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  1. Like
    Shredderr reacted to hasn in Are the moderators gone?   
    Moderators are busy they have life outside the internet
    As for moderation nowdays there is isnt controversial posts or toxicity
    Most posts is see the past month is some new people introducing themselves or sussgitons or questions 
  2. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Alex2040bR in I didnt get the easter box   
    The same as you boys  🤧 ?
    No gift, no event notice, nothing at all 😐
  3. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Alex2040bR in Easter egg box   
    Congrats! 🥳

    I wish I could comment the same as you 😢
  4. Like
    Shredderr reacted to NaxFrids in Easter egg box   
    They didn't give him a free easter egg? They gave it to me and I thank the creators of super mechs to solve the problem of these eggs. If you don't know about the problem here I leave you: 

    What they gave me was:
    1. Energy free armor ( Physical torso )
    2. Blue camouflage paint 😄
    3. Massive lava fest ( Heat Legs )
    4. Selfish Guardian ( Physical drone ) GOD!!
    5. Zarkares ( Heat torso )
    6. Plasma fortress ( Heat Protection with HP )
    Thank you SM for this reward
  5. Like
    Shredderr reacted to khan in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    Hello pilots, 
    Yesterday the problem with easter eggs not appearing properly for everyone has been fixed as far as my knowledge goes. 
    To claim your free easter egg, you will have to use one of 2 methods:
    If you're on mobile: download the puffin browser and go to supermechs.com ; login and you should get your egg. 
    If you're on PC : you can directly use this link  (https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/?hideall) ; login to recieve your egg. 
    Sorry for any inconvenience made, and make sure to tell other people how to claim their free egg. It should still be claimable for 1 or 2 days.
  6. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Yakir in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    why is puffin so slow every time i click on anything theres a 1 seccond delay
  7. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Dani in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    Do I really cannot claim my egg because I'm using Google play 
  8. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Lin Riot in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    Because puffin streams the game from another clients, thus the delay is dependent on the users wifi strength
  9. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Fordekash in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    Nothing was “fixed” these are just alternative methods for those who do not have notifications enabled on mobile devices or have multiple accounts on mobile devices.
    regardless, it was nice of you to provide the options!
  10. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Lin Riot in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    The team dosent have anything for a easter portal, as there hasent been one before, so i doubt it will happen 
  11. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Alex2040bR in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    Thanks you 👏😊👍
  12. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Ace Red Baron in Small update on the 2023 easter eggs   
    I have the same problem no storage 
    please do a portal for all as a compensation ….
    Thank you !
  13. Like
    Shredderr reacted to OKI DOKI in Newbie Needs Help   
    Go here

    then select a weapon on any option regardless the power level.

    then go to the red arrow and click

    then go to Mass Select and scroll down till find the paint granted.

    then select the paint and the item will be selected to be eat and click on BOOST.

    now the part it is painted.

  14. Like
    Shredderr reacted to 888 in DEVS ADD A PORTAL FOR EASTER, TOKENS ARE HARd TO GET   
    I have no ads, and they gave me a free box with 5 legendaries.
    Molten and plasma battery vest, burning shower, the claw and rolling beast along with a spray
  15. Like
    Nice, now I just got OKI DOKI huevo. 😁

    Sad outcome but ok with the meat. 

  16. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Marija in change my super mechs password or email address   
    Or instead of asking someone random who might not know the answer, you can simply try checking Frequently Asked Questions on forum for example: https://community.supermechs.com/knowledgebase/faq/how-can-i-recover-my-account-r8/?tab=comments#comment-308
    FAQ often has answers to a lot of your questions, if only you'd read it 🙂 
    If it doesnt, emailing support is also a good option that will provide you a 100% correct and the most important - safe answer. Trusting a non reliable source can easily lead you to problems, even lose you an account or damage your privacy etc. 
    Stay safe and dont give out your details to anyone!
  17. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from Monke King in The Easter eggs   
    I didn't get one too...
  18. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from shockwave333 in Newbie Needs Help   
    Click the upgrade button then select the item. Click on the paint and click Boost
  19. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Electrical Mech Concept   
    This is the design for my Electrical Mech. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve this?

  20. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Cursed SM Images thread   
    Totally normal.
  21. Like
    Shredderr reacted to vertexers in Does anyone have images of legacy items?   
    i have a library of every item sprite in the game as of version 7.611 just for a custom workshop pack
  22. Thanks
    Shredderr reacted to P2WMan in Rate my mech   
    I forgot to say a fun mech
  23. Haha
    Shredderr reacted to Svetlere in Extremely Long Post Thread :]   
    Доброго времени суток дамы и господа!
    Наше СМИ представлена на рынке Украниы чуть более чем 5 лет. За это время нам удалось вырости из небольшой региональной газеты в полноценное интернет СМИ.
    На сегодняшний день нас читают более миллиона читателей каждый месяц. Вот несколько особо актуальных статей на сегодня:

    1)Посадові оклади на 2023 рік в Україні
    2)Зарплата педагогам у 2023 році в Україні
    3)Яка будет мінімальна пенсія на 2023 рік в Україні
    4)Допомога малозабезпеченим у 2023 році в Україні
    5)Декретні виплати 2023 в Україні
    6)Налаштування каналів супутникового телебачення на 2023 рік в Україні
    7)Військові пенсії в 2023 році в Україні
    Заходите к нам и получайте информацию из первых рук. Только самая свежая информация из первоисточника, свежие данные и актуальные новости.
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  24. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Stelight in Happy Easter !   
    Thinking the Easter offer was today...so yeah, I missed the chance to buy the eggs..
    I imagine after all that I should have checked every day, in any case happy easter to everyone 👍
  25. Haha
    Shredderr reacted to OKI DOKI in …::: NEED TO SEE :::…   
    Afraid of you. They knew what will happen to them. 🙂
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