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  1. Like
    Shredderr reacted to RaymondL1747 in upgrade advice pls   
    I agree with @luCyfer HP first then resistance, then the cooling and energy regen. Finally then upgrade the damage booster for whatever kind of mech you are using(phys, heat, or energy)
  2. Like
    Shredderr reacted to luCyfer in upgrade advice pls   
    Imo first upgrade hp points to 10, then resistance or dmg type you prefer 
  3. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Canucklehead in Cannot get into game   
    Had to reset my PC. No clue what happened, save for maybe a recent Windows update. Working now.
  4. Like
    Shredderr reacted to khan in beginner's question   
    Hello and welcome to supermechs, i hope you'll enjoy your time playing! 
    Best way currently to earn tokens is through ads, here's a short video to help you understand how to farm them : https://youtu.be/nGZd9iMhPYM
    Best way to spend your tokens is on offers as they give a ton of value. Example: 2k token offer has 15 premium packs, which would normally cost you 5,025 tokens. 
  5. Like
    Shredderr reacted to OmegaStriker in beginner's question   
    good afternoon, I'm new to the game, want to know with you veterans, some tips on how to earn tokens and how you recommend me to use them 
  6. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in True or False forum game   
    True... if it's the chocolate sold by Hersheys.
    Next person is a high-school dropout. 
  7. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in The $49.99 offer for today (June 16th 2023) is not working for me.   
    Well, it can be a great deal but still unaffordable. If someone was selling a tank that costed 1,000,000 (1 million) USD, and they sold it at 50% off, it'd still be 500,000 USD.
  8. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in Mech Improvement 2   
    The only item that would have any purpose on the mech (unless you want Explosive items on my Physical mech) is a Selfish Protector. 
  9. Haha
    Shredderr reacted to Enemy in SuperMechs Workshop umlimited beta   
    Best Mechs to troll player with heat only but not much.

  10. Sad
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in Running portals again...?   
    I really wish I could have actually experienced portals...
    But it's a shame they seem to have quit doing them.
  11. Like
    Shredderr reacted to hasn in 🔥 Hot Takes! 🔥   
    The best legacy torso for me is electron defence 
  12. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Redyoshi93 in Looking for clanmates for the clan Surtorious, just be active. 5 wins per day I guess is pretty active. (Some were inactive for like 20 days)   
    Me I wanna join!!
    I be active everyday plss
    [I just started over again because I can't login my other account via Facebook which is lvl 121. I just created this new account for about 4 days ago and I already have ton of legendary with lvl 51. I been grinding it non-stop for the past few days.]
  13. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from OKI DOKI in 🔥 Hot Takes! 🔥   
    Well yes, but trucks are kinda cool tbh
    Also Windigo looks really bulky, which I like a lot.
    Chimaera, in my opinion, is a an ok torso in terms of looks.
    This was the best looking legacy torso

  14. Like
    Shredderr got a reaction from shockwave333 in Looking for clanmates for the clan Surtorious, just be active. 5 wins per day I guess is pretty active. (Some were inactive for like 20 days)   
    @Sunset Barracuda My username is the same as my forum name, and I've sent a join request.
  15. Like
  16. Like
  17. Haha
  18. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Bring live your dreams 2.0 in Looking for clanmates for the clan Surtorious, just be active. 5 wins per day I guess is pretty active. (Some were inactive for like 20 days)   
    Well, i think i gonna join, the old clan i was its dead, this will work to stay active again

    (i know my name is bad, just i cant change it anymore, not wasting like a 100 tokens like that) 
  19. Thanks
  20. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Redyoshi93 in Account problem   
    I contact the game company in gmail
    Here what they reply:

  21. Like
    Shredderr reacted to OKI DOKI in 🔥 Hot Takes! 🔥   
    I like Naga. Looks cool to me. My first Torso after change the game original when start. What was the name in Legacy time? 
  22. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in 🔥 Hot Takes! 🔥   
    Who knew, out of all the things to start a war in the comments about, it would be about whether Chimaera or Windigo is cooler.
    Anyways, what's wrong with trucks? It's cheaper to salvage a truck and use it instead of making an entirely new one. So yeah, Windigo is better with in-game stats, real-life pricing, and looks.
  23. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in 🔥 Hot Takes! 🔥   
    Windigo is the best torso in terms of look. It's super cool.
  24. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Flawed in 🔥 Hot Takes! 🔥   
    Yes, but Nightmare and Windigo look much better.
  25. Like
    Shredderr reacted to Skykiller in Is the support always bad 😆   
    Hence why their something called tech support teams? If the devs are doing these by themselves maybe they should hire people to look through these???? I'm mostly confused in all seriousness and recently other people have had purchasing issues far worser than mine. It also a Friday and before that an Thursday when I purchased what I wanted. I'm not saying it shady but......eh
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