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Posts posted by Stelight

  1. On 1/27/2022 at 5:31 PM, Corvus said:

    My leader has asked me to get some recruits for our clan, 

    Requirements are as far as I can remember:

    Minimum rank 18 (the leader lowered it, as the point of the clan is to help out new players)

    Do atleast 5 arena battles per day, all three titan battles, and if possible clan wars, this last one is only if you can it's not mandatory, but you can always try 

    It's open so all you got to do is search it, and join.

    If you got any questions ask me.

    Hello, it was to say i join your clans.

    I am at the rank 13 generally, sometime 12


    What is my mech look 



    I can does the 5 win and the clans wars but titans i'm not sure, i depends if the titans need titan tikets or not .

  2. 12 hours ago, Electro said:

    The first box to the left will always have e - m items at epic rank for 135 tokens the unit .

    The second have only e - m items too but in legendary rank for a price of 575 . 

    The last one have only premium items ( l - m ) legendary items for a price of 1200 .

    Reduction of price carry out:

    First box no change ( 135 > 135 )

    Second box got a reduction of 100 tokens ( 575 > 450 ) 

    Last box have 125 tokens of reduction ( 1200 > 775 )


    The third box seems to me so worth it for a permanent box but i'll leave it like that .

    2 hours ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    might get more stuff if you just buy a 1k token deal. just saying. 

    if your luck is good, you might get some stuff more valuable than just 1 guarenteed l-m. 

    other 200 tokens can be saved for other stuff. 

    Is not totally the same thing, the resettable shop is permanent like the premium box / pack we can buy in the normal shop while the offer are temporary but advantageous, my idea was made to be another way to spend the tokens .

  3. 28 minutes ago, DArkVold said:

    Someone in the past may or may not have said this I didn't feel like looking at all the past topics. So this idea is to restart everyones campaign. I know all that hard work gone 😫. But look imagine if they replaced those 3 tokens they gave out for completing one mission and started giving out shards instead. Now these shards would obviously need a purpose so we would have to add a shard exchange shop. Let's say for example you get 3 shards for completing an insane mission in the 1v1 campaign. You could then place those shards into the shop in a slot for a premium weapon, for a divine relic, for power kits anything you want. For example Lets say it takes 150 shards to get a premium weapon of your choice or if some people think that's too overpowered it can be a random premium weapon.  You would have to do is 50 insane campaign missions and boom you have the shards needed. Now obviously we cant have people just grinding one mission over and over all day with bots and stuff so after you complete that mission you can't get anymore shards from that campaign for 2 weeks or something like that the time does kind of matter but i'm not a Dev I can't tell them how to make the game. I can expand on the idea if enough people like this idea obviously no one is going to spend a whole day saying a plan just for like 20 views.

    Interesting but i have a few of suggestion change :


    1 - Remove the wait time of regeneration of fragment or reduce it, it could to player to become afk .


    2 - Don't remove the tokens reward from finsih a level, the player played this campaign will earn tokens and fragement while the player after this campaign change could earn only fragment .


    Optionnal - A campaign shop like arena shop ( only for campaign )

  4. Many people want a trade in super mechs but .. I don't think we need trade system but rather a add shop, here is my suggestion :


    This shop will replace the mech we can bought, the pecularity of this "offer" is that you choose among the items shown the one you want but you can buy more than however depending on the box chosen you have a limited number of purchase .


    The first box to the left will always have e - m items at epic rank for 135 tokens the unit .

    The second have only e - m items too but in legendary rank for a price of 575 . 

    The last one have only premium items ( l - m ) legendary items for a price of 1200 .


    The other perticuliarity is that the items offered change every 24 hours but the items offered are always in a "group"; for example in the box for 135 tokens if there is a battery torso so the 2 other items was also battery torso but in this variants .

    To be noted is possible that in an box there are not always 3 items to offer as shown by the third box if is the items didn't have a variants . 

  5. 2 minutes ago, AionionWindWeaver said:

    Le trading est en effet un système intéressant, mais en raison du risque que les joueurs rassemblent des tonnes de comptes et négocient dans un seul compte principal et contournent entièrement le mur de paiement est le seul problème majeur ... il est donc préférable que le commerce ne soit ajouté et accessible en tant que jeu extrême en fin de partie uniquement dans les fonctionnalités exclusives de fin de jeu avec les conditions suivantes :

    - Le niveau maximum est maintenant de 500
    - Les objets ne peuvent être échangés qu'au niveau maximum de l'évolution du niveau divin
    - Le flux d'échange requis par échange est de 500 000 000 millions d'or par transaction, et ce n'est que pour le mythe qui commence à rare, la négociation d'un LM vous coûterait 1,5 milliard d'or par session de transaction.
    - Un seul échange peut être effectué une fois par semaine.
    - Le trading n'est accessible qu'au niveau 500... comme mentionné ci-dessus.
    - Le trading ne peut être réussi que lorsque les deux parties ont un ticket de trading, ce qui vous coûte environ 500 jetons par ticket.

    Au cas où vous seriez curieux, ces conditions ci-dessus qui vous sont nécessaires pour échanger un seul article sont encore beaucoup trop généreuses, donc même si elles devaient être mises en œuvre, ne vous attendez pas à être immédiatement un Joe moyen au niveau 172. capable de l'atteindre, attendez-vous à ce que les conditions soient encore plus ridicules compte tenu de la rupture de cette fonctionnalité.

    Level 500 ? i remind me the level 1 to the 250 level take 9-10 month for those who was very active so level 500... maybe 2-3 years

    also for the gold price uhh 500.000.000 for only a r-m items ?..Only player no ftp can use the trade function with this price in my opinion .

  6. That depending your build but here is a list of "good" physical weapon :

    E -


    Rock recoiler


    Sacrifice cannon ( a frantic brute 2.0 ..)

    Frantic brute 


    L - M

    Ejection blast

    Rock polisher


    Disintegration ( a backfire version of annihilation )

    Dark eagle

    ( Edit : excuse me i forgot top weapon )

    Spartan carnage 

    Distance shreeder

    Cockpit piercer 


  7. 16 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    none of this prevents the player from trading between his/her main and alt accounts and compiling all the goodies into one account. 

    now, if i'm not mistaken, you want a system to sell items..... right? for gold? not trade, like item to item. 

    In my opinion i think i trade system is not essential, the proof there a ftp player who reach the rank 5-4 .

    However a item shop e - m ( epic ), e - m ( legendary ) und l - m ( legendary ) may be possible, maybe l'll make a topic about it .

  8. 3 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    i dont have blue monkey, from my experience with red monkey......it won't be real good. 

    i did attempt an energy mech with my blue vest... it worked, but not as well as i thought it would. (note: i used to use lvl 40 legendary grim reaper, so that was still a big jump)

    but, those divine naga stats does look pretty tempting. and i already have a lvl 40 naga i can transform and max. 

    I remember energy build using grimreaper and zarkares for heat build those were the good times; the energy was still used and there was not real stronger and weakness type ..


    9 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    i dont have blue monkey, from my experience with red monkey...

    Is funny me too i didn't have the blue monkey but i have the heat and physical version ..

  9. 11 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

    how would you rate naga 1-10 (10 being best) for energy mech compared to windigo for energy mech?

    build: hot flash, malice, hammer/recoiler, ..... etc. 

    8 / 10 : Is probably the best torso no premium for energy mech, the Nightmare have not enought energy for can be used on energy mech and windigo is correct but does not exceed Naga .

    The 2 Torso that are better than this are :

    - Rusty energy armor 

    - Lightning platinium vest

  10. Here is my suggestion :


    The grappling is not worth it on a long range build so i remove it .

    The resistance is pretty important, i added a savior resistance ( r - e item ) for corrected partly that .

    I replace 1 Heat engine and a energy engine by a cooling mass booster and a energy mass booster for more balanced energy and heat stats 

    ( I am only rank 12, my advice are not reliable )

  11. 18 minutes ago, crimson_the_hybrid said:

    i see, so what about one annihilation with a night fall for side weapons, keep the brute, allowing for extra space for mods and what not,

    i don't have enought experience to confim this but is look not bad ( could better to replace the frantic by a night eagle )

    18 minutes ago, crimson_the_hybrid said:

    would i replace that with Selfish Guardian instead of tonto?

    Tonto is better if you use the night eagle, selfish guardian is the best physical drone for pratically all physical build . 

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