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Everything posted by Spam

  1. Gato Games might but not tatisoft.
  2. I just saw this after wondering what happened to this topic, but I think this is a good idea as long as it uses them without killing itself. But sm does need a little more than just bot improvement, the campaign story and campaign modes could use a buff and I saw an idea in the old forum about making side missions refresh every season and it seemed good as at the beginning of the game campaign is the main source of tokens and adding something like this is better for f2p's. I was just on the forum minding my own business, then the Smoky Coal Bear ad plays out of nowhere, I went to the tab to investigate and found out that the campaign mission I started a hour or so ago wasn't finished. So maybe making it so that campaign missions go on even when you are another tabs would be nice, also when you mute the music and sound, it should mute the ads so people don't get a heart attack. edit: it happened again, at this point I'm just giving them free money.
  3. So your saying its wrong for sm to make money off others like every other video game? Also what about the sm team they still need money and they're also human.
  4. I don't know, maybe the power kits, gold, common to legendary cards, an easy way to get power kits, cheap commons and if you do the math you'll find that 4,000 coins for 4 cards that are all common are better that 4 card that are mostly common or rare and costs 7,500 coins. Also base got a buff recently that made silver boxes pretty much obsolete. I get 1200 gold per hour with a level 14 gold mine and a level 15 base and if you do the math I get 84,000 gold per hour with 3 level 14 gold mines, so a max base which is 6 levels higher can only produce 150 more gold? That hard to believe.
  5. so it's a cooler heavier 2 use grappling hook. Also ditching the back fire would be good It wouldn't make sense because the grapple can't let go while pulling or the person would ram into you.
  6. so it pulls the person in after pushing them?
  7. Base is and always was better in the long run
  8. This is my reason why this could have no energy cost(its from Sawzall's emp slight buff thread, or your thread) I think a Harpoon would make more sense if it were to bring you to the enemy but a hammer would make more sense to push the enemy away by 1 well you can walk without energy hows that possible?
  9. Guns don't use energy in real life, they use a gunpowder explosion to propel them so maybe this would to.
  10. It was a joke, but it does kind of make sense. Take it like this energy weapons have batteries(which makes them heavier) so they can shoot out energy(energy can be taken away by energy) some energy weapons have no energy cost because they make their own energy that's why they generate heat and still weigh more. oh ok
  11. They are heavy because they have their own batteries, also EMP does more damage if the opponent is energy drained and ignores res.
  12. In high ranks, yes but in low ranks energy is to strong and even though buffing it would make it better in high ranks it would make it harder to beat in low ranks.
  13. I have just realized that some people have done 200,000 damage in 1 turn to the titan
  14. first of throwing axes exist. Also pretty much no one likes backfire and this has no use.
  15. they probably forgot to remove it, it is nice though
  16. Weird Idea: transforming divine E-Ms into there L-M counter parts, because its hard to get L-Ms. How this would work: you get the divine E-M you want to make into an L-M and combine it with a legendary power kit and transform it for a certain amount of coins.
  17. exactly, especially energy weapons because they have better drain than heat counterparts(usually)
  18. go to the meta thread and pretend that the lpv is a mpv
  19. a common power kit at level 1 has 1200 boost power combining another common level 1 powerkit will boost the boost power by 1400 boost power so you get a better power kit and the sacrifice is worth it.
  20. I once fused a molten platinum vest to myth a savagery, i've regretted it ever since...
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