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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. yellow monkey is the worst out of the three. i'd usually keep it, but don't use it cus it's pretty trash. 

    btw, what were you gona food it for anyways?

  2. if you only have room for 2 fortresses, i recommend you use a matrix. honestly, kinda pointless having that much heat stats if you aren't gona use it... properly. kinda a waste since not everyone you see is a boiler. even tho near 800 cap with 400 regen is a lot, but a few valiants + broken emp + drone can drain that if you actually face a real energy mech. 

    if you take off both fortresses for a matrix, use that extra room and get a hot flash while taking off a malice. 

  3. On 2/3/2022 at 6:38 PM, Zutchse said:

    Everyone can also like a game and still give a negative review about it. It's not always "I like the game = I give positive review about it." That's why there's positive and negative reviews, to see other people's view and opinions and improve the game based on what player-base wants and make them stay longer.

    you kinda sound like you are negating yourself...... don't get me wrong, i get what you're saying.

    the thing is tho, if you like a game, there's got to be something in the game that you like about. that what reviews are for. for people to point out what they like if they like the game, and what they don't like if they dislike the game. 

    if you say you like the game, but only points out the bad spots, it could be thought of as a critic. but that is often taken in a negative way.  

    if you truly like the game, why would you want to say bad things about it and ruin it's name? it's like shooting yourself in the foot. 
    (搬起石头砸自己的脚)........chinese because i don't think the translation really got to the same point. go figure. 

    14 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    I've already given a review of this game.

    where do you go for that? google play? 

  4. 10 hours ago, Electro said:

    The last one have only premium items ( l - m ) legendary items for a price of 1200 .

    might get more stuff if you just buy a 1k token deal. just saying. 

    if your luck is good, you might get some stuff more valuable than just 1 guarenteed l-m. 

    other 200 tokens can be saved for other stuff. 

  5. 21 hours ago, Electro said:

    L - M

    Ejection blast

    Purifier ( remove* this one off the list )

    ( * edit : how auto corrector replace "remove" by "strike" anyway i sorry for that ..)

    Rock polisher


    Disintegration ( a backfire version of annihilation )

    Dark eagle

    ( Edit : excuse me i forgot top weapon )

    Spartan carnage 

    Distance shreeder

    Cockpit piercer 


    how can you forget mercy??? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


    @Spoon, you are really starting to sound like me when I was in middle school. (only 2 years ago). 

    I've basically been lonely my whole life (lonely as in no friends). I have a brother, but he don't really understand me. the rest of my family "almost" think i live in a separate dimension from them.... almost. I had a friend in elementary school, but he moved away after 5th grade. everyday of high school, i'm surrounded by my elementary and middle school classmates and "friends" (quotes because they don't really count). I'm surrounded by them, but i don't feel any bit close to them. in fact, i feel like i'm getting more lonely... like having something placed right in front of you, but just can't reach it... like Tantalus (greek myth). 

    if you have private gmail address, i free for chats. google chat is the only avaliable form of messaging i can use because my school computer have some limits. I'm on my private pc rn, so i can use discord and forum. but i can only get on my private pc from around 8-10 pm (Pacific Standard Time) and probably not everyday. I'm on my school pc everyday and i don't have a phone... yet. getting one this summer. 

    dm me if you are interested. (like private message on forum). or dm in discord. i'm in the SM server. 

  6. 1 minute ago, kaiko said:

    when u used all ur short range weapons

    right. and here, i'll say this again. 

    phys weapons are meant to kill, hence the high dmg compared to most other energy or heat weapons. 

    3 uses for 2-3 dmg dealing weapons... around 6-9 300-400 dmg blows along with a 300-400 dmg drone is plenty to kill the enemy. 

  7. 1 minute ago, kaiko said:

    -Setting a minimum rank / requirement to start trading 
    -items have net worth so you cant trade something to another item thats not the same net worth 
    -region maybe?(eh ignore this)
    -and probably gold for trading (use the existing gold / or have another currency to limit trading aswell)

    none of this prevents the player from trading between his/her main and alt accounts and compiling all the goodies into one account. 

    1 minute ago, kaiko said:

    -and probably gold for trading (use the existing gold / or have another currency to limit trading aswell)

    now, if i'm not mistaken, you want a system to sell items..... right? for gold? not trade, like item to item. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Tigergeezer said:


    i played battledawn for a few weeks a while back. it's graphics are not nearly as good as SM and the newbie/intro guide is kinda confusing tbh. took me about 2 hours to figure out how everything worked. the only thing i understood from the intro guide was that tokens were blue. 

    i quit after a few weeks since it got too jumbled up in my brain... and shortly after that, i lost my password so i never really went back to it. 

  9. is there a specific limit to what can be put into the forum display name box? 

    i know cuss words and other racist or inappropriate words aren't allowed, but when i tried to add some carrots to my display name, it gave me an error. 


  10. 23 minutes ago, Electro said:

    The 2 Torso that are better than this are :

    - Rusty energy armor 

    - Lightning platinium vest

    i dont have blue monkey, from my experience with red monkey......it won't be real good. 

    i did attempt an energy mech with my blue vest... it worked, but not as well as i thought it would. (note: i used to use lvl 40 legendary grim reaper, so that was still a big jump)

    but, those divine naga stats does look pretty tempting. and i already have a lvl 40 naga i can transform and max. 

  11. 13 hours ago, crimson_the_hybrid said:

    but what about drone, would i replace that with Selfish Guardian instead of tonto?

    honestly, i think 2.2k hp is enough for backfire drones .... or at least for the level of that mech and how far it can go. 

    this should be good. you can switch the extra energy boost for a cooling booster if you want, but i think you are weaker in energy stats so i put that there. or you can get a teleport. 


    12 hours ago, Electro said:

    i don't have enought experience to confim this but is look not bad ( could better to replace the frantic by a night eagle )

    here's my take on nighteagle. if you play by brains, it'll be good. but it does lack some dmg when fighting res tanks. 

    if you play by brute force like "most" lower ranked peeps who use phys mechs, frantic might be better due to absolute dmg. if you max phys dmg in arena, there's a pretty high change the frantic will do dmg on it's higher end instead of lower end. (at least of me)

  12. 1 hour ago, Electro said:

    maybe it's a grapic bug and the game forgot to display the button to collect the gold .

    it's not the button thing. when you click on the gold mine, there's a collect button, and that's where i get my gold. the amount is usually about 20 gold per mine. which is about right for 1 minute. the gold stack button don't even appear because the amount is too low. 

  13. This is kinda hard to explain..... and impossible to get a screenshot of because of the way the problem occurs. 

    Basically, it's when I log in, go to base to grab free gold.... and see that there's nothing there. like someone just collected it the moment before i went online. 

    I'm 99.99% sure my account isn't hacked because grabbing gold like that will be pretty hard and my account have some pretty good stuff on it so if it did get hacked, why didn't the hacker just take the account whole........

    Anyways, this isn't an everyday thing, but it does show up once or twice a month. I've been having this problem for a few months now. ...... basically ever since i maxed my gold mines (about 6 months ago)

    I hope there's a fix... or maybe not. i can live with it.

    just want to know what is happening and whether this is a me-problem or other people also have this. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, crimson_the_hybrid said:

    in my current build i need the hammer for recoil, but rock recoiler will fix that, and the nightfalls will fix my range issue

    is the reason why you make a new topic every time you update you future mech to get attention or something?? there's no need to do that. just keep posting on the same topic. 

    Reckless beam is completely unnecessary. neither is that many weapons. drop reckless for a annihilation in case you run out of energy. 

    phys weapons are meant to kill and serve no other purpose (not like boiling or draining). they are pure dmg. usually, a drone and 2-3 dmg dealing weapons (res drainers don't count) can kill the enemy just fine. even if you run out of uses like when facing someone with 4k hp, the drone can still cover while stomping the enemy to death. 

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