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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. Back in the day items were tied to a level requirement. When you equipped level 30 items you could only match up with other level 30s. Same for level 28, 25 and so on. perhaps with a little logic X amount of mythicals could block dropping down past rank Y. OR! Maybe the funky points assignment used for war could be used. If your build has a 5k war ranking you would automatically be pushed up to rank 7 and could not leave r7 regardless of losses. . would take some adjustments but better than nothing?
  2. You are totally right. Don’t let these people who dumped a ton of money in the game get you down. We all know the state of the game. They just can’t accept reality because they have invested so much in a company that has provided zero gratitude to the paying customers.
  3. Yeah I switched over to kits and commons I have plenty of upgrading to do so might as well throw my gold at that!
  4. I knew it, thank you for confirmation!
  5. ….yeah… thank you for your input. We will take it in to consideration. So how many factories do you run at chance of legendary and how many have you got in the last 45 days?
  6. I have been farming BB insane for about three years at that drop rate. Not sure if the drops are dictated by whimsical fortunes of luck so much as human dictated, quantifiable parameters… but yeah maybe I just am having “bad luck.”
  7. Has anyone else not gotten a legendary from base in ~45days? I ran two factories with chance of legendary. Normally I’d get a legendary 1/10 cards (about once every 15 days). I just went a little over 45 days without a legendary… went ahead and changed those two factories to other cards.
  8. Has anyone else experienced a long run without a legendary drop from big boy insane? I use to get one about every three weeks. It has been over five weeks without one at a pretty heavy farm rate.
  9. Perhaps the answer lies within the question itself.
  10. Lol yes I was a top 10 player before we had item upgrades and before you came along!!!
  11. Fordekash


    Totally agree. I have played since 2012 and can’t remember such a long time without any change (for better or worse).
  12. That was a shot from Thursday. I did get beat down pretty hard on Friday. Only about 80 positions. Still seems like plenty of people are missing
  13. You need dual frantics.. maybe even triple frantics!!!!
  14. Well congratulations! Please don’t let me answer down play you success. It appears we have lost 150+ of the people who normally rank r5+. Take a look at my rank yesterday. R2 one star put me at position 79. Normally r2 one star placed me at like 250ish. Matchups are taking a very long time as well.
  15. My gauge has become how long it takes to get a match in the arena. And yes it takes waaaaaaaay longer now. At r3 zero stars or r4 high stars I have to fight r1-2 players. there is way less people r5-3 it sucks
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