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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. This might be the best thread going right now!!
  2. We also got the loser box despite blowing the other clan away.
  3. Can’t you just send something to the past to correct this error before it happens?
  4. Did anyone get their clan reward today? I did not. also, we’re you automatically joined to the new war today? does this seem normal or feel like a big?
  5. Lol well that is quite the system. I still think the night rider method is better !
  6. So for me at R5-3… I have to say boosting has zero effect on me . If I make top 100 on a weekly basis (not going happen) then maybe It will matter. otherwise tanks to everyone for education me!
  7. lol OD that was my initial thought!
  8. I’ll stick to the old fashion fighting way I suppose. Seems like a lot of extra work.
  9. Ahh and this explains how some top guys have no replays! Thank you for explaining. Well that doesn’t fun at all. especially if you own three accounts already at the top of R1!
  10. I’d say it is definitely the weekends 12-5pm est. I also have fast match ups in this time slot on Fridays as I think every is doing the last push for the arena season
  11. Soooo you just coordinate with another player or second account to click the fight button at the same time? seems like the looser would quickly fall out of rank one and this would prevent any significant gains by the winner?
  12. People often use the term “boosting” to describe how top players stay at the top. i just have to know. What the heck is boosting? Is boosting even a real thing? If so, why doesn’t everyone boost?
  13. A) the heat drainer was created first. When yellow and blue were created they beefed them up and forgot to retrofit the red one. B) they hate heat weapons because they are stupid. C) typo by the outsourced coder and the contract did not include corrections. D) different people in charge of creating each one and didn’t talk to each other. E) do they all weigh the same????
  14. OD, I did two days of big boy insane and got this. I’ll stick to big boy for the month!
  15. Seems to be the case with the few people I have talked to. Same reports of no more legendary drops. im going to try some different places to Fram and will you and the others know if I land a legendary drop!
  16. OD have have your farming drops been lately? I feel like I’m not getting legendary drops anymore from campaign farming.
  17. What five items do you want the most? I’ll get us started! quad core boosters Platinum plates sorrows shockwave Legendary divine relics
  18. Nope. Did you confirm the charge is showing on your payment method? Bank account or credit card?
  19. Hmmm it looks like I may have learned something today. Does everyone agree it’s only 35k to max the blue kit??? Seems like it may be worth upgrading the common kit
  20. Use common and rare items to fill them to max power. Do not up grade the power kit once it is full. Then use the power kit to upgrade a item like torso or weapons etc.. I think there are plenty of post out there but a common power kit uses something like 8800 points to max out then gives you 10000 points to apply to upgrading items. If you then upgrade the maxed power kit yo go from 10000k back down to 5000 so don’t do it!
  21. Man the end of an era! Well enjoy all the free time you will have!!!
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