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Ozen last won the day on November 3 2021

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About Ozen

  • Birthday 04/18/2002

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  1. Definitely didn't just slap dual mods onto a counter and take off a plate to make them fit
  2. I hope you're not insinuating that TF had anything to do with the decline of WLGang. They handled that just fine on their own - from sharing account info (not inherently a bad thing) and inevitably getting "hacked" by one of their myriad co-pilots to countering and infighting, generally just unpleasant to be around. The key difference between RR/RF and TF/WLG being that WLG wasn't created expressly for TF. I don't think it's fair to compare an alliance that formed organically between two clans and what's essentially just an extension of a top clan: of course the latter will get along better. Tying into the main point here, TF and WLG are two standalone clans. We aren't on the hook if WLG just suddenly falls apart.
  3. Yeah, it definitely takes 4 months to set something from true to false.
  4. No one told you to clear insane. Normal alone is 50 tokens, already more than all 3 difficulties of a Tacticsoft gold portal. If you can do a higher difficulty that's great, but no one's forcing you to waste your tokens on revives.
  5. They're added to the drop pool as soon as the event goes live, what I'm saying is that during a drop rate increase you can still get the new item with unclaimed packs, just that you'll have the same chance of getting it as any other LM (Not really a loophole, it's the same result as buying packs after the drop rate event ends) Pretty straightforward, the number of items in all your unclaimed boxes = the limit i.e. you can store more mix boxes than 5x silvers, it doesn't vary between accounts (1,000-1,500 mix boxes vs 200 5x silvers)
  6. It wouldn't, you'd still have some chance to get the item though (still better just to set aside tokens specifically for new items)
  7. Packs always have new items when they're added, just that the drop rate won't be increased for packs you saved up The unclaimed box limit is actually based off the number of items in all your unclaimed boxes, max is ~3,000 items
  8. Packs always use the current item pool, but the ones you save up don't get an increased drop rate if opened when a new item is added (Drop rates are determined on purchase, but pack contents are determined on opening)
  9. I only got 1 good drop from the offer packs but hey, quality > quantity
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