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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Tigergeezer

  1. Sounds about right. I had two legendaries in the last week from FBs farming the final boss on 1 v. 1, had three weeks before that with no legendaries. Decent legendaries (or at least ones I didn't have) - Spartan Carnage and Archimonde. This week it's dropping epics about two-thirds of the time, but I expect it'll be back to mostly rares for a while. I've never had a common from FB.
  2. That is a nice offer. I'd need to spend 50 spond to boost my tokens enough though. And I have other things I might be spending my hard earned on.
  3. That works! I doff my hat to you, dude.
  4. I can't play the game on mobile - it loads OK, I can pick up a box from the store or collect gold from Base, but if I try to start a campaign, or Raid, it just stops and closes itself. It's fine on PC. Has anyone had this problem and know a fix? I may have to uninstall and reinstall if it doesn't fix itself, I guess.
  5. So what are the chances that the "transform" button never got pressed?
  6. Just let me in for five minutes then stuck again. Needs a new hamster for the wheel.
  7. That probably explains those weird occasions where I've had someone with strong mechs come up against me in Arena, who immediately quits even though he ought to smash me. Maybe that's people on their way down to smurf at lower ranks.
  8. I think that's cool. It's being a friend, really.
  9. I reckon that's an additional perk!
  10. I'd say "almost always" wrong. Only reason I could see for doing it, other than sheer tossbanditry, would be to get the 10 straight wins achievement by dropping so low that you're nailed on for 10 in a row (unless you hit a fellow smurfer). I still haven't managed the 10 in a row, so I haven't done it, but I think I'd say that was forgivable, since it's not something you'd do more than once.
  11. "Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy. " Benjamin Franklin
  12. Not for me. I got some purples and a leprechaun hat on Insane. Bah. I'd willingly ditch the hat for a legenday.....
  13. Which insane 1v1? The Bigboy which I happily farm?
  14. Where are you making this gold in 15 minutes? I'm all ears.
  15. What kind of fool uses the base to get epics or legendaries? It's good for harvesting gold and items to use in upgrades. Only an eejit would spend on trying to get legendaries from the base factory. I know, because I was briefly just such an eejit.
  16. Regardless of their nationality, they've been cheating for quite some time. The banwave appears to have passed them by.
  17. Perhaps if they ever fix the Supernova thing. *short reflection* Yep, can't argue with that short answer.
  18. That's 100k solely from the mines. Of course, there';s the campaign, the raid, the arena and the bits and pieces you get from titans and clan acivity, and so on. But I have two questions for you. First, if you amass that much gold while you have the base enabled, why are you complaining about the base anyway? Second, where are you getting your 360k from - in detail?
  19. Thanks! That confirms that I really really want a Selfish Guardian.
  20. This is for a base with maxed HQ and all available mines maxed, presumably? I was wondering whether to max up. Presently I have HQ just at 15 because that gets me a factory producing kits which I farm and 4 mines at 15, and was wondering whether to concentrate on maxing the gold return for a while. 100K a day sounds tidy.
  21. I went for the offer, got a PM back after a little while saying "done", but the account I set up to transfer to is apparently "inactive", and the activation e-mails the old site claims to be secnding aren't arriving. Alex said he'd look into it, but no dice so far. PMs on Kong seem to be as good a way of poking as any, but if anyone knows a better way, I'm all ears.....
  22. The Kong version is knackered again - sticks on "connecting to server" and then goes to "Network error" . Needs a fresh team of hamsters for the wheel?
  23. What would you use if the choice was between Snack and Torment? I've had both drop at Legendary just a few days ago and am wondering whether to max one up to use sometimes for my energy build as an alternative to Face Shocker.
  24. Maybe try PM-ing him from your Kong account?
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