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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. They will both work! I’d do windgo first and use him on your heat mech. Lose the scope if you get too heavy
  2. Oh this game could be fun! Please keep it going!!!
  3. Does anyone remember when Gato Games took over? I feel like it has been a about a year but my memory is terrible!
  4. Drone is a great one! Do you ever feel sorry for your drone or worry it will be mad at you for using it as a missile?
  5. What is your favorite finish move? I love the sword finish when I have one. Otherwise I go with the crush move!
  6. I can confirm that all three of these builds are verified META.
  7. Pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing
  8. I lost two arena stars and also had done my five daily wins but had to do the fifth win again when the server came back. Anyone else los arena progresses?
  9. Maybe best deal ever. I got it and am very happy!
  10. Well… game still isn’t gone so… what is the next prediction? New items? New base? Reboot?
  11. I am pretty sure those are all top notch at least the weapons load out. Should run r5-3 no problem… well at least those set ups kick my butt at those ranks
  12. Wait my idea or the original one? I’m certain cow and poop emoji skins would be loved by all?
  13. I mean if we are asking for skins how about poop emoji and puke enjoy ones? No cancel that! Cow emoji and poop emoji. So when they meet at position 1 it will look like the cow is pooping? oh boy I’m chuckling… I’ll never mature
  14. Came across this guy. Definitely old school items!
  15. the painted ones were my favorites. This was the first stage of upgrading items.
  16. This is my favorite build. I ran it for a very long time. dream builds in order cleaver name hugger, dual valiant, dual spartan
  17. Not a football fan but love hanging out with friends as an excuse for watching it. Go Broncos!
  18. If the purpose of the arena is to win, by that logic should we call them winners and not counters?
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