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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by Melanös

  1. So if anyone remembers, Kig was a youtuber back in the legacy days, but quit shortly after reloaded, (completely understandable) but later on, he almost completely disappeared. He unlisted every single video he had ever made, privated his subscribers, and changed the channel name to EnCore. there are exactly 2 not unlisted videos there, which are from some fps game. Does anyone have any idea what happened there? You can still find a couple of his old videos via link from his old facebook page.

  2. Does anyone remember the mythical item shop from legacy? It was basically a catalogue of all myths in the game at that point, does anyone know where to find such a thing these days? I wanna be able to make my own legacy builds, or even better, a legacy version of workshop unlimited. Thanks in advance

  3. I would probably want a few e-m items get their c-r item made transformable. Such as annihialation. (excuse my spelling) I feel like a few items that are very rare in top ranks nowadays, but handy for mid ranks, should have their lower tiers morphed together, to make it slightly easier to go from absolute Rock bottom, to somewhat mid ranks, slightly faster.

  4. A few months after reloaded,  ranked 1v1 matches for everyone except top and bottom ranks were removed (between 15 and 5 I think).  Idk why this was done,  but it made it unnecessarily difficult for newer players to rise to higher ranks.  Please make it possible to do 1v1s at all ranks again, or provide a good reason for this feature to even exist in the first place. 



  5. the cooling is the main problem, but somehow i have gotten 9 energy engines, but 0 cooling modules. The modules im using are:

    combined storage unit, lvl 1 epic

    2x max iron plating

     dual heat module, lvl 1 rare

    energy fortress, lvl 1 legendary

     energy mass booster, lvl 1 epic

     energy mass booster lvl 1 legendary

    energy engine, lvl 1 epic

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