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New weekly Bonuses?


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Who has ideas for new weekly bonuses? similar to current weekly bonus such as extra cash, experience arena coins.Β 

Extra campaign damage?

Half price base boxes?

2x speed base builds?

extra heat/energy storage for campaign?Β 

1.5x arena store stats???Β 

Base people can buy silver boxes πŸ˜›?

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I play another online game that gives a daily reward via twitter/discord in addition to the daily welcome bonus.Β  They also do weekly events thatΒ come with additional bonus rewards via twitter/discord and even got a new premium item this way when a new team member joined the developers as a "say hi to .......".

The weekly events focusΒ on strengthening one aspect of game play so energy/heat/base/coins or what ever.Β  Also, in every event if a clan member makes a purchase of say 1000 tokens, then every other clan member received a gift of 100 tokens for free.Β  The bigger the purchase, the bigger the free gift.

There are loads more than this too that are featured regularly including some kinda pointless interactive stuff on discord - but there's always a prize at the end of it regardless of if you take part or not.

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