clan for been a great clan. Some players were tired like the leader and wanted to rest some. Part of the clan moved with Warmachine as leader in his own clan and some moved to other clans tentative and moving around so far but playing less as I have seen. They are a bit spread out and semi-retired or retired. Overall, I will say that many top players are semi-retired now playing less and less. You can see that on their ranks by end of season and wins. Some are already playing against me on lower ranks. because they do not play, and their ranks drop and have to start from lower ranks and move up. Maybe they knew what is coming and got afraid of OKI DOKI STATE OF ART POWERFUL MECHS Well, to be honest, will be nice to see them back in full including HTK and some others no longer around. Even lower ranker's clans with now leaders retired but they kept those clans for years before me started to play this. Many people started young and became adults going to university or work changes, marriage, family and else. Life changes and have to move on in life. Like me, now retired unable to play so I called good for now till someday I can play again. But when they return, clan OKI DOKI vs TF again. Life will be tuff for them again with greater power. I will be cutting legs if I have too.
  11. I am a dummy, so I still don't know how. I tried different ways and no way hell. I know some people completed back then.
  12. Everyone one does. I bet the breath oxygen, eat food, fall asleep and then wake up as well. THEN PLAY SUPER MECHS THE REST OF THE TIME. New generation Old generation. "Me-OKI DOKI" This is the New America Professionals. I am so Proud.
  13. Players should never eat parts that they do not have spares for it and hard to get back even at epic level. If the player does possess some space, then preserve weapons that might be needed in the future. Sure, if the player is running out of space, then do what need to get done in a smart way.
  14. Never. Actually, are testing mechs for data collection as one of my fun things I do. It is about module changes, weapon changes to observe at steady rank match maker, output power, position between others. I collect all in a file I created for 3 years of test every fight. Very extensive file and due to is hard work, I do not share that info, but I know what can be in many situations. Test low and test at R5 or higher. As everyone knows here, I am not a medal collector or high wins player. There were seasons I increased the wins because constant test purely on match maker. I used some others accounts with identical set ups and compared accounts what happened. I still play in the same way. Well, better say until last November last time I really played in an on and off days. Now, sadly I do not play, and my kids just play by mood with same mechs or change for others for a bit of fun between both losing on purpose or trying time to time and win with a mech with difficulty to win having limitations on purpose or play to positions they know will create a loss-making players think are wining against them. They just fool around a bit then stop. When want straight win then they go for it or just mess around for few wins test. They collect the data for me for some of the fights but not all just some. They do not do much here because they have their own accounts playing on and off, but they play other games where they have friends and they never made friends here neither have forum account. They tried a bit earlier but some players with bad mouth at pvp they found the game no worthy to chat with people or to make friends. They are powerful on their own merit R1 when play for it in rare moments, in mean time they play low or mid rank. My kids played few days testing. I do not know how far they will go per season. Stay on R7, move to R5 or R3 or higher for fun. I really do not know what their daily mood will be to play my accounts just to keep a bit alive. I look time to time on my work but not playing not having time for it or getting on trouble if do so. At home no time for it. I come late from work.
  15. OKI DOKI


  16. You are welcome. Keep asking for anything even sounds dummy. That help to the rest of players not asking but reading. Some make jokes but people here they know a lot. You can take a look to my own 2 pages. Those are my 2 accounts progress since May 2020 when I joined the old forum and added some from that old to this one new since December 2020. I am OKI DOKI on the game or O.D. FARM. JUST CLICK ON THEM AND WILL GIVE YOU AN INSIDE OF WHAT I HAVE AND HOW LOG TAKES TO ADVANCE. On power I am an advanced account owner who can play at R1, but I do not longer play been too busy at work and my goal was to make parts not to be a pro but when I had the desire to kill then I kill them. My kids play now.
  17. Do not dump the parts. People love Legacy game version. Those old players can give you some better ideas of what to do. The game changed a lot. I will say is better start a new account. New parts released till early 2021 no others since them. Some old parts have been modified looking better but function is a bit different. If you go to the arena with those, is like to have a brand-new account open today on power level. The MAX LEVEL IS 250. It does takes long to get there and require a hell of grinding. Now, if you are addicted to grind, then can be done on 8 months not missing a day and grinding 4-6 times in full. Max is 6 generally speaking according to fuel regeneration. There are few items from legacy that still work like a dual repulser " I do not know the name" and I think the dual hook. In the forum, there are players for that era and they will give you advise. Many of the top players are from that era and members that came back after left the game due to the game change to this version. It has been few changes. 1- The game changed to what is now called Reloaded back on 2017 or so. I am not that old player, so I do not know. 2- On 2/25/20 or 1/25/20 the BASE was added to the game. Some likes some hate. 3- The game owner from changed to GATO GAME back on 2020 maybe around October then the new owner spent time fixing up game bugs, closing accounts of cheaters, bans etc. 4- The new owner has not been released a new weapon 5- Portals reduced to very rare 3-4 in the year 6- Offers are often and change regularly lime today. I hope the old players can advise you properly because they were the players that went through the changes. I am a reloaded player never Legacy since 2019 October. Welcome back to the game and I hope you can have fun and enjoy current version. We need more players like you. Go here and watch videos of many players making mechs and good ideas and test how they play Just a few of video you tubers Kepp asking, some other pages provide a lot of information. This link will provide a lot of help. I miss the guy around. He recently retires. http://www.puresimplicity.net/~oneeyedcat/misc/supermechs.html
  18. I am really surprised that you a super-duper player long timer don't know that. This is already collected the 2 tokens and if you try again this will happen as you already know. Close the game and re-open the game. Now I am back and watch commercial and buy something at Macy's. Then collect. I actually never do. What I do normally is to use the commercials to collect gold on the pvp 15 times. At top rank, you can make good gold watching the commercial. If you need tokens so close 15 times. Now, remember if you play the 5 pvp then won't collect the higher gold on those 5 wins and the following wins will be less gold but with commercial pay more on top and the next 10 wins. After that you will get regular gold unless get premium. For free players, is best the tokens. I do according to my moods. Well, not now because I no longer play just my kids. Have fun collecting tokens. close again again Just check the time below.
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