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Everything posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. Oh... Still disturbing, nonetheless. Also, nice "<" rank.
  2. I have an Overload Preventor on my "USMD Platinum" alt... And I really need it for my physical build on my main yet it's on an energy build. RnG tends to be unfavorable sometimes. Post Merge Guys... I got a Quad Core from my arena box. F**king. Help. Me.
  3. That's... Kinda disturbing. How did this get past the people who normally point out issues that need fixing? Also, welcome to the new forums, Mano. You better still have that skull rank.
  4. Do you want to know how it's like to have legacy items in Reloaded? It's quite simple... It's basically the same as trying to fight a max mythed HSA build by using a max rare Anubis build. The reloaded items are definitely on a higher power scale than anything that legacy could dream of doing because God Mode, the tankiest torso of legacy, doesn't even hold a glass to its reloaded counterpart, Brutality, who isn't able to hold a glass to the monkes, the tankiest torsos of reloaded, who are getting Diamond Shelled by the Vests, the NEW meta of reloaded because of a buff that granted them with 77 physical resistance... Except for HPV, which is still shit because of how it's made to be an energy counter torso (like we needed that in a physical meta era where energy is already getting stomped). But yeah, it's hell if you try to challenge the arena with legacy builds because you're almost certain to get curbstomped by a max legendary premium at rank 20... Because rank 15 has 1-myth builds and rank 12 is max myth or death. If you want a piece of advice, keep hold of those legacy items because those are going to be the things that keep you sane during these trying times of insanity. Oh, and reloaded did the Lava (or Magma?) Scope torso dirty by making it into the Cyber Armor P2W series that are basically monkes with a $50 skin on them and are mythical only... Because fairness is key!
  5. I got both of my monkes and my Burning Shower from fortune boxes... But those are the only premiums that I can remember... Oh, and Rusty Heat Blaster. @MasterChief I didn't get a Fractured Heat Armor, so I'm stuck with Hollow Spectral Armor for my "heat monke". Trust me, it's more of a pain than a blessing.
  6. Yes, Swoop got a buff and now it deals 116 heat damage when completely maxed out, divined, and buffed with arena steroids. Oh, and its base damage is now 108-151, so it's basically staring down Nemo and Murmur, threatening to replace them entirely. As for the forum thing, the actual buff/nerf list isn't a topic but rather, it's a blog, so you need to look in the blog section in order to find it (it won't be hard to find because it's legitimately made by Alexander the One who Attracts Everyone's Attention). And uh, some other things got buffed as well... Some being: Frantic Brute: The Rework Naga the Grim Reaper Windigo going Sicko Mode Malice Beam committing Sinful Crimes And Molten Platinum Vest and Lightning Platinum Vest stealing the M E T A. So yeah, you kinda missed a lot while you weren't looking... And just like it sounds, things have also been heavily full of resistance since that special event that happened a month ago. But hey, there's a new buff/nerf/rework wave coming shortly, so I guess that'll be something to look forward to... ... I hope... Here's the blog, by the way, so that you won't have to delve into the deep archives of these forums yourself. You're welcome.
  7. Final legendary mod on my second build. Oh, and this non-relevant and unimportant side thing.
  8. The extra goods are good but Disintegration isn't different from Annihilation at all apart from weight, so Annihilation would still be a better choice over it as it doesn't cost a thing while having the same level of damage. Especially when it's a Disintegration that demands higher backfire wages for the same type of work. Sometimes, the volunteer works a lot better than a worker who demands higher wages for the same level of work.
  9. Depends on what rank they are and what weapons they're using. It's possible for lower ranks to do higher scores if they have raid-tier weapons like Crimson Rapture and Heat Bombs, but if they don't have said weapons, they might be doing the exploit.
  10. Nice... But the lack of maxed power kits makes it bad.
  11. It definitely surpassed normal expectations. With the rocket, I thought the puzzle would be cracked in minutes.
  12. Well, it definitely took you guys long enough to figure that one out. Congrats on being the one to answer the puzzle, Quantum Physics.
  13. That is... Very far from the item that those items are supposed to represent. But the item in question has 3 words. Oh, and that last thing is not a recycling device but a common power source.
  14. Puffin exists and it works just like the original website when it was on Flash but with a few kinks like Puffin's occasional disconnections that work like Flash's disconnections that required a page refresh. https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/ Also, you ain't dying on me just yet, so don't try throwing in the towel too early.
  15. Your head was heading to a place with a different heading. Like Cursed Images Thread.
  16. Would you like to put ERROR CODE's superiority to the test? The 3v3 could be at any time and anywhere.
  17. He's rank 5 but he, in his own words, is stronger than a rank 1. He's even excited about it.
  18. If you don't know why I made this poll, The Unholy One a.k.a ERROR CODE declared on the Immortal Blades discord server that he was the best player around. So, as a lesson of choosing your words wisely, we decided to hold a consensus vote as to whether or not we should actually make this small event a thing... And well... The poggers have spoken. However, I thought I would take things a step further and have the whole forums vote on this special event. And Unholy One, this is what happens when you tempt karma to take things into its own hands.
  19. I shall be a grammar nazi here as well and call out a grammar error that you made in your response to my response. You were using present tense for something that required past tense, so rather than using "is", you should be using "was" instead. As for what you said, Maximum Protector is a good resistance module as long as you have an appropriate build in mind for it. One example is an EFA build, which has good all-round base resistance stats that can be boosted with a Maximum Protector, so it's harder for your EFA to be countered since you'll have high all-round resistance.
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