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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Welcome back old boy. Hope you like and stay for long. Let's cheers with some Tamarindo drink. You can ask questions to the forum guys. Many are old from that era.
  2. with his deep thoughts getting a cool idea. then and
  3. Battalion Incinerator reloading
  4. Few other notes. 1-Your drone eats some HP every time shoot. Having low HP at 1368, it can kill you too. 2- As you increase the HP in your mech, your opponents will become harder. 3- Limited inventory so use what you can. Now, do not make a second mech now. Focus on modules.
  5. your current torso is ZARKARES. Used to be a decent torso but the game buffed others rendering the torso not that good for the long run. You can stop to max and work in the side with WINDIGO. Windigo and NAGA are the same in principle but in some ways WINDIGO have a tiny edge. Sure, weight a bit more. Your current torso, then you can use it as temp torso without max as your second mech build if no other torsos available just to make a second. WINDIGO will take you to top with the right modules and will be more like based on R3. Max the modules. Your mech cooling and regeneration is very bad and that kill you using your own weapons and the opponent kill you too fast. Keep the torso till you can equal on level the WINDIGO in the sideline because the torso help regenerate, cool and provide heat and energy cap. Enhance arena shop items with 5 wins every day to collect the silver coins and enhance your account support.
  6. Welcome back to SM. Cool history. Here, there still many in the forum connected or just as guest from that era.
  7. last year was not available. I hope to get my Sombrero.
  8. A FELOW FARMER But he used to be very active and playing on top clan when I just started playing with my niece.
  9. Greedy? Ok to have one but still underperforming. I do not have one maxed and of course I will make for collection. What kind of combo you will make? I used them for testing at L1 configurations.
  10. strawberry shortcake missed
  11. Oh, an energy weapon based on magic. wow, very detailed. can be use as it is. excellent. seems it is used based on scrapped blaster.
  12. @Electro Another cool design. cool design. Hmm, actually, it does remind me of the Stargete1 spaceship Prometeus.
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