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Exquisite Phosphorus

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Exquisite Phosphorus

  1. Depend on your mech, if it is a phys mech, use stone feet. Heat mech, use devouring paws. But you should use stone feet if you can't get devouring paws to legendary, have the weight for it and it also give a bit of phys resistance.
  2. Well the colour of it have yellow but if you look in the background of the item(in inventory or upgrade screen) its red so its a heat torso. If you still don't believe, check in WU. Its classified as heat.
  3. But thats what the emp is for, draining large quantities of energy. Most lower rank player have about 300 to 500 energy and heat, thats 1 emp and a malice beam and boom you're drained.
  4. Yoo that thing. I have seen it. Its a gigantic shovel
  5. If I remember correctly, paints have no effect on stats(keep in mind, I barely have a mind)
  6. I seem to have no problem(keep in mind I am blind)
  7. You should put armor breaker and another vandal there. That would be op energy free but underestimated. Also I did get one hybrid energy cannon but the rest is just food. Kinda disappointed I didn't get good stuff(I could really use engines and cooling booster right now)
  8. EMP is a pain in the neck for lower rank already, clearly you are only talking for high ranker. What do you think would happen to lower rank? Yes full of energy mechs but then why do the other types even exist? Im using heat mech THAT REQUIRE ENERGY and the current emp is already OP in lower rank. I DISAGREE WITH THIS PLEASE DO NOT BUFF EMP. Energy already to extra damage when drained. Thats huge just STAHP
  9. Avenger have a little more health than windigo but avenger have garbage cooling and regen and heat, energy cap. Better go for windigo. I think it can reach 1k hp when legendary level 40. Also same with battery torso. Garbage cooling and regen, but high cap but with extreme heat build, not good enough.
  10. Yes range gap is a huge advantage for enemy. They force you to lose a turn to get in weapons range or if you are smart, you shutdown.
  11. Not much. Im trying to max my windigo, I got quad core booster and plasma fortress that I use for extra hp.
  12. I wanna know this because I don't want to wait 3 minutes just to find a match and its too powerful(guaranteed lose) that I quit and boom 3 minutes wasted lol.(I could totally understand how this could be sensitive information)
  13. Thats like perfect for suicide phys build(all backfire weapons like : lazy falcon, vulcan, rock polisher, unrepaired laser cannon, etc.) Its most likely going to die, but at least you get the satisfaction of slapping CHUNKS of the enemy's hp away using your own chunks.(lol)
  14. Why when I click the mass boost auto select upgrade thing when boosting a level 1 common kit, and I have other level 20(blue) kit, IT SELECT THAT BLUE LEVEL 20 KIT(50k boost power) to upgrade a common kit that only need about 7k boost power? I have accidentally boost my kits like this AND IT IS FRUSTRATING. Please fix this.(also rip to all the others that also accidentally boost stuff like this)
  15. Probably torso as it give the most hp improvement. And it also improve heat and energy cap every upgrade. Cooling and regen only improve when it transform into its next rarity. Then upgrade weapons and when you think its good enough for your rank, upgrade legs for extra hp.
  16. Replace broken devourer with recoiler. You will have to give up something to fit the recoiler (magma recoiler weight is 66, pretty heavy but compared to the 86kg reckoning(energy-free), its not bad)
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