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Looking for clanmates for the clan Surtorious, just be active. 5 wins per day I guess is pretty active. (Some were inactive for like 20 days)

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hello i am an active member and I am interested in your clan but i'm already in a clan so i have a few questions

#1: does your clan talk

#2: will you be doing wars

#3: how many members do you have

#4 are YOU  normally active

#5 what is your in game name (and clan name)

here's a pic of my mech so you recognize me

i'm normally active but if i am not then I normally comeback in 3 days at most 

Screenshot 2023-06-12 2.53.25 PM.png 

Edited by jcool64 (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, jcool64 said:

hello i am an active member and I am interested in your clan but i'm already in a clan so i have a few questions

#1: does your clan talk

#2: will you be doing wars

#3: how many members do you have

#4 are YOU  normally active

#5 what is your in game name (and clan name)

here's a pic of my mech so you recognize me

i'm normally active but if i am not then I normally comeback in 3 days at most 

Screenshot 2023-06-12 2.53.25 PM.png 


The clan does talk, English

We have won the past 4 clan wars with ease.(just purged a bunch of inactive players)

We currently have 16 members

Yes I am active, everyday.

Neon Goliath in game, clan name surtorious(if you look me up tho you will probably see my campaign farmer rather than my arena mechs)


2 hours ago, hanola said:

i might be interested in an actually active clan

The clan name is Surtorious

15 hours ago, shockwave333 said:

i might be interested if i switch do i lose the clan coins i already have ?

No you do not lose them. Clan name is Surtorious

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1 hour ago, Bring live your dreams 2.0 said:

Well, i think i gonna join, the old clan i was its dead, this will work to stay active again


(i know my name is bad, just i cant change it anymore, not wasting like a 100 tokens like that) 

Clan name Surtorious. By the end of the day everyone will be let in.

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