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Posts posted by SawzAll

  1. On 12/14/2021 at 5:58 AM, heller said:

    reason why energy is dominating in mid ranks (10~6) is because alot of players doesnot have thier mods upgraded (same goes for you) so stop complainng about every one defeating you cause you forgot to upgrade the most important part in any mech that makes hugger mechs meta

    Preach it. 

  2. 1 hour ago, kill with boss said:

    I tried this build. If start point = range 1, I can defeat him (I controlled his mech with doing my best because the auto control enemy have problem). If I'm not tested, why I post these mechs?

    How did you test them?

  3. 23 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    If energy gets buffed then physical would be the worst.

    To be real, i'd nerf the heat instead of buffing energy.

    There has been talk about how the META heat hugger is the most OP and annoying build, so there might be some effort some day to do a slight nerf.  But I don't know if I would support that.  You see, I like heat being the way it is now because it fights the counters.

    But in general, nerfs are unpopular.  So this is why power creep is just a fact of life in gaming.

  4. On 12/2/2021 at 7:51 AM, Bring live your dreams said:

    Idk i think the Overcooking Oven need a little buff to like +256 or +267 heat damage to stay at the high of the UPC, The UPC it's a "low-resources EMP with 2 uses" 

    I can agree here

    On 12/2/2021 at 2:07 PM, Deimos said:

    Yeah, goes without saying that any E-M energy build is completely worthless.

    Well, not completely worthless.  But a totally non-premium energy build probably cannot make rank 5, that's for sure.

  5. Everyone: if you agree with me, please reply and say so.  If you don't agree, just keep walking.  I'm just interested in seeing if there's still any interest in this.


    Please bring back the proposed energy buff we were discussing in the balance team in February-March of this year.

    I believe it's needed, and I believe the buff is small enough that energy won't become overpowered as a result.

    Many here and on discord believe that quad cores and overload preventors more or less weakened energy.  But I believe your proposed buff, which is small, would help fix this.

    I am willing, and I think the balance team is willing, to discuss how much the buffs are, but more or less most had already said it would be a good idea.

    Please consider looking at how many reply to agree.

  6. 13 hours ago, Deimos said:

    You see, that's a terrible idea. You can run meta energy free builds on both physical and heat but for energy it's impossible since your health ends up being terrible due to all the energy modules you have to stack. The extra damage also heavily depends on if you can even manage to energy break your opponent which is hard and doesn't last long in the top ranks. The introduction of dual modules pretty much buried energy mechs, they are still fun if you're not trying to play competitively though.

    Well said.  Energy isn't completely irrelevant yet, but it's more difficult.  Those using it among the top 10 players have the few nice premiums needed to make it work for them.

  7. On 11/26/2021 at 2:00 PM, TritiumThermonuclearBomb said:

    And I just fused my bulldog too...

    Why would you do that?  It's a way better option (in my opinion) than the energy recoiler for the energy jumper build.

    On 11/27/2021 at 5:03 AM, kill with boss said:

    Mega Killers! 

    Oh yes. If you have 3 builds like this, maybe you can always get in Rank 1.

    Hmm...this one is Phys Mech Mega Duper Killer.

    Armored Phys Mech Mega Duper Killer

    3 Magma Blast Build


    Maximum piercing phys protection number without Greedy: 

    BloodWeep x4 = 360

    Desert Fury x2 = 92

    Total without Greedy: 452

    It's the extreme piercing protector right?


    Phys Mech Mega Duper Killer #2

    More powerful than CleverName's build (I think its the most powerful heat mech):

    With all due respect, who are you, and what rank?  And are you joking?

    With all due respect, one individual, even if you are rank 1, isn't going to be able to take over the meta listing or suggest stuff better than CleverName did.  Here are some people who COULD possibly have the experience to take over the meta listing:

    • Lord Gorgon
    • Mechzilla
    • Invicktus (sp?)
    • Or the collaboration of one of the top 10 clans in the game.
  8. I don't think campaign level matters very much.

    Here's how I do it personally: I bought premium packs (NOT boxes) until I had at least enough items so that I had 3 mechs with all epic-to-divine modules, as appropriate.  Then I started saving for deals.

  9. On 10/26/2021 at 12:45 PM, Energy Boi said:

    What should I do I want to get a good electric drone witch drone should I go for?

    If you want to know I'm looking for a low weight energy drone I have 50 weight left

    My opinion: face shocker for drain, electrolyte for close range damage.  Unreliable guardian or windforge for drain if you get lucky enough to get them.

  10. On 11/4/2021 at 8:42 AM, Lord Gorgon said:

    Biggest advantage of joining a top clan is not facing your clanmates.

    What planet do you live on? I still fought my clan mates when I was in Reign. I didn't join a clan not to fight a certain group of people. I joined because I respect them and wanted to be a part of them.


    I think you have this problem where you think everyone thinks and feels like you do. That's not logical, sorry. If you want to get closer to the truth, ask people why they joined their clan.

  11. 5 hours ago, Lord Gorgon said:

    Id advise you talk with experimented people around you before busting horse shet to me. Makes you look like a fool.

    I never said side stats don't matter.  I said divines matter for HP and damage.  They also matter for side stats, sure.  But still, you're arguing against math and reality itself.  The same phenomenon exists in Borderlands 3 with people farming bosses until they get the weapon with the exact anoints and effects they need to put them over the top.  The same effect existed in the Mechwarrior games.  And in Battletech (clan versus inner sphere).  And in D&D (getting special imbued weapons).

    Watch the olympics, like the sprints and other races.  A mere second faster would get one person a gold medal over another.

    I've won several arena matches by less than 10 hp.  Divines absolutely matter, no matter what the item (except things like double teleport).

    I definitely know I'm not the one looking like a fool.  I'm not ranting and raving against mathematical realities.

  12. Legacy players: do you think shields matter in this game any more?

    Would you be willing to part with shields if you got other rewards?

    Please vote and/or comment.

    This poll is attached to my idea about using the shield slot for something else like a drone or feet cosmetic, but I just wanted to get opinions.

  13. 34 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    yes, I do agree as reloaded. I think Mechzilla mean the same. Maybe I am wrong. I think portal with legacy reloaded meaning balanced and adjusted to current parts layout will be cool. Not need to go for a lot of new design for now but use same old items enhanced. Now, when I was watching some similar weapons of today some of them had different function but similar look. 

    To be fair, IF the reload of legacy items works properly, i.e. they are equivalent in power and not overpowered or underpowered, the next thing they could do is "sunset" the legacy items.

    I.e. at a certain date, everyone who has the old legacy item, this item is transformed into the new reloaded item, and it's already divine.  That way no one gets shafted.

  14. On 10/31/2021 at 12:47 PM, Lord Gorgon said:

    Fairly ignorant thing to say. Any player facing me often knows that i lag quite big behind when it comes to quantity of divined L-M item (in use). So when it comes to divined advantages/disadvantages, i more often lay on the disadvantaged side.



    With all due respect, I'm not the only one who's tried to tell you this.  And whether you or I liked or disliked CleverName is irrelevant: having entirely divine mechs is a huge advantage.  Think about how many times you've won or lost a game by less than 100 hp or less than 100 damage and you see my point.  Whether we agree or not, CleverName proved that having the ability to divine everything you have gives you a very clear advantage.  And being 5% faster in sprint speed in the Olympics will mean you win gold.  As you get into the very top of the game, every single hit point and every single damage point matters.

    Bottom line, me and several other top ranked players (1-5) have told you that having tons of divines DOES make a difference.  You are legendary for your skill in 3v3 heat, and you're probably better at playing this game than I am, but this is one place you're incorrect.  Sorry man.

    Besides, I hear from some people that you have divines.  If you think they're not relevant, why do so many of your weapons glow?

    Ok, so do a test.  Go an entire month without using any divine items and catalog your fall from rank 1.

  15. On 11/1/2021 at 10:36 AM, Mechzilla said:

    I think receiving legacy items like legs, low weight teleports, double hook in each element, double charge, would help in both arena strategy and possibly Raid. Please keep in mind that some of us have spent 10 years acquiring these items. I have no issues with newer players having a chance to receive them, and applaud efforts to help them.

    Obviously, ascension relics are more important to advancement but portal with some specific legacy items or your “Jeep Wheels” would be fun. Anything to add variety and make the game more fun to play, I support 100%. 

    I mostly agree with you.

    But some legacy items DO give legacy players an advantage.  And it's technically unfair because someone who never played legacy can't get the items.  This is part of the tendency to give away accounts (ToS violations, etc.).  So I think legacy items should get "reloaded" like Alexander once thought of doing.  Reloading legacy items would give us plenty of portal opportunities and add variety to the game.  "Reload" the legacy items that matter, trash the rest, which should free up sprite space in SM for new items (yes, that was an assumption).

    With all due respect, too, many legacy items look fugly.  Especially the modules.  So in reloading them, making new or "refreshed" sprites would help.

    But your idea is good also.  And to be fair, you're the expert because you've played SM since it was beta.  Me, I have only been playing one year.

    If I may now make a general statement (not at you, Mechzilla), I'm totally against bringing shields in.  Why not make that slot a new cosmetic slot for things like Sabretooth legs (to complete your Sabretooth torso and to hide what you're using), drone cosmetics (hide what drone you're using), etc.?

    To me, resistance makes more sense if you think of it as being shields.  I say we leave the shields aspect of Legacy alone and retire the concept.

  16. 10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I can recommend one great TOP clan.😃 Just kidding. 🤡 In RF you have cool guys. Why to leave the Nobel Warriors?

    Play solo like me. I was solo all the time and developed as top with many myth parts. Never had clan drama. 🤡


    Or you can join a clan that don't have drama.

    Like, if we think of clans like the knights of the round table, they weren't perfect, but there wasn't a lot of drama usually.  Or if we think of clans like a military unit, even if they aren't perfect, usually there's a lot of cohesion and caring for each other.

    That's what clans should be.  That's what Reign has been to me, and what I try to do in my own clan.

    Why would you stay in a toxic clan?

  17. 7 hours ago, boomboomsticks said:

    because im in highschool thats how highshcool women think 

    and she really doesnt talk to me that much we just play online games together

    Why would you want to be in a relationship with a woman who DOES NOT LIKE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE?

    Sorry, but still, why?

    Anything based on looks, relationships or careers, will eventually fall apart, just like your looks and your body.

    Trust me, you want a relationship with someone who values you for who you are, no matter what you look like, because looks ALWAYS fade.  Ever seen Ms America reunions?  Looks fade.  We will all lose to the enemy of entropy.

  18. 10 hours ago, boomboomsticks said:

    there is a nice looking girl who i met a week ago she sat next to me and held my hand as a joke at lunch and my friends dared her to kiss me she hasnt done it yet but said shes thinking about it. im not super good looking for 1 and i barley know her and am not really interested in dating rn but i want to get to know her more and build a relationship i just dont know how to get started i do kinda like her tho so does anyone know what i should do?

    Why does it matter how good looking you are?

    Just get to know her by spending time with her and her/your friends.  Text.  Email.  Write notes.

    Women want relationship and kindness before they care about your looks.



  19. On 10/27/2021 at 4:45 PM, JamAnime said:

    In reality, all the torsos and legs need to be buff, with the major damage some weapons do it crazy.  It use to be that a battle took more than 10 turns to end a battle. Now, you finish a battle in 2 to 3 tries.

    Sorry, that's insanity.  If you do that, people will then complain about feature creep or power creep.

    To a point, sure, power creep is the reality of warfare.  We're always trying to build (in the military) newer, better planes, tanks, bombs, missiles, guns, etc.

    As for the "10 turns to end a battle," that's like lower rank stuff.  I don't think we need to worry about changing how many turns a battle takes, especially because then you start a cascade of then having to increase the # shots you get from weapons and such.

    I would vote in favor of buffing Zark, but your argument isn't very compelling, to me.  All the torsos are more or less within 1% efficiency right now.  I don't see a need to change any of them, except maybe EFA (slight HP buff but then make it 0 energy and 0 regen).

    4 hours ago, SC2A said:

    i take 2 days to upgrade an item to lv40 legend and 3 fckin months to myth an item, 6 months to max and 1 year to divine kk

    It starts taking less time as you upgrade your base.

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