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Posts posted by Fordekash

  1. 9 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

    Gato Games does not own the game outright. The copyright still belongs to Tacticsoft. This is why Gato can not make any major changes, such as an update. Basically, Gato is leasing the game from Tacticsoft. They can make subtle changes, fix coding, and errors etc., and turn a profit, but still have to pay royalties to Tacticsoft.  Until Gato Games purchases the copyright, the game, as a whole, will remain the same.

    Now this makes some sense! It would explain why the last rebalance happened right after GG came in to the picture and TS was still there.


    not sure if if it is true? I can’t seem to find a trace of TS on the web anymore?


  2. Or did I just get weaker?


    is there more people playing now because of summer vacation?

    have the best items just been obtained by the masses but not me?

    did I always suck and was just lucky to hit r2 with only 30 wins?

    has there been a rebalance and I missed the news?

    none of the above and I just had bad luck?

    seems like there has been a huge shift in what it take to win for me. Anyone else having a hard time getting r3?

  3. Just checking if I missed anything as far as updates or news in the last six months? 

    I do follow the news blog but am not sure if I did it correctly 🤷‍♂️.

    buffs/drop rates/rebalance/insight on details such as arena points, raid scores, best place to farm etc?


    lol reason why my profile picture changed?

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