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why is everything so bad in the game can you answer from the one who is responsible for the game?



Why isn't there an update? Is there any staff for this? (To update)

How can developers help? Were there those who wanted to buy the project? It's a good idea to give this project to enthusiasts who are ready to develop the project! But even you can not give much life to the game, do some activities for tokens like something like a portal, etc., at least report how things are going. So that people understand that you are not so easy with finances and so on. One thing I wish you good luck :)
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Gato Games does not own the game outright. The copyright still belongs to Tacticsoft. This is why Gato can not make any major changes, such as an update. Basically, Gato is leasing the game from Tacticsoft. They can make subtle changes, fix coding, and errors etc., and turn a profit, but still have to pay royalties to Tacticsoft.  Until Gato Games purchases the copyright, the game, as a whole, will remain the same.

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On 6/18/2022 at 4:18 AM, DARK-SOURCE said:
Why isn't there an update? Is there any staff for this? (To update)
How can developers help? Were there those who wanted to buy the project? It's a good idea to give this project to enthusiasts who are ready to develop the project! But even you can not give much life to the game, do some activities for tokens like something like a portal, etc., at least report how things are going. So that people understand that you are not so easy with finances and so on. One thing I wish you good luck :)

1) There have been updates.

2) It's closed source, so unless GG puts SM into a different development model, it's not happening yet.

3) Enthusiasts aren't always useful and/or aren't always programmers.  And I don't think GG wants to make SM open source.

4) GG is doing some activities like goat tournament, and there are portals and special quests.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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9 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

Gato Games does not own the game outright. The copyright still belongs to Tacticsoft. This is why Gato can not make any major changes, such as an update. Basically, Gato is leasing the game from Tacticsoft. They can make subtle changes, fix coding, and errors etc., and turn a profit, but still have to pay royalties to Tacticsoft.  Until Gato Games purchases the copyright, the game, as a whole, will remain the same.

Now this makes some sense! It would explain why the last rebalance happened right after GG came in to the picture and TS was still there.


not sure if if it is true? I can’t seem to find a trace of TS on the web anymore?


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5 hours ago, Fordekash said:

I should be able to max out my items by then! And maybe even some new ones🤷‍♂️

I have 231 myth parts. I still have to max another 100+ in the inventory and that will take me longer than a year. 🤣 Sure I have to make some epic parts not developed so far and are basic for configurations. Lots of missing parts not granted so far by the game or by premiums with the hope to keep clicking for cash. 🤣 Please use the magic cash finger.  🤑💰🪙💵💴💶💷💸💳👈 Do not forget 🧾🤗 You are entitled to spend as much you want. 😋

For long term players and have been around before and after the change and decided to keep moving fast, they have tons of weapons at dispositions if are grinders and heavy pvp players making tons of gold playing. 

There are some top players that took years to reach the R1 spot and some really fast with cash or luck. The game evolved with parts released and there are many parts for configurations to make that makes you go to R1. You might have the weapons in the storage but not the right configuration plus bad matching and poor play from your part. 

For old players already developed, they need some new stuff and I do understand that. Now, for the rest of the players that still mortals, more changes add more pressure and challenges to barely make it when they are trying to catch up. 

For players using cash and been stuck letting others to catch up it is not fair in some ways, and I do understand their ways of thinking because they invested to be at top and free players just for saying if are consistent player will get there.

I know different top free players at top every season for long and others moved steadily without the right stuff. 

Does the game need a small "add" for some players not to get bored having almost all? Yes. I think the game need a small thing "add" at this point. Sure, I gave the goal of 2 years to start something in the sideline. The game was taken over in October 2020 if I am not wrong and GG contained a lot of issues etc and learning stuff of the game been a small company. 

I am not in a rush, but I think by the end of the year, we should have something more concrete. I play for fun, so I do look for the fun doing something different per season testing etc. Playing all the time at R1 for me is a total boring thing so I play at different levels with different peoples. I have not even tried to go to R1 in a year and of course some happen by default but not trying. 🤷‍♂️

Sure, I keep enhancing my accounts for current changes in the game and ideas testing them. Maybe next year I decide to play few weeks for R1 just to change environment but for now, I am not really playing been too busy at work and my kids are the players when they can. 

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15 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

I have 231 myth parts

I agree with you.  There are two ways to improve at SM (other than the things you can just learn on here).  Cash and time.

I played the cash game for a while.  I was able to get rank 2/1.  Now I could care less.

Long term players have more weapons at their disposal, you're right.

In some ways this results in pressure to be in a top clan, any top clan, even a toxic one.  I think this should be fixed in some way so that clans are more about the participation and teamwork than just being in them.  In some ways, this game already does a pretty good job with that, but it could use some slight improvements.  Clan rewards should be set up in a way that teamwork, not just how well you can do (which is based on rank and your items) should be rewarded.  Not participation trophies, but more that clans who have the most active members (in the game and in clan wars) should get slightly better odds on clan war rewards.  Thus you could encourage teamwork by configuring the clan wars so that fighting in clan wars (not just clicking to sign up) results in higher drop rates.  Some clans seem to be full of "lead sleds", i.e. people with 3K+ HP claw butt nuggets who don't seem to attack.  Those should get lower drop rates when they don't fight or, for example, have maybe half their people actually fighting in clan wars, versus the clan full of rank 10 people who all fight in the clan wars should get higher drop rates.

I think events and other things will keep the game alive.  I am thankful for the GOAT tournaments and portals.  I can see the game player traffic increase on these days, so it must be working to a point.  Good deals also do this.

However, top 3 players are almost always boosted.  If you see Lord Gorgon in top 3, I am confident he doesn't boost.  So your dreams of becoming top 1-3 are mostly never going to happen without TWO accounts that are elite.  Or access to an account that is elite.  Some clans have such accounts at their disposal, but mostly it's the top 10 or so.

I can't speak for you, OKI DOKI, but for me, the only things that are fun right now are clan wars, RAID, and sometimes research.  I don't make content just to make content, and I'm not some YTer either, though I have recorded YT videos.  Dreaming of being a famous SM YTer is a joke, don't waste your life.

To me, RAID is fun because it's a puzzle.  Clan wars are fun because they are a puzzle, sort of.  Clan interaction among my team mates is what makes it fun.  Hanging out.  Research is ok but that's just because I'm a Sheldon Cooper type: I like to know stuff.

I think there are some important things that can be done in SM that would make the game 1) more fun for newbies (such as trying to find a way to detect smurfs, etc.) and 2) more fun for those who have been playing a long time (portals, events, etc.).  I also think boosting needs to be handled and/or ended because it takes the hopes and dreams of people who want to legitimately earn #1 player and poops on them.  This is from MANY interviews with players in my own clan and in other clans: many give up once they learn the truth.  I don't go around telling them, but if people ask, I explain.

I am glad the farming aspect of the campaigns still exists.  That lets me farm in the background while I do important school things and such.

But the game will eventually need an update.  And to be fair, there's very few games (if any) that can keep people interested forever.  People change, their desires change, and they find new/different games.  That's not GG's fault, that's just human behavior.  But I think the game needs to reward longevity in some ways.

The recent physical fortress deal was, I think, Alex listening to us.  So I'm going to say it now: if you think Alex doesn't listen, you're wrong (and also you're probably dumb).  Don't equate Alex not doing what YOU want with him not listening.

But changes will eventually need to be made.  I'm glad I can recommend this game to my family members because the chat is more or less censored, it's not a bad game, etc.  But no game lives forever.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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6 hours ago, SawzAll said:

I agree with you.  There are two ways to improve at SM (other than the things you can just learn on here).  Cash and time.

I played the cash game for a while.  I was able to get rank 2/1.  Now I could care less.

Long term players have more weapons at their disposal, you're right.

In some ways this results in pressure to be in a top clan, any top clan, even a toxic one.  I think this should be fixed in some way so that clans are more about the participation and teamwork than just being in them.  In some ways, this game already does a pretty good job with that, but it could use some slight improvements.  Clan rewards should be set up in a way that teamwork, not just how well you can do (which is based on rank and your items) should be rewarded.  Not participation trophies, but more that clans who have the most active members (in the game and in clan wars) should get slightly better odds on clan war rewards.  Thus you could encourage teamwork by configuring the clan wars so that fighting in clan wars (not just clicking to sign up) results in higher drop rates.  Some clans seem to be full of "lead sleds", i.e. people with 3K+ HP claw butt nuggets who don't seem to attack.  Those should get lower drop rates when they don't fight or, for example, have maybe half their people actually fighting in clan wars, versus the clan full of rank 10 people who all fight in the clan wars should get higher drop rates.

I think events and other things will keep the game alive.  I am thankful for the GOAT tournaments and portals.  I can see the game player traffic increase on these days, so it must be working to a point.  Good deals also do this.

However, top 3 players are almost always boosted.  If you see Lord Gorgon in top 3, I am confident he doesn't boost.  So your dreams of becoming top 1-3 are mostly never going to happen without TWO accounts that are elite.  Or access to an account that is elite.  Some clans have such accounts at their disposal, but mostly it's the top 10 or so.

I can't speak for you, OKI DOKI, but for me, the only things that are fun right now are clan wars, RAID, and sometimes research.  I don't make content just to make content, and I'm not some YTer either, though I have recorded YT videos.  Dreaming of being a famous SM YTer is a joke, don't waste your life.

To me, RAID is fun because it's a puzzle.  Clan wars are fun because they are a puzzle, sort of.  Clan interaction among my team mates is what makes it fun.  Hanging out.  Research is ok but that's just because I'm a Sheldon Cooper type: I like to know stuff.

I think there are some important things that can be done in SM that would make the game 1) more fun for newbies (such as trying to find a way to detect smurfs, etc.) and 2) more fun for those who have been playing a long time (portals, events, etc.).  I also think boosting needs to be handled and/or ended because it takes the hopes and dreams of people who want to legitimately earn #1 player and poops on them.  This is from MANY interviews with players in my own clan and in other clans: many give up once they learn the truth.  I don't go around telling them, but if people ask, I explain.

I am glad the farming aspect of the campaigns still exists.  That lets me farm in the background while I do important school things and such.

But the game will eventually need an update.  And to be fair, there's very few games (if any) that can keep people interested forever.  People change, their desires change, and they find new/different games.  That's not GG's fault, that's just human behavior.  But I think the game needs to reward longevity in some ways.

The recent physical fortress deal was, I think, Alex listening to us.  So I'm going to say it now: if you think Alex doesn't listen, you're wrong (and also you're probably dumb).  Don't equate Alex not doing what YOU want with him not listening.

But changes will eventually need to be made.  I'm glad I can recommend this game to my family members because the chat is more or less censored, it's not a bad game, etc.  But no game lives forever.

Yep. I agree

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