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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 1- Heat- Many weapons require energy and generate heat. With heat mech even use weapons that require both, still attacking with heat and is more basic that the opponent will suffer overheat and can lose a turn or even shutdown. Weight it is kind of balanced and configurations a bit better with parts. 2- PHYS- Destroy both heat energy but propense for both because weapons use energy and generate heat and need to be smarter to use them. 3-ENER- Affect range and need a tiny bit a buff on some weapons. Even possess similar attributes on weapons, the effect of draining is not that super except in some of them. Weight it is a big factor creating a lot of limitation. The factor that affects right now, it is the way how the mech can recover from heat and lack of energy due to the new modules are better. All of them will take you to R1 BUT IS HARDER WITH ENERGY and the match maker. Need to be good player. Not all players are smart using them.
  2. Maybe I can. I have some gold and tokens. It might work.
  3. I know that TOP can be there. It does have the power. Just different approach of likes. Hope can help my old teammates on both clans but no time for now. I check my kids time to time if will join clans but so far are being in the no side. I will like them to do WAR and TITAN but..... Oh well.... they have their other games to play with friends. Maybe someday can join for a week, if possible, in the near future. At least they started to farm some. I am happy on that since they were not.
  4. WOW. WLGang back in action kicking traseros. Congrats...
  5. Well, smurfs are common around and that guy it is one hunting easy wins against lower rankers and I had the same issue when I started. Do not get focus on them and or get frustrated. Get focus on development to move on First to say, your mech torso and legs are wrong to use in the short and long run. Both of them need to be replace. Why? Even I do not have the torso right now in my storage, that type of torso only can move to certain level of progress. This is an example close to the same torso If you see the red circulating around 2 circulars one white and one blue, that indicate how far the torso can go on power. In this case, this part it is a "Common" part by nature and the white circle it does indicate the base of the torso as starting point. I do not have the leg, but that legs also are limited to legend as maximum power if I am not wrong. That mean, if you use them and spend gold on them, those will be a waste of gold at your level. On your level, you can get some easy parts to develop and are parts that can still use on top position even that not mean are now the best but are decent and will take you there if no other better parts are available. 1- For leg you can have Iron boot. This leg can go all the way to the top as myth and divine but accessible to your rank. There are the heat and energy versions. You can use heat or physical even energy versions to advance. If you have this kind of leg , this are the best legs around in the game and can be get at epic level but all versions are excellent. You can max any with confidence. For torsos if not premium part around, you can use as better options at epic level and can still play at top. If you have hard time to get any, then the version for your rank easy to get to be use on top will be this one but have to be the heat version. You can get it easy all the time you grind for gold or win pvp as example. Now, do not waste more gold on those legs and torso. Both side weapons are good. Now, the Sacrifice cannon eat health and when you are at low HP, that really hurt to be use but can help to win. The part still in use at every rank even R1. This part it is in use even in R1. This part, not everyone use it but still decent to certain ranks. This weapon still use on R1. This weapon it is rare to see it been in use but still a good part to some degree on top lower ranks. That mean, you have some decent parts but not necessarily the modules and HP to sustain them properly. Regardless, change that torso and legs and do not waste more gold.
  6. My two OKI originals In order to pass the OL 1v1 I combined both. Below the real deal to pass. Good memories.
  7. WOW, with those girls I will join, then everyone will say I am an old perv. I will lose my marriage. She does read and my kids what I post. No privacy.
  8. suerte en la busqueda. Ah, esas ganadas son buenas. Otro consejo. Aqui normalmente se use el Ingles. Quizas ayuda en buscar personas en Ingles debido aque es base comun en el foro y general mundialmente. Solo consejo. Si puedes perdir en Espanol. De porsi, hay muchos hispano parlantes en el chat del juego. Hay muchos que hablan en Espanol en todos los chats.
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