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Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am feeling better now post covid. I hope all of you are doing well.

I want to celebrate my O.D FARM account reaching 3 years of been born.  Lot of work farming this baby reaching 250 MYTH parts. I am surprised that the account progressed this far with limited time to play from start, so I am happy with the results of hard work farming every day. 

I want to thank to my former clan peers for all their support and trust helping in my weekly progress been part of their clans. I was solo player for long and developed to become R1 as solo then for a year little more of a year I was part of two nice clans CANDELA INC. and REIGN FOREVER. I never played to become a top player except for few months back in 2020 or play get medals just playing to make parts farming and test weird configurations as my fun no worries of top spot or else. OKI DOKI my primary account has been played in the same way. It was solo and then CANDELA INC. no other clan. 










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7 hours ago, Riot said:

Finished this months inv update, with my own extra touch


23 2 2023.png

How do you take a full screenshot of your inventory? Do you screenshot one by one, then glue it together or is there some kind of website? 

And yes, I don't know



I like Fluffeh 💀

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34 minutes ago, Scarlet Lorv said:

How do you take a full screenshot of your inventory? Do you screenshot one by one, then glue it together or is there some kind of website? 

And yes, I don't know

Not to worry, i get asked this alot, i just take screenshots in the upgrade screen (4x20 screenshots of the items)

once i have everything i go into gimp or photoshop, create a template to lay them out in, and then lay them out, so sadly there isnt a website, all manual, but dosent take long

Long live the Dragon Emperor


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