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Quitting sm


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I am no longer going to play on if many guys saying I should grind more I think I don't have to because its already been 2 and a half years so I think its my time to end this journey. When I was a new player I am saying to myself oh I want to be like the youtubers they are strong then I got to that stage after this what happened to me. At least I have fun irl with these game name sm. That's why I'm going to quit.

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4 hours ago, s1ngul4r said:

I am no longer going to play on if many guys saying I should grind more I think I don't have to because its already been 2 and a half years so I think its my time to end this journey. When I was a new player I am saying to myself oh I want to be like the youtubers they are strong then I got to that stage after this what happened to me. At least I have fun irl with these game name sm. That's why I'm going to quit.



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People do be rejecting tokens being given away for free and prefer shooting themselves in the leg instead of getting those tokens themselves then quit the game, weird.

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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On 21.05.2022 at 04:54, s1ngul4r said:

Я больше не буду играть, если многие парни говорят, что я должен больше гриндить, я думаю, что мне не нужно, потому что уже прошло 2 с половиной года, так что я думаю, что пришло время закончить это путешествие. Когда я был новичком, я говорил себе: «О, я хочу быть похожим на ютуберов, они сильны, и я дошел до этой стадии после того, что со мной случилось». По крайней мере, я развлекаюсь с этим игровым названием sm . Вот почему я собираюсь уйти.





I like Fluffeh 💀

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