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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. nice. I have not been playing for half year. My kids are playing for me. Actually, they are playing right now my account and theirs. Welcome back to have fun and kill kill.
  2. good compensation losing energy. when is possible, work on that. As stronger you make your weapons, normally will require more energy and heat consumption affection the use of the weapons and mech functionality. Focus a bit more on those modules not on weapons if possible.
  3. you can keep it open and update time to time your battles and progress. You can show hammering the opponents. Have fun progressing and your own thread.
  4. cool. R19. New player, I guess. Good fight. Lack of energy and heat caps but normal till get some or can max.
  5. maybe. I saw my kids plays and hello....... they told me about it and they play low, I think. I do not check as before but I think they showed me this guy or similar flag. Sure, I love that shield.
  6. yes, that clan tops 5 use illegal shields. I do not know about tokens. I want free solo medals without much work. I hope SM include the shields in the new portal easy to get full of them in one box. About tokens, why to pay when seem to be free again? The owner needs to ensure about to remove them. This request for possible cheaters as some people already requested it is not working. I HOPE THIS ADMINISTRATION TAKE ACTION AND REMOVE THEM ALREADY. IT IS annoying. There was a new program to fix the issue, but we are back to 2020. I do not understand about the issue but for people that are here for very long and asking to take action on this matter it should get done already. Sure, they need evidence but those pictures hello....... Someone needs to get into this and no to punish those telling the administration about it. I hope they take action because this harm the game reputation already tarnished a bit with general public comments. As long takes as much harm do to the game and I hope the game do not suffer more for this. I can see the top players playing a bit till few months ago and now slowing down even further. Losing motivations for sure. This affect sales.
  7. Never played but will be cool for the old school players. I mean, players playing for long SM since I am the old school around.
  8. De nuevo, una pregunta que tiene respuesta en el post.. (Sé que solo estás traduciendo Oki). Una vez que se acabe el tiempo para la aplicación, le diré aquí cuándo empiezo a distribuir cuentas. No se preocupe, los mantengo a todos actualizados regularmente, solo revise este hilo para ver las actualizaciones, realmente no es tan difícil en absoluto. También preguntaré hoy en algunas de las aplicaciones si la gente todavía está interesada en participar, algunos jugadores que ya conozco y nunca tuve un problema con ellos, pero muchos jugadores nuevos también se postularon, así que solo quiero asegurarme de que no se hayan rendido. Por favor, hágamelo saber en la aplicación si alguien quiere darse por vencido, solo para que la cuenta no se desperdicie, eso es todo.
  9. Sorry... Will the form be answered on the last day of registration? (along with new account details and all that.)
  10. yes, kids are always asking for wins to get ranks. They are kids so... be a kid too and kill them I give the wins all the time. Actually, low ranks are not the only ones asking for wins. Trust me on that.
  11. I did many times. it is cool to start and see the early stages. I think it is the best.
  12. I got out farming every day. This comes maybe from the old day's players and passed down to the new generation. Old players SHAME ON YOU. Lets get focus on the FRANTIC DRAMA. Who dumped the FRANTICS during FRANTIC complains?
  13. I do not remember that portal with juicy shield modules. When is coming back? I need them too.
  14. I know. I just want to ensure people when see my kids playing my accounts are not branded in that way. They play not for wins, but they help me test configurations "bad ones as limited as possible as a normal player luck will be able to do with parts granted" and the effect of the match maker mess happen to the players. I am one that always complain of the HP on opponent's vs my mechs set ups even when I full load the mechs. I check breaking points on the switches. I test with few others top R1 players accounts and the effect it is way different when I play those and can do an R1 faster than my own having same set up. The match maker on my account compensates right on the changes.
  15. actually, a tester not hunter or win grabber. everyone knows that. looks the wins look the fights you will see what it is against reason the test and data collection for over 3 years. Also, wins maker will be smarter playing at R5 1v1. no sense to play R7 and be pushed down. Testing match maker and modules changes it has been always in OKIE and OD. farm except for only 4 months of play time. Also, never a high win maker. not even 20 in last season. Also, my records on my development and in my intro, it has been clear from start. I am not an R1 player, play for fun, test and make parts plus solo player. All it has been well documented. About hunt, I can hunt for sure to R1 without issues and everyone knows that too. This mech is tested for 3 base resistances at 75 and power output as flame torso that does not generate cooling and regen but a higher energy and heat cap as basic part itself. The match maker pushed down as expectation. The trending down is to find the basic base of this configuration. A 2280 HP it is a base R10 mech together with basic energy/heat caps. Not divined. Scope for scope user on those ranks because they do have the scopes and jumpers and can be seen on the fights. The starting point is also recorded because the constant test for position for the mercy at start game and how often the acc it is the starter together with output damage. The flame torso it is same weight as Vest torso and compare on exchanges to see differences and match maker changes on players which actually do when I do the changes. This mech testing NAGA with current version for the mix weapon consumption and the effect of the retreat overheating. Looking for starting position with balanced ener/heat as normal should be on R10-R7. Mech was set up as combo compensation to the other not as a real attacker. Also, HP is belonged to there and power too. No smurfs. Smurfs are smurfs, tester it is a tester. Big differences. Those mechs are forced to push up on different ways playing on purpose on the play to get hit as damage with variations on weapons and player way of play to destroy mech. Plays are basic in making mistakes so opponent can attack but when the mech is played better then verify full power on play logic for win as best potential. My kids are goofer's players but are R1 in reality. I play test and I just made other changes for the kids to collect data. There is no secret here or abusing. Mechs are proper for ranks on power of weapons and modules. If I want wins, trust me, I can make a tone easy if had the time and will set up for it. Those are well set for real test fights to those ranks which regular player does possess those weapons ready at L50 as normal game progress and weapons grants. BIG DIFFERENT.
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