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Exquisite Phosphorus

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Exquisite Phosphorus

  1. If you do play it, can I see your hangar? Im very curious.
  2. I don't know how you guys play but energy mechs is not balanced in lower rank. They make your heat and phys mech that use energy look like a piece of shit. I am really tired of quitting battles because I can't win, so I decided to quit and go back to playing war robots(LoL).
  3. 1. Use windigo it have better stats 2. Improve cooling, regen, energy and heat cap because thats easy to energy break or shutdown 3. Mind showing your drone and weapon level?
  4. Is the energy free backfire scope the worst or is it good?
  5. So Im wondering if crafting common card is better than crafting quick common cards. Quick common cards is double the cost of common cards but craft 3 times faster, so which one is better to go for?
  6. So basically if I want a boiler mech, use swoop. If I want a damage heat mech, use flame spear. Got it.
  7. Is flame spear better than swoop? Fortune boxes is giving me some really good drones this month!
  8. I thought Im alone but you also see it, I thought it was normal
  9. You know, my mythical swoop and corrupt light could easily shut both of that down. You need at least 200 cooling and regen to reach rank 11.
  10. BE PATIENT. while you wait, you can grind coins for the silver box
  11. Wait so when its Christmas, drop rate is increased? Well I better get more prem box and open when christmas.
  12. MPV is meta torso cause it have high phys resist
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