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Everything posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. Cockpit Piercer. Hahaha... No. Ah yes, completely normal Legacy. Also, my favorite torso is the one that's made of random sample text. Like if you agree and cease if you don't.
  2. Hello and welcome to the fact that the game kicked me out during the claiming process of 10 tokens. I had 7 tokens before claiming them and I still have just 7 and not 17... Is this game seriously still making rewards go poof by buffering then kicking players to force delete said rewards? I would really appreciate it if I could get those 10 tokens back if possible because I went back onto arena from quite a long break from it for those tokens. My account's name is {{W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T}} and the login credentials are: Username: Hah Password: Why would you think that this was legit? Fun Fact: Those login credentials are fake, so don't bother trying to believe in the joke. Update: I don't know what just happened but I suddenly got those missing 10 tokens after the game had a stroke and died. ... I'm still wondering what's wrong with this game sometimes.
  3. I... What in the hell have you done? Normal Rank 15 stuff. Really normal, indeed.
  4. ^ That has got to be the most Irish thing that I've ever heard. Irish, Non-Irish, intentional, or not, that sounds really Irish.
  5. The title says it all. Just don't get any weird ideas, got it? Alright, let's get started.
  6. Eh, at least the mechs didn't have the vom-... I mean, "mystic" camo when the user went to paint one of them... Instead of all 3, for some reason.
  7. The hacking is gonna be more likely than thousands of dollars since even spending money takes time when it comes to this game. Besides, most people would be more invested in hacking since it's a "free" way to get to the top... But the payment method is also viable because of rolemodels like CleverName. Update: Nevermind, he is definitely using a cheat engine or APK because he has way too many premiums and maxed items just to be a level 54 and rank 15 since P2Ws still have limits as to how fast they can progress while hackers can continuously keep on growing at an exponential rate due to the APK's way of getting free tokens from monetary purchases.
  8. In this current age, we just want to shoot guns like there's no point in evolution. But with swords, we're evolving... Just backwards.
  9. You won't notice the flaw in the image until it's too late.
  10. 1. Clear Loadout Button 2. Filler Item Catalog Refresh 3. Buffed token reward for 1k wins milestone in Clan 4. Pity System (after "x" number of premium boxes = guaranteed legendary for next box opening / after "x" number of premium packs = guaranteed premium for the next pack opening) 5. Auto-Grind (option to autogrind a mission until out of fuel or manually stopped by the user/ 2x is default for autogrind) 6. An actual plot for campaign (completely pointless in functional terms but great for stylish terms) 7. Banshee Extermination 8. More portal variety / Adaptive portal difficulties 9. More adaptive enemies in campaign (will explain) 9 = On Normal in the 1v1 Campaign, some enemies are capable of "adapting" to the player's strength through adjusting HP, stats, and damage output to best match said strength. This is best seen in Overlord's Den - 8 (Normal) and Overlord's Den - 6 (Normal). In OD-6, all enemies will adjust their stats to provide a challenge while the change is only for Bigboy during OD-8, where similar buffs can be noticed when fighting him (i.e. he will have higher HP and damage output against a build of higher strength and lower HP and damage output against a build of lower strength). I'm honestly intrigued by how that works and would really like to see more enemies like that in the campaigns... Who knows, maybe that would make 3v3 a tad bit more forgiving?
  11. That's just how the game rolls... No matter how lucky you may feel, the game will always recommend a Banshee when you already have 50 Banshees in your storage that you can't get rid of because of how the 500 previous Banshees drained all of your fuel and gold in the process of fusing them away in Interceptor torsos in the hopes of getting rid of the potato smell. Happy Birthday and beware of the potatoes when they start sprouting roots in your storage... They're gonna try to duplicate when you're not looking.
  12. Alright, maybe Tactisoft was, in fact, thinking during the creation of this "thing"... But it was in no way about the level of overkill this thing represents when it walks into a club that already has an E-M normal dissolver and an E-M backfire dissolver. It was more about how they could get away with trying to make meta sword builds for all elements, which is sweet but I don't think we wanted arena to be all about swords.
  13. I had to join the club in order to write a response to the ping... But if you want to know how many uses ORB has, it has 3 uses for legendary and mythical variants.
  14. When I look at this, I wonder... Why do we need L-M dissolvers for elements that already have E-M dissolvers? And when I think about that, I start to question if Tactisoft has ever thought about moments like those where they create premiums for items that can already go to mythical status without the need of a fancy name or crazy buffs. This here is one of those moments.
  15. I encountered more Brutes during my climb back to rank 10 after the end of last season... And well... It's best to watch the replays to see what's wrong. B704D and B7281 I won both of those matches but the Brute shot damage exceeded 400 every time.
  16. Nah, the Sh is a decent energy torso because it's exactly like GrimReaper but lighter and only 100 less cap. Meanwhile, Cough Cough has lower HP than Elm and Sh despite being a physical torso.
  17. Do you really know what we need? A name change for Bigboy... Instead of Bigboy, we could have his name changed to Sadboy. So then, the names of the final bosses would be Sadboy, Madboy, and Badboy, which sounds a lot catchier than Bigboy. If not, we can opt that out for a 50000x magnifier because why the hell not?
  18. Think of it like how Brute is with the high ranks now... They aren't present in the lower mid ranks much outside of a few newcomer-type builds. But if the presence of the Brute appears everywhere, there's gonna be a lot more 500s popping up. Also, I did 4 arena battles and got 4 wins in a row... But 2 of those battles had people with Spartan Carnage and 1 had a Frantic Brute... Both were irritating but I kinda range bullied the Brute user since they were using Rolling Beasts... And they had the Brute on a dual Malice build that had a Night Eagle for some reason. #Don'tBullyUnlessIt'sAFranticBruteSpammerToWhichItIsThenJustified
  19. Ah yes, time to start a hub paradox. All you have to do is go onto wornhub and search up grubhub then go onto grubhub then do things backwards. You will achieve maximum hub by the time you have finished.
  20. Old Brute to New Brute = +20 heat. Spartan Carnage to New Brute = +39 heat. Old Brute to Old Brute = I don't know. You ask me. With the power of math, I've solved the problem. ... And with this topic, arguments over the Frantic Brute have never been more stalemate-inducing. Don't jinx it. I'm already suffering through Hybrids in rank 11 and 10 and I sure as hell do not need Frantic Brutes jumping onto that bandwagon of suffering.
  21. 'Twas was a joke that flew over this fellow's head and 'twas a brick that was found in his bed. (I honestly don't know why I wanted to make a rhyme but here we are.) But in all seriousness, I'm an EFA user with no Nightmare for as far as the eye can see. All I'm here to say is that you should not underestimate a book by its cover as a snail should not judge a leaf by its shape... Because a leaf is a leaf and snails shouldn't be judgmental. This isn't a hostile message as it is a morale that is in the back of every children's book imaginable. Yes, it's a cliche.
  22. I'm pretty sure that what Shoultz is trying to say is that while the max damage cap of the Brute was lowered, it hasn't affected the average shot damage that the Brute tends to do, which is around 400 - 500 most of the time. Yes, that means that there's no more potential for those 800+ hits, but the 400 average damage is still around due to the more forgiving minimum damage that used to be a failsafe that kept the Brute in line (for the most part). As for the burst damage, it's really reliant on how you perceive it. A Brute can manage to outdamage a Spartan if the Brute hits 400 twice while the Spartan hits 200 or so for all three shots and the other way around if the Brute hits 200 twice and the Spartan hits 400 (pretty unlikely) three times (seriously unlikely). So, whether the Brute is better than Spartan or not, it could potentially be agreed upon that the Brute is now more likely to deal consistent damage without the low minimum holding it back.
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