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Everything posted by SC2A

  1. Tomorrow be like:200% arena gold lmao Me: *almost get r7 DAM
  2. True Next person will get platinum plating But I cant
  3. HE STRONG AS ME LMAO 2nd one and get grim cobra and 2nd malice out and put spine fall and big daddy(when u max it)
  4. Strongest player in ..:ewe fox gang ewe:.. now...
  5. Yeah I got scammed and now this is my "main" account Well it's the answer for the question why I'm r9 but I can kill even r3
  6. naga because it has higher hp but if you can build a high hp mech, choose grim reaper for better energy cap and regen
  7. Let me explain I used to thinking about choose Vietnam mech but a player is already have that name and I think it looks weird and because my r1 account is in that clan before so I choose Soviet It's now dead And 2nd name called nightmare freddy bc I tried to avoid NLE CHOPPA
  8. I choose Soviet Union mech cuz I was in U.S.S.R clan And ur more 1 than me lmeo
  9. So why Im in vn now but it shows Estonia lol(3 months ago) What tf did I just get in my alt lel Nothing
  10. Then can you explain why free energy mech have weakness at r3 but they still become meta He should use massive than lol
  11. 13 But I play like 31 yrs old player Sorry but fck u for saying I'm fool
  12. Make Less weight just that And do you want clever name get unlikable?
  13. Not bad advice but range 3 isn't prob l
  14. Still remember it flame God first livestream And I want to see my old clan
  15. Is it XD I think I'm youngest player lol
  16. They're too high at all so why just buff it dmg a little bit and it heat damage to 100? Yeah
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