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  1. Lucky I still didn't get one
  2. Or to get anything because I didn't got free egg at all Got notification about it but still nothing
  3. That's a reoccurring problem, you'll have to get used to it
  4. I think best phys build for beginners is unfortunately double frantic brute
  5. I'm curious what's the story behind that Easter egg
  6. I think nemo works better with boiler mech instead of backfire drone
  7. You gave me idea for a physical "heat bomb" type weapon One use, high damage but also high backfire and cannot be used if under 50% hp But I think that couldn't work because physical mech battles are short anyway
  8. Save up for 3k ones with guaranteed items
  9. How much gold you get from od boss in solo campaign with maxed out gold boost?
  10. If you want more sustainability in battle, upgrade heat/energy cap If you want more resources, upgrade gold from missions and fuel regen (that's if youre farming regularly)
  11. You got matched with higher rank because I assume there wasn't much online players in your rank
  12. Depends how much you farm I would recommend building second a little to be more suitable for arena or 2v2 campaign
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