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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. sometimes give a bit of time. I know that sometimes you get an offer and have a delayed time for some reason maybe like a day or two. They fixed a lot of issues and worked on that too. I had the problem like 4 times always got the offer
  2. lucky with those relics. My kids are getting trash one after another. Nice mech. I do not have the torso maxed. WTH about those ranks and so many low rank boxes? Retired like me? Good to see you are making another video. Some others not making them as before or none.
  3. Recommendation to the newbie from my part it is basic, use FRANTIC because you get more bang to move up. When I started, I was punished by them, and they killed me like a FLY. My original mech have one but normally the shot was lower than the opponent. I never made a second, but I am making or just did recently one to have two as collection part. I recommend that because for a free player it does have a chance to win against many types of mechs and move up with modules limitations fast enough. At some point, some months later after I started, the Frantic was buffed up and use to kill with 800 shots and with 4 shots you were dead regardless mechs types. Later the item was moved back to original close values but with more heat cost to overheat the mech more than before. It was an issue with top players crying a lot because a newbie come to start the game and from nowhere there were killing tops like pros. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA TIME. Some players even destroyed the parts. So, I know is hard but deal with as the rest in my time and others before me. Some does have high energy and heat caps and some are counters with lower energy in the 200. Also, mid rankers do have issues and better say worst. The power in that area is way too high against real R5-R1 players. The number of top players in R8-R6 is too big. Looking at my kids playing for fun but when I check, those are top players in full or close to full on power. I can see my kids changing mechs maybe getting mad about it.
  5. pure guys. total destruction. They will hate you.
  6. congrats. Happy for you. The Monkey is back
  7. yes, it is for transformation so no issues. Use them if need.
  8. welcome back. cool idea Hope all goes well with university stuff. So long ago those days for me.
  9. I use both. When I used to play every day and farm every day, I used the base for power kits often making 400 power kits or 1000, 2000 or 4000 even did 8000. Now I am retired due to work at least for now but currently I started to farm again, and I use exclusively grinded parts. Base haven't been in use since last year. When I use only the grinding parts, I have few purposes. 1- Accumulate parts in the unclaimed part. "Never like it to use power kit to eat parts" just straight to the weapon when I want to level up. Power kits can help a bit more if max them without transformation giving a tiny bit more on the level. 2- It does allow me to increase gold. The amount using on gold per daily 5 wins, it is minimal "15parts+gold for the eating", but it actually works to enhance your weapons and help accumulate parts and save gold. When my unclaimed parts reach an 800, I drain them to make a Myth part or 2 of them or to make L1-L40 or to make epics L1-L30 maybe like 5 of them and have them ready to transform to legend as legend for meat for those on L40. I keep some 400 parts available when I do that and increase again. IT IS ALL DEPEND ON HOW MUCH YOU FARM. MY STRATEGY WORKS FOR ME BECAUSE I AM A GRINDER AND I CAN GRIND WITH MY PHONE LOOKING TO THE SIDE TIME TO TIME MAKING FEW GRINDS AND KEEPING THE REGENERATION OF FUEL WORKING ALL DAY LONG. NOT EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO DO THAT DUE TO PHONE COST, LIMITATIONS OF ELECTRONICS ETC. NOW, FOR THOSE FREE TO PLAY AND HAVING A PHONE EVEN GOING TO SCHOOL AND NO ISSUE TO PAY BASIC OF THE PHONE, FARMING CAN BE EASY AND FAST AND DEVELPMENT CAN TAKE IN MONTHS RATHER THAN YEARS. I just evaluate what I can do and my expectations of the week to do what I am planning. I am focus into make parts to L50 but I am not a player that can play a lot on pvp, titan, raid etc because require real sacrifices during the week and never had the expectation to be a pro ranker just a tester and to make parts just for fun. When I started, I decided to grind as much possible timing the time when fuel will cap and when I figured out per enhancement, I was paying attention to drain them or better say to prevent cap to drain. With my OKI DOKI account, I was able to level up the account from L1 to L250 in 9 moths and some weeks but by the time I opened O.D.FARM, I perfected my way and in 8 months flat I maxed L1-250. Days are very important, that 50% gold, that 100% gold, those, 100% fuel or the 50% fuel all are very important for development also when I was leveling up, those that help advance XP it was very important to me to advance to 250. Those provide a lot of gold and progress. The XP days will help you advance and collect a plating or shield and some lucks on some boxes grants plus during your advance, you will get more storage room to accumulate more parts.
  10. Ok, as you mentioned it is all about the modules. You are combining for close, mid and long distance. The reason why I changed to use magma recoil available it is because you have a blind spot at range 2 forcing you to lose a turn because the opponent will exploit that deficiency. No need changes or to follow what I said. play the mech set up since you made it and know how to manage the mech. Remember that as you increase the HP of the mech, it will be harder the opponent. On my testing also the compensation in the modules also will bring harder opponents. I have been testing for 3 years on module changes on mid ranks same mechs and different ones for period of time. You can do anything to increase torso and leg, but I personally will balance modules at this point. Increase to L40 those can move to myth status, then one at the time transform the module but do not waste trying to max the already transformed to myth because it is harder to max to L50 passing L25. Just finish to transform those then with daily only level up one module per day increasing all in a controlled way. it will progress with them simultaneously on level and by L25 will be harder, so do 1 level per module step by step. do not rush but need to farm. For example, I transformed step by step parts available that I will need to make some sets or future sets when get one more part or to transform in the next batch. Those will be level up all together with daily only allowing the gold can increase, accumulate enough unclaimed box parts from the farming then with enough gold and parts, at some point will be able to tackle the harsh condition to level 1 level per module per day having enough for it. Below I do have 244 unclaimed parts but that is very low for my farming. I had 6 parts with daily only on development and increased unclaimed and gold increased a lot then I tackled those 6 parts posted without pulling my hair. Now I have 7 parts to be level with daily only and I do have room at 244 to let increase to 850 as unclaimed parts then use them but the gold will be up all the time and I keep happy face always because of it. With daily, you consume some parts forced to complete daily. If you check my last month post in OKI DOKI thread, I was in the 278 million and those 6 parts under development and 701 unclaimed parts from farming. Now I finished 6 parts and increased gold to 300 million no base used or else just pure farming and my kids pvp when have time or mood to play my accounts. Sadly, because I do not play, the gold on pvp and the lack of farming from my kids, the progress is slower, but I started to farm to improve the gold collection to make parts hopping they play some pvp even they miss days every week like 3 days or 4 days. It will take me next month to max those parts with daily and saving up gold and parts, but the progress will be there, and I will complete them plus I will make another 4 transformations from legend L1 making in total 11 parts between this month and next one but only will be able to finish 6 to 7 next month to L50. Do not use the base for power kits for now or else. That will cost gold just because want to rush the development. Use properly the epic parts to make legend parts for transformation when you finish to L40 those modules. Do not eat epic parts that might be good to have later on. Just be careful. Players eat parts and they harm their accounts progress but a quick transformation of one part then come "Regrets" because they screw up. I even used to transform rare parts to epic to get the parts to make legends. I do not buy gold or use tokens for grinding. My grinding is pure free from start timing the fuel accumulation to no let it stop and let regen keep making more. Sure, now it does stops because no time to play but now I am back at least 4 full fuels consumed per day.
  11. Yes, back then I was playing every day 7 days without a miss. Sadly, multiple times or rather say 3-4 times at work has been some changes in the administration and my bosses' changes and assignments too making a hell and because I have to learn new stuff or re-learn old stuff, I have to study like a mule and take trainings and train people during changes and that takes very long because I have to do both simultaneously and I lose my breaks to rest for breaks to study and do work delayed to compensate delays and back at home connected to the company to keep working having little to nothing time with family. Yes, in order people can help you out better, you should provide screen captures of your full inventory and current mechs in use. They can help out. They can give you some links for webs to check out and test and also to see ideas no premiums sets.
  12. welcome back. the forum members can help out. send your full account pictures so they can help out when have time. for a rush thing maybe discord. Forum is active too.
  13. Sad, I have been eating them maybe like 10 already and another one to follow up. In a side note, just few months ago I got the Mighty protector in OKI for first time and now I have 2. Took long. I want a snoop "never got one grant" just got the TS offer long ago. Maybe an eject, a sorrow, resist drains, and few others. Anyway, I will keep dreaming.
  14. First, I do not know if you are playing with 2 mechs at this point. I will get focus in the one you need as primary, and I am guessing is that one. 1- Basic ways for new players is to try to compensate with weapons when are weak and limited modules. In some ways it is not wrong but generally speaking it is wrong. I did the same when I started to overcome some basic and as I was newbie, the older players always said the same, too many weapons than can be in use in better way with modules. Sure, I said "what freaking modules" I do not have them, so I use weapons losing because not enough energy and heat to manage the weapons and sure I knew but it was what it was. You are under development, and I understand your harsh issue. I do understand your set up and is similar to what I did with my niece, but you might have to make changes in order you can improve a bit. 2- You are farming a lot as I can see but you are focusing on too many things as come parts. That harm your resources. I duplicated your mech and tested in the chat few times just to see damage and difficulty with some R11. Mechs at R11 already are powerful by default fighting against R10 normally fully developed with lack of modules. Regardless changes, your problem still that you do not possess energy modules and will keep suffering till get them. I made a simple change simulating some modules at max capacity close you yours of what will give more or less. The indication is that regardless of you max your torso, energy and heat caps will increase but your cooling and regeneration will be terrible and will keep you in the losing side. Sure, can manage some Phys and heat mechs on some ranks but will stay trapped for now till get those modules. You should not get angry or losing hopes. Just do not waste gold on parts from left to right. The roller looks cool, and I like but won't be that good for you. You have some lava feet and will be better off for heat impact if needed affecting the opponent with more heat and will free weight and will damage shields. I do not have windigo maxed but using a molten is only 1 weight in differences and phys shield will be in the 50's with windigo no the current amount and can see you have more weight spare. Cooling and energy regeneration will be close enough and as you can see, will keep suffering. At R11 and R10 just for saying, will be hard to win because those guys have power and already some shields limited but some or great shields but lack of some modules or great heat/energy but no shields. That extra weight space can help later when get better modules and in mean time you might like to use a resist drain as example The drome is different, but it is equal in weight. Your HP will improve a bit when all is maxed. Use current set up for now if you want to keep basic rank and do not get frustrated with the smurfs and energy guys. I had the same issue when started. Do not follow this advice, just look for ways testing at chat and figure out some ideas doing so. Some help and some just want to hammer you down but do not feel bad. I prefer to get hammered so I can see what can do for what rank, so I do learn from those jockers without even them noticed I am taking advantage of them losing. In the end, I learn to overcome against same opponents some ways. I was a punching bag for top R1 players in the chat then Hammer time came to them. Have fun learning and testing for fun. If you focus into win always and get frustrated in not getting parts, you will end up stopping to play. Have fun and forget about the other guys what they have or got on boxes etc, focus on you and that is what I did and still do for my fun and enjoyment relaxing time. Modules are basically what you have maxed or possible max at epic level some of them like the shield
  15. cool fight, you really love hammer time
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